Blake Morrigan
The Nightraven

| [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] |
Her days always started slow now, never did they start late...not anymore - She awoke at the first signs of light, which was to say at the crack of dawn. The early risers tended to prepare themselves quickly and leave early to do their duties. She would not follow them in their rituals of daily normality. The air in this station was cold, it bit at her nostrils and clung to her skin. The artificial lighting of this place never providing the warmth she so desperately desired...
Silver eyes flickered and flared...this was part of her own private ritual. So many steps she'd learned in her all too depressing life, things designed to keep her healthy in body, soul, and mind. Ever since she was young, still on her mother's teat, she'd practiced certain techniques. It was an act of balance, an equalizer. She stuck to routine as often as she could, an upstart threatened much worse than a bad start to a day.
The girls heart beat differently than others if at all. She'd known this almost as soon as she began to have conscious thought. Her mother was a rock, her heart beat was steady and slow. As early as she could remember, she could remember sinking into the sound of it, wrapping herself in the comfort of her life-giving breath. Back then, she took every opportunity that presented itself to fall asleep with her head cradled against her bosom. The thought of seeming childish never entered her mind.
Each morning she sank into herself the way she had sunk into her mother. Her breathing grew slow, controlled. Each breath was deep, filling her chest cavity to capacity. She held her breath for several seconds before slowly exhaling, looking inward. Her heart beat was hollow... but still powered the weak body she called her own. The beats were slow...blank...and cold, the sound not as deep and robust as she yearned it to be. There was a slosh, always a worry, blood leaking from where it was meant to be. Every morning she felt unsettled. Her heart was cold and the blood that ran through her veins were made of ice...but she would not let that change her. Not in the slightest.
'This is me.' was the thought, 'And I can be as strong as I want.'
Her heart agreed, compromising on a steady if weak beat. Satisfied, she pulled himself back to the present, her breathing slowly returning to normal. Her light bright silver eyes opened, greeting the small collection of beings who seemed to populate the space stations tavern...and as she ran her hands over her face and pulled her messy strands of hair back into place Blake sighed tiredly...she had been here for about a full day and a half now...brought to this place after bounty hunters had begun chasing her on her homeworld Ke'lai...after the...incident with her government. The memory made the girl shrink in her seat a bit, pulling her red scarf up and over her mouth nervously.
She tried to avoid places with to many people walking around...luckily this place had a random tavern that did not seem to get a whole lot of traffic that she could hang out it. Sitting in the far back of the room at a booth with her back facing the rest of the room, Blake simply stared up at the Holovid News. Trying to decide what she was going to do next...while she appreciated the Shark creatures help from her dire situation on Ke'lai, fact of the matter was she was stranded out here in the middle of the Outer Rim...she did not own a ship, she had never flown before...and she certainly did not have the money to ask for a ride somewhere. And even she did where would she go? It seemed she had a real problem on her hands...
Either way, Blake ignored these problems for the time being, just trying to relax and calm herself down after a full day of having her life at risk 24/7.