Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Beowulf & Grendel

will you sink down to me?

Location: Dagobah, Outer Rim
Wearing: Rags

"When I was a child I truly loved:
Unthinking love as calm and deep
As the North Sea. But I have
And now I do not sleep."


Keziah pattered through the halls of Netra'yaim's West Wing positively as fast as her stubby little legs would carry her. It was no strange sight for the watercolored dracoaquarian to be about the halls, but rather to be moving quite so fast. Without her handler, to boot.

But it wasn't any revelation that House Verd's
Akaa'kalyr was away from the grounds. It had since about a week and a half ago been made common knowledge by herself that she had gone to the Outer Rim to bring a new beast back for Drake Den. She had gone alone. The purpose she spoke to could be appreciated, considering how she slept down in the her nest almost as much as she did up in her bed. It was a habit she might well have picked up otherwise, but surely it was hastened on by her six months' house incarceration.

Viscera fell from Damsy's chapped lips as the prolonged creak of a groan did. She stumbled to her feet, looking at the crimson-stained ground all the while. For a long few moments, she was what she had once been: a sithspawn cut from the Force and wavering on her cartilage legs.


The Lonely One weaved in between another Mandalorian's legs as he walked with his Sister. The sudden movement caused the man to almost trip as he realized a quartet of truths at once - something was in this way, that thing was Keziah, and he couldn't possibly step on her, as that would mean a certain maiming from Damsy. Fortunately for him, twofold, the small pet continued on unharmed and his Sister was able to catch him.

She rushed into the open door of a quarter she did not know. But surely if the door was open...? And if she had news about the Warmaster...?

Well, less news. More a sinking inkling. The dragonling conflated the terms.

Her tired head somehow rose. The thick, coagulation of all life painted her face. It was mopped around her nose, mouth, and eyes - rather, one eye; it was left to sealed the other, beaten and bruised by the beast while it had breathed its last, shut. She stepped over the accipiptero's spine in the next breath, before stepping foot onto the land's natural skin, grown bleached and cracked under the sun and nonexistent canopy. An upland, looking over the swampy jungles all around.

Somewhere down there, Damsy could smell pipe smoke. Earthy herbs, but much more importantly, prey.

:: H-help! ::

Keziah rarely spoke telepathically to anyone she didn't know, trust - because she was shy and had come to discover some sentient beings didn't take to kindly to the mind tingle that her intrusion so often caused - but today she had to be brave.

She simply had to.


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"....So sick of this bullchit!" Haastal growled through clenched teeth as he worked to pull his armored boot from a pit of muck and overgrowth. The Mandalorian had been on the planet of Dagobah for less than a few hours and already he'd gotten himself stuck in it's thick swamplands nearly seven times. He watched as his ankle sank deeper into the black-green waters in response to his struggle. "You know wh-" He cut himself off, pulling his blaster pistol from his waist and aiming down, turning his head back from the sight. Four shots echoed out in rapid succession and when Haastal looked back down enough of the growth had been blasted away now that he could feel his heel again. He cursed, pulling once again as the slippery suction of his boot being released could be heard.

With his boot free, yet covered in the black-green muck he was free to continue on with his own task. He sighed, tapping the side of his helmet so his TAC-light would come to life once again. The Mandalorian looked around, trying to find some semblance of what he had been searching for. "Stupid fethin' girl." He grumbled, holding his blaster at his waist while his eyes scanned the trees that surrounded him. He was referring to his Akaa'kalyr, Damsy Callat Damsy Callat who had been gone for far longer than was expected. Three days was the expected turn around for her journey, maybe four if she was really dragging her feet. She was over twice that timeframe now and nobody had been in communications with the girl for a week.

