Is that opposition? Feel free to PM me if not.
I haven't removed any prisoners, merely mentioned they were dead and went along with the logical angle of things failing after eons of operation. It's possible there still are prisoner's on the planet, but what I've written was from the PoV of the Alliance - meaning that there's plenty about the world they occupy that's still unknown to them. Just because I have written that there are no prisoners, doesn't mean that the Alliance or the SIS removed them.
As for metagaming and powergaming? If anything, I'm infringing on the latter rather than the former - I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the cause of such confusion comes from the lack of listed opposition. Which means, to me, I'm kinda hamstrung as to determining the exact size of the opposing force as all I have to go off of is "Fleet," an operative term in and of itself that I shall ask you to amend. We've listed our defenses, it's only fair if we meet half way. You've also NPC'd the planet's defenses and broke through the cordon, I haven't called you on that as that essentially Powergaming as well. Nevertheless, to that end, I'll edit my post and leave it slightly more vague. Respond as you like, but please call appropriate damage.
Now, metagaming? The only way to reach Belsavis is to go through a hefty chunk of Alliance-held space - it's not metgaming to describe the multi-faceted and functional universe outside of the secular engagement thread. If you mentioned a more stealthy approach, I would've written a response that would've reflected that.