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Approved NPC Benjamin Comsky

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Intent: Provide more information on President Troste's personal Ship Captain
​Image Credit: Halo 4 - Captain Delrio by Kyle Hefley
Role: Personal Ship Captain of President Trostes Private Imperial-class Frigate
Links: Uncommon Complications


Age: 51
Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
Species: Human
Appearance: Comsky usually wears his uniform, even going home. While he is rarely home, he will dress down while at home or at events not associated with Kuat Drive Yards in any way. While his age does show as the years go by, he does not look like a crippled man as of yet.


Name: Captain Benjamin Comsky, Promoted from Officer after the destruction of the original Kuat Orbital Array
Loyalties: [member="Ferron Troste"]
Wealth: Comsky holds a minuscule share in Kuat Drive Yards, and holds enough wealth to provide for him and his family. He is not a big spender, leaving his wife to spending what they need for the house while he sticks to his day job alongside President Troste
Notable Possessions: While President Troste has claims on the private Imperial-class Frigate Comsky commands, Troste has entrusted its legal ownership to Comsky. He also owns a modest family home on Kuat, along with some other perks to that of home ownership (A speeder, home appliances, holonet connections, etc). He is especially fond of his old X-34 Landspeeder he keeps locked away while he rebuilds it in his spare time.
Skills: Weapons Training, Combat Training, Admirals Academy, Officer Training, Captain Experience, Amateur/Hobbyist Engineer
Personality: Comsky is quite friendly, as a 'by the book' kind of man. He is respectful to those he does not know, he listens, and even freely offers kind advise should the situation arise. But he is not a softy, he is stern with those under him.


Weapon of Choice: KDY Military-issue blaster, starships
Combat Function: Comsky is very effective with a conbat blaster pistol. While he is efficient in rifles, as well, the most combat he would be seen in is ship-to-ship combat. Also as an Amateur/Hobbyist Engineer, he may be able to play a support role in activating shields, jerry rigging traps, and other mechanisms to stop or slow an assailant.


Comsky was originally an officer with Kuat Drive Yards, surviving the fall of Kuat Orbital Array, and struggling through the collapse of Kuat Economy during the hard times, trying to keep his family above the economical waters of drowning. He has had two sons and a daughter while working for Kuat Drive Yards, all the way to the new President. When KDY came into the new and aspiring hands of Ferron Troste, Comsky was promoted to Captain so as to be Trostes personal Captain. He rarely ever leaves the Presidents Imperial-class Frigate, actually living on board, while home being his vacation time.
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