"House Verd looks after their own. We always ride for our family. I'd die for any of y-" He felt his foot slip back into another hole of muck as he was mocking the words often spoken by Darth Metus Darth Metus , specifically the ones that Isley spoke before dispatching Haastal to find Damsy. "Well your stupid ass ain't here now, are you?! Haar'chak!" He yelled blasting wildly down at the ground beneath him. He continued blasting until a massive rumbling erupted from under his feet. That was when the man froze, his eyes turning to the waters below. The Mandalorian cursed softly as he looked into the muck with uncertain hesitation. He hated swamps. Like really fething hated the damned things. He looked round before exhaling. "Screw this." The Mandalorian ran his hands over the button on his wrist, causing the jets on his jump pack to come to life.

The jets fired, propelling Haastal up and ripping his leg free of the muck.

Things got worse from there.

A tentacle like appendage shot out from the muck, wrapping around his leg and immediately throwing off his flight pattern. The Mandalorian's eyes went wide, glancing down at the beast in the waters that had a hold on him. "Force damn it!" He yelled, before aiming his blaster pistol down, firing a number of shots into the thick, murky waters. Whatever rested at the bottom of the swamp screamed out in pain or anger, probably both. The tentacle that had wrapped around Haastal flared wildly, swinging him around like a child's toy. He yelled out just before feeling a hard slam as his jump pack was crushed against a tree the beast had slammed him into. The pack sputtered, the jets failing as it fell from the man's back.

The pack fell into the swamp lifelessly as Haastal was swung about more. He brought his hands up as all manner of branches and even small wildlife became obstacles for him to be slammed into. He had never been more appreciative of his Beskar'gam before in his life. Eventually the beast released him, allowing him to fall onto the hard ground with a slam. For just a moment he laid still, wondering, perhaps even hoping, if he was dying. His body replied by allowing him access to every bit of pain that came from the beast's thrashing. He groaned audibly, rolling onto his back while reaching down for a pouch on his thigh. "Ok..." He said through pained grunts.

"Fun time is over." He breathed, pulling two thermal detonators from the pouch. He primed both of the devices before simply remaining propped up on he elbow. The waters before him stirred unevenly, sloshing about in such an unnatural way that it was apparent how massive the creature below was. Suddenly it rose from the depths, revealing a thick reptilian hide and a massive maw.

"Ugly karker, ain't ya?" Haastal muttered, before glancing down at his thermal detonators. The beast responded to Haastal's words by opening it's massive obsidian maw, letting out a massive roar of primal anger. Haastal sighed, tossing one of the detonator's at the beast's mouth. "Oh shut up!" He yelled before throwing the second one down the creature's throat. The beast continued to roar and hiss until finally Haastal was offered some closure. A massive explosion occurred within the beast's belly, burning it's organs and causing the beast to convulse in catatonic pain. Haastal laughed out as the beast screamed in agony. However, there was little respite because as the beast fell into the ground it's throat released a torrent of thick, green bile. Bile that landed precisely on Haastal, covering his armor from head to toe in the disgusting mixture of blood, organs, and bile that had been projected.

The Mandalorian was silent. He watched the creature fall dead at his feet, yet the gratification from the experience had been significantly dampened. For a moment he just sat in the pool of bile before sighing. "I fethin' hate swamps." He said. He wiped his hands over his armor, trying to pull some of the bile from his body. He didn't say anything more, instead he just stood up, continuing to rid his body of the creature's inner workings. Walking over the swampy waters, carefully testing them as he passed the beast, Haastal looked around for his jet pack. He glanced about and soon found the device. Well, he found what was left of it. Haastal picked up the crushed pack. Both of the jets had been unnaturally bent into different directions and the fuel supply was steadily leaking from it's reservoir. "queen owes me a new pack." He muttered, tossing the device back into the water with a growl.

Haastal didn't dwell on the matter, not externally at least. He continued through the swamp, wiping his hands over his armor as often as he could manage. A few times he would stop and collect handfuls of water, tossing them over the muck, however they simply slid over the bile without pulling so much as a fleck from his armor. He wondered if maybe Redd Redd would have an idea of how to free his armor from this chit. He'd ask Isley but he was currently too pissed to even fathom talking to the man. He kept moving through the swamp for nearly an hour before his helmet let off a faint ping. His eyes turned to the source of the ping on his HUD, a single blip on his map that showed something nearby. "About time." He muttered, picking his pace up through the muck. He continued on for a short while longer before his eyes narrowed at the sight before him.

