Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Benjamin Cassidy

~ Benjamin Cassidy ~
FACTION: The Order of the Silver Jedi.
RANK: Private, Antarian Ranger.
HOMEWORLD: Drogheda.
AGE: Early Thirties.
HEIGHT: 6ft.
WEIGHT: 95kg’s.
EYES: Brown.
HAIR: Dark Brown.
SKIN: Caucasian.

  • Gunslinger: Benjamin Cassidy is a crack shot with close to mid-range firearms.
  • Mixed Morality: One to fight for the little people, and raise the finger to the powerful.
  • Average Joe: Benny's a Non-Force User, and not an overly exceptional one at that.
  • Outlaw Charm: Not much of a fan when it comes to the law, at times causing more trouble for himself and others than necessary.


Benjamin Cassidy's not your average Spacer, though by his appearance, first impressions might not be all that awe-inspiring. The term "rough around the edges" certainly applies to this gunslinger, whose clothes are often worn, torn and smelling of dense cigarro smoke. In some cases, the odd hole from a hear trimming blaster bolt, or a slash from someone's overly enthusiastic aggression, often influenced by the man's silver tongued charm.

Benjamin's most common attire consists of his favorite all-time drifter hat, his leather duster coat, dark worn jeans, everyday collared shirt and preachers boots equipped with a set of silver spurs for that personal western touch. Always holstered upon either side, are his dual revolving six-shooters with additional ammunition slung across his torso via the bandoleer for his choice of primary fire-arm (Blaster Rifle or Slug-thrower). Whether for recreational or combatant use, Benjamin also carries a hunting knife on his right hip behind one of his side-arms.


Born on the world of Drogheda, Benjamin's parents migrated there from before his time and didn't fair any better during his younger years, his father abandoning he and his mother to fend for themselves. Due to a lack of credits, Benjamin didn't receive much in the ways of an education and at the earliest age and convenience, he was sent to work the mines in order to help pay for he and his mothers way in the world.

Feeling scorned by life and your run-of-the-mill bad luck, Benny found his way into petty crime in his teen-aged years, resorting to theft for every bit of short change he could get his hands on, eventually winding up in the sights of the law. After an exceptionally bad night, a robbery gone wrong landed him in a cell for the next ten years before he was let out on parole. Returning to his childhood home, he discovered his mother to have left and his home vacated of all their belongings. By this time, the Order of the Silver Jedi had reached Drogheda, standing vigil over the world from those whom might take advantage of it's rich ore.

A few years of freedom and Benjamin's face was on the wall of wanted men under charges of assault, with intent to kill. Discovered not by the local law but instead by a group of Antarian Rangers on a training run, Benjamin talked his way into becoming their guide for the duration of their time on Drogheda, a job that earned him a ride off-world and unintentionally being carried up into the ranks of the Silver Order's ground forces in order to escape prosecution on his home-world.

When asked of his home-world nowadays, he claims to have been a drifter before the Rangers found a need for his skills, going from place to place with no real home nor place to call his own.

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