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Approved NPC Benji Idiro

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Name: Benji Idiro
Loyalties: Draco Vereen
Role: Engineer and Weapons/Technology Designer
Development Threads: Here and Here
Age: 70
Species: Duros
Gender: Male
Force-Sensitive: No Force-Sensitivity
Appearance: Benji appears to be an elderly Duros with paling blue skin and noticeable wrinkles on his face. He has red eyes, but despite this he seems to look kindly and trustworthy. He normally wears simple trousers, long sleeve shirts, and a vest with lots of pockets for his tools, pins, and pieces of flimsi.
Personality: Benji fancies himself a practical joker, often with pranks with the threat of serious injury, regardless of his loyalties (IE he sicked a Droid on me for “Science”)
Weapon of Choice: He stays out of combat. The things he makes does his fighting
Wealth: He is well-off (Upper Class) He is a retired Engineer and Weapons Designer from Merr-Sonn looking to get back in the game after a few years hiatus.
Combat Function: He has no Direct Combat Function (If he were included he would be a liability not an asset). He is inexperienced with using weapons, and while he can pull the trigger, aiming and hitting is another matter entirely. Due to his advanced age he is rather frail and weak, as well as having lost most of his endurance.
Skills: Engineering, Weapons Tech, Armor Tech, Minor Programming abilities
Notable Possessions: He has a house, Small Warehouse with some vacant office space, and a testing arena near Bin Prime on Balmorra.
Other Notes: Benji worked with Merr-Sonn as a weapons designer and engineer for twenty years, a chief engineer for a research and development location for eight years, and a Project Manager for Research and Development for twelve years. He was well paid and frugal with his accumulated wealth, intending to live in retire for a long time. He retired at 65 and spent two years on perpetual vacation before returning to his home on Balmorra. After a year of simple retirement he became bored and was looking to return to work, however Merr-Sonn denied renewing his position and refuse to allow him to return to work. He began filling his time doing odd jobs for friends and allies such as refurbishing old equipment and designing the occasional piece of tech. He met Draco Vereen, who was recommended to him, two years ago and the two took a liking to each other right away. Draco provided work that was actually stimulating for him, and in return Draco received powerful tech to use in the field. The two began talking about opening their own shop and working it into a minor company, something that would benefit them both in the way of credits, gratification for Benji, and more expensive tech for Draco.
[member="Draco Vereen"]

I actually don't know why the not-applicable part is in the example for the template, for force sensitivity. Do me a favor - if he's not force sensitive, just say that in the sub (not-applicable leaves a lot of mystery in there). Once that is done, we are good to go as I can find no other issues. Thanks.
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