A shuttlecraft, the same kind used by Damsy Callat Damsy Callat when she left for this chithole of a planet. The only problem with her ship was it was mostly sunken into the swamps below, with only one of the transponder antennas still visible outside of the swampy water. Haastal sighed, turning his eyes to look about a bit before he tapped his comm device. "Damsy. This is Haastal, where the feth are you girl?" He called out over an open Comm. "Computer, you pickin' up her Beskar's comm signal?" The computer in his helmet beeped in acknowledgement of his command before reporting back,


Haastal sighed once more before his eyes spied an actual solid path. The path seemed to follow an incline, heading to higher land which hopefully meant escaping these damned swamps. Haastal turned back to the shipwreck and tapped another button on his wrist. "Computer, any life forms in that water?" The feminine voice chimed in once again.

Affirmative. There are three-hundred, forty-two thousand an-

"How many humanoid lifeforms?"


That's what he figured. The man turned from the ship and made his way towards the path that laid before him. He wasn't entirely sure as to where this path led, but he knew if he was to find his sister then it would have to be traversed. Haastal wanted nothing more than a smoke in this moment.


will you sink down to me?


The air grew exponentially drier with every step past, say, forty meters gained elevation. By the time Haastal reached the upland's summit, scavengers had begun to flock about the reptavian's corpse. However, from his vantage point, he might not have been able to rightly tell what was dead.

Maybe he assumed the worst.

Elsewhere in the swamp, Damsy clambered down down the trunk of a gnarltree like a native spotlight sloth. Murky water sloshed around the silvery boots of her beskar'gam, the bit of armor she still wore. She moved through the earthy concoction, witch's brew, at a rather relaxed stroll, mire restricting her stride just so. Squaloid or not, semi- or aquatic, Damsy's waterborne navigation was hellishly instinctual. More so than it had been in ages. She was not in her exact element, but she was in an element, surely.

Soon enough, Damsy had passed through the low-lying swamp and clamored to a higher elevation once again. Here, the terrain became bog, a deeper water body with seepage source and lacking outflow. Stale and mostly stagnant, this water lapped at Damsy's shin guards, which were already coated with grime and blood, and replaced a measure of it with thick, clumpy mud and dirty-green algae mat. A nest of giant houses rose in the near horizion, built into a large, kinky, and leafy stickle tree. Emotion finally dawned on her reddened face: an unsettling half-smile matching Dagobah's entire ambience.

And the planet shivered in Darkness. Something, somewhere, residing in that too, tugged the sithspawn on. On towards life. On to the reclusive Hepsalum Tash. On to food.


The fog had thinned out a bit however it didn't do anything for the insufferable heat. The creature from the swamps had all but wrecked half of Haastal's armor systems, including his life support and interior conditioning. There wasn't anything the Mandalorian could do here to fix them, either. Hell, he was wondering if there was anything anyone could to to repair the damage to his armor. Haastal pulled his buy'ce from his head with an exasperated sigh. He received a false moment of relief as fresh air flowed through his chest, however the humidity of the fog quickly washed over him and left his face in a thick sweat. It was so bad the only thing he could do to clear his face of the moisture was to shake his head like a hound of some kind.

The sweat was something he'd have to deal with as in the next moment he pulled his helmet over his head and continued on. That was when he saw it. A creature that could easily be classified as both reptile and avian, dead with only beasts of opportunity picking at its body. Haastal cursed audibly before walking over to the creature, placing a hand on the back of its scaly hide. "Damn...I hope whatever got this thing doesn't have Damsy." He said, before brushing his hand from the creature. He turned away from the reptavian, following the path before him.

