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Character Benaiah Maquis

Benaiah Maquis

Full NameBenaiah Maquis
Age24 Years
RankRebel Fighter
FactionTingel Arm Coalition
HomeRaxus Secundus
Force SensitiveNo
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorGray
Skin ColorWhite

Benaiah was born into the proud Maquis family with strong connections to Raxus for generations since before the Clone Wars. Originally he was a sickly child and struggled immensely. His parents, especially his father, worked with their son to improve himself so that Benaiah became more healthy in both body and spirit by age fourteen. Moreover they instilled him with a strong sense of duty as a Maquis to their people and fierce love for their homeworld.

Turning seventeen and to the surprise of many except his parents Benaiah joined Raxus' military. Following basic training he excelled as a scout due extensive time in the wilderness outside the Maquis estate since childhood. Benaiah served in multiple deployments against offworld raiders and local insurgents. Years later it was during one patrol with his squad at night that they were ambushed by dark side cultists. All of Benaiah's squadmates were slaughtered despite their best efforts and he only survived by pretending to be dead but that night will always haunt him.

More tragedy followed as Maquis' father, Jabesh a community leader, was framed by a political rival and thereby locked in prison under false charge of treason. Benaiah fought the charges to free his old man but their effort was sabotaged and Jabesh 'mysteriously' fell ill and died. Soon enough the entire estate was confiscated in the name of the government by the same rival turned official. Outraged, the young heir investigated the situation, discovering his father's rival was a pro Imperial sympathizer. Upon trying to expose the real traitor Benaiah was nearly killed in an assassination attempt but it did take lives of his mother, Jeane and fiancé, Shaili.

Weeks later with his kin(those able to) and loyal former servants he stormed the stolen Maquis estate. The skirmish was a brutal affair but in the end Benaiah finally slew the man who grieved his family so much and torched the house rather than let it fall into enemy hands again. Still they had to abandon their beloved Raxus for the time being. The Maquis loyalists became a small desperate resistance unit, operating independently around the Raxus system until now. Upon watching Solarus Fynch's call to arms the Maquis cell answered, fully intending to join this new coalition.

  • + Skilled Marksman
  • + Talented Tracker
  • + Military/Wilderness Training
  • + Highly Determined

  • - Speaks only Basic and only understands that and Droidspeak
  • - Mostly ignorant of most cultures outside Raxus
  • - Repeatedly suffers survivor's guilt
  • - Fears dark side wielders

OOC: Full credit for the div template goes to Kitter Bitters
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