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Approved Tech Beneficial Robust Universal Helper (B.R.U.H)

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Heart Breaker and Life Taker


  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: Light
  • Height: Small
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments: Thermal detonators, E-5 Blaster pistol, E-5 Blaster Rifle, Sniper Rifle
  • Misc. Equipment: N/A
  • Resistances
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • Other: EMP/Ion: Low
  • The droid has good aim both with its grenades and its blaster
  • With an Advanced Locomotor, the BRUH can run faster. wall run and jump at great heights.
  • With an advanced Droid Brain, the BRUH can make complex, on the fly tactical decisions during battle potentially surprising an unassuming army.
  • Drawing from the Pit Droid, Hilal designed the BRUH to carry objects many times their size. They can also assist in creating racers or Starships.
  • The droid's system is easily hacked
  • The BRUH is fragile, it doesn't take many hits for it to be destroyed.

Along with the D.U.M, Hilal has created the B.R.U.H to compliment the lumbering Droid envisioning the Droids to be cheap but an effective fighting force. Drawing inspiration from the Pit Droids, Hilal made sure that the BRUH was as versatile as possible to compensate for its small and fragile stature. She made sure that the BRUH was smarter and more self-sufficient than an average Battle Droid while providing them with the necessary tools such as an advanced locomotive system to have it outrun and outjump people while overwhelming them with superior numbers. While Hilal originally created the BRUH for her people, she is willing to sell it off to other clients who need a Droid army in a pitch.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Simple and solid. However found some problems:
  • Please specify a company that manufactures these droids. It is not realistic and impossible that your character can produce thousands or millions of droids by her own. If you don't have own company you can write the Enclave as the Manufacturer.
  • Your ratings are underpowered (-4), if you want, you can edit this.
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