"Hey, SIRE, are you online?" Haastal asked.

Just then the Mandalorian's HUD let out a number of beeps before the four letters came across his screen.


'Oh what the hell did you do now boy?' A thick outer-rim accent came alive, causing Haastal to roll his eyes. The feminine voice had the kind of accent one would expect in the thick of an outer-rim farming world, yet it was oddly placed in tandem with modern technology.

"SIRE, give me a scan on this thing, how long ago did it die?" Haastal asked, ignoring the AI's flippant tone. The HUD came alive with another beep before finally the automated intelligence spoke up. 'No decomposition means it had to happen recently, Haas. Where the hell a- Are we on Dagobah?! What the hell are we doin' on Dagobah?! You hate swamps!' Haastal didn't seem like he was going to acknowledge the remark for some time, however he did indeed provide the voice with a response. "Damsy is missin'. Isley sent me out to find her." When Haastal spoke, SIRE responded almost instantly. 'Damsy? Ain't that the tough lil cuss who they made Warmaster? Hell she doin' out here?'

"Not a damn clue..." Haastal muttered as he made his way through the path. The more he walked about the more he realized that the swamps were a place of hell for those who were not used to them. His entire body was coated in a thick film of sweat and it was absolutely annoying. They continued down the path and after some time another chime came from his helmet. 'Boss. We got some lifeforms not too far from here...few miles by the look. Mental activity means they may be sentient. Maybe they know where our gal is?' The thick accent chimed out. Haastal nodded at the voice, moving through the brush at a slightly faster rate.

will you sink down to me?


Damsy was hunting out here. Indeed, she had left the village behind her broken by her ambition.

Berry red blood matted down the lush moss growing on the tree. Speckles of the same darkened the bark. The lowest house in the nest was missing its door, crude metal hinges bent unnaturally out of shape. Part of its thatch roof had scorched and caved in. Slats were broken from the stairs and strewn about the settlement.

Broken, yes. Intently, profoundly. No light from the residents' windows danced off the dark water now. Their laments were silent, but went heard well enough.

The mud squashing under her feet likewise parted with equally obscene, wet noises as she dragged a worm-like corpse through it until they came to another body of water. She stepped one foot off the bank, sloshing once more into the grime. She grunted, reaching sideways to adjust her grip on the humanoid's right leg with both of her hands. Again, as she heaved with both her muscles and the Force at the giant. Damsy let go partway into her toss, sending the body propelling into the swamp. It ragdolled in an arcing plane, but never reached the water.

The expected splash was overshadowed by a pronounced gurgle. Damsy barely had time to hoist herself back onto relatively dry land before two pink tentacles, as thick as her torso, shot out from the mouth of the nearby cave. One wrapped about the Tash and the other lashed out over the landscape, right over Damsy's crouching figure. She gripped the wilted grass blades under her palm and waited until it was safe to stand. When she did and looked back at the cave, there was no evidence of the scene that unfolded a moment before.

Nothing but her.

But what had she become?


'What in the blue sun happened here...?' SIRE's electronic voice echoed out into Haastal's ears as he bent down, running a hand over the mixture of blood and mud that littered the ground of the small village. His eyes were focused, glancing around as he allowed his HUD to scan the surrounding area as well as it was able. The fog was tampering with some of his systems, but most of his scanner were still functioning appropriately. SIRE's question went unanswered as Haastal looked up to the tree houses surrounding him. Many were destroyed, some had only doors hanging off their hinges. Without even realizing it, the Mandalorian had pulled his blaster pistol from its waist. That was when SIRE spoke again, this time her thick outer rim accent was showing signs of worry. 'Haas...your heart rate is up. You good?' He was still silent, but he did finally respond to the AI.

Damsy?" He asked, his eyes crossing over a number of the bodies that littered the surrounding area. SIRE quickly responded. 'Nah, none of these bodies match her.' Haastal glanced around a bit more, before finding a single body that was less ravaged than the others. He kneeled down, his kneeguard seeping into the mud and blood below. As Haastal looked over the creature, SIRE began to speak again. 'Humanoid with an herbivoric diet. Looks like all the primary organs are missin' an' ...aww hell, this feller didn't stand a chance. Rib cage is folded, he probably died long before his organs were taken.' Haastal leaned down, his hand shifting through the lower half of the being that was now mostly bile and liquified flesh than any kind of actual form. "Can you track this shit?" SIRE's acknowledgement light went off, yet her voice sounded confused. 'Uuuh....yea? Thing is, lots of birdies an' small animals have probably come through to get a bite...corpses are all fresh but still, there will be traces of this stuff everywhere.' She remarked.

"Whatever did this is probably covered in this shit, gotta stick out." SIRE paused for a moment before responding. 'Ok, narrowed tracking parameters to seventy-percentile. That should rule out most of the small stuff, Haas.' Haastal watched as his helmet showed a holographic image before him, a trail for him to follow through the smog. The Mandalorian's grip on his pistol tightened before he moved down the small villages plateau, back into the depths of the swamp. Haastal was careful this time around, moving through the swamp through the solid landscape, trying earnestly not to descend into one of the bogs below as he had before. Sadly for Haastal the bog continued to grow and deepen, eventually he found himself staring before a deep pool of swamp waters. His eyes gazed down at them as he thought every curse that he could possibly consider.

'Just get it over with, Haas.' SIRE chimed in.

Haastal cursed out loud before stepping forward, effectively sinking into the bog. He crept forward as the waters rose up to his chest. "Man, where is this fethin' girl?" He demanded, continuing on the watery path ahead.

will you sink down to me?


The prowling was endless.
To a degree, it always had been - from Kamino to Scarif, throughout all her tours and outside of Confederate space - but never quite this instinctual after her teenhood. Drying her feet for years at a time, human streak broken only every so often by a short-lived shift or two, had dampened the circadian rhythm beating in time with her heart, never ending. Only fools surrendered to the abyss of sleep, especially when they could keep moving with one eye open - or only one half of their brain switched on.
And if they could fight like that - all the better to best you with. Not even the biggest, meanest saberjowl in the Kaminoian oceans could stand up to the Siren.
Only part of that being had been yoked by the Dauntless Legion, but not to any fault of their conditioning. What they got of Damsy's primal sithspawn side had been all not just they could tap into, but she herself. Though she hadn't meant to, it seemed only after the fact than she had left the most wild trimmings of her nature in Big Stormy's panthalassa.
It was just as well, or so she had convinced herself. Ever protecting the perceived ego of a father she had thought she had known all her life, she told herself that the Confederacy didn't need a monster. It needed a Vicedaughter, strong and true and wholly humanoid.
But now what she lost was back. Oh, how she had missed it.
...but only part of her. It stood in her mind's cobwebby attic, the only remaining high ground in a metaphorical flood, watching on in horror as Syreni marked her regained territory. Damsy bit her lip before lurching forward. Bare feet sloshed into the tide, stirring up both sand and realization: That part of her had forgotten how to swim. But maybe, more profoundly, to be sithspawn. She was quick to back up shoreline again, heart shatters poking into her ribcage as rough quartz pushed between her toes. Free yet to roam, Syreni swam towards another, albeit entirely committal than her alter ego's. The water, he would soon find, was deep and dark and full of one terror above all: Kordol's Awakened.
She beat once but harshly with her tail flute, propelling herself at the iron trunk moving through the swamp, then turned sharply, throwing the weight of her tail at the obstruction - all under cover of water, and she would fight to keep the shroud.


Tags: Damsy Callat Damsy Callat

The water was getting deeper and harder to navigate. After a while Haastal was covered to his chest in the murky sludge. He exhaled, speaking softly so that his HUD would come to life once again. "Seal." He commanded, causing the rubber and plasteel joints to tighten around his neck, creating a vacuum seal. After another second the air in his helmet was thin and cool was the internal breather was activated. He inhaled the fresh, clean air before a loud beeping erupted from his helmet, the edge of the HUD turning a bright shade of red.

'Haas!' SIRE's voice called out in warning, but it was too late. The massive tail slammed against the Mandalorian's turning chest, throwing him from his feet and back into the waters below. He felt the hard impact on his armor and thanked whatever gods cursed this planet that he was wearing reinforced Beskar'gam. His back fell into the waters, softening the fall as he sank into the shore.

His free hand brought his blaster up towards the source of the impact. Three blind, wild shots sang out from his blaster towards the unseen aggressor. Haastal's HUD was completely covered with the murky waters and was failing to switch to an infrared mode. He cursed audibly before rushing to his feet, keeping his blaster raised as he regained his footing. His breathing had quickened while he scanned the surroundings, cursing the fact that he'd lost sight of the beast that attacked him.

'You ok, Haas?' SIRE's voice chimed in while the HUD began an active scan of the area. "Yea, fethin' peachy." He remarked, jolting his left arm to release the flame thrower attachment. The click he'd been hoping for never came. He looked down to see muck and swampweed covering his left arm, keeping the flamethrower from ejecting. He growled softly at himself before his free hand went to his waist, pulling free the Beskar dagger handed down to him from the last Haastal Verd. "SIRE, you got a readin' I can follow?" This caused the AI's indication light to blink in a pale orange color.

"Nothin' sugar. Whatever it is, its hidden under these waters. Too many lifeforms to get a solid read. You're goin' at it blind." This caused Haastal to let out a sigh of agitation. "Fethin' useless tech."

"Beggin' your damned pardon?" SIRE called out while Haastal kept his eyes on the waters around him.


Isley preferred Swamps.

If one had to choose between navigating the hellscape that was politics...and mucking about in a bog...the Vicelord would choose the later everytime. However, the demands of home made it so that Isley was stuck behind his desk. The Galaxy had been lit ablaze as of late. Every nation and its mother had a bone to pick with each other, and thus Isley had to keep his people fourteen steps ahead. That meant long days and longer nights on Naboo. That meant not being immediately present at Netra'yaim to notice how many days had gone by since Damsy Callat Damsy Callat returned home. When, finally, the Sith unshackled himself from his office, the question of his House was answered.

For the most part, the Verd family was fine.

All save their Warmaster, who had gone on a solo hunting trip...practically a week ago.

Though their relationship was a far cry from perfect, Isley knew the capabilities of his child. Any hunt, accounting for hyperspace transit, would take a handful of days. Three tops. But this? Radio silence and so much time passed? This made Isley's stomach sink. While yet unsticking himself from Naboo, he made the call - dispatching Haastal Haran Haastal Haran to pick up Damsy's trail. And, as soon as he was free? His own vessel screamed towards Dagobah like a bat out of Hell. The ship ultimately settled a stone's throw from Haastal's own vessel, and Isley disembarked immediately.

Garbed in his own beskar'gam, the Alor of House Verd made the call. "Haastal, have you found my girl?"

Haastal Haran Haastal Haran , Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
will you sink down to me?


A trill radiated from the depths, equal parts distressing and melodic. It became clear that one of the blind shots had made its mark when a ribbon of red mixed with the dull green algae mats and grey-brown suspended sediments. The smell of iron permeated the air too, subtle as it was, to mix with the rest of the world's stagnant decay.
"Fethin' useless tech."
Deep within the recesses of Syreni's mind, Damsy suddenly sat up on the beach. The voice, warbled by water as it was, was somehow familiar. She couldn't quite place it, but scrambled to her feet nonetheless.
She was already standing when the reasons she shouldn't have dawned on her. They barely left her time to close her eyes in defeat.
Syreni knows...thisssss one?
Syreni vocalized again, singing this time in answer, praise, to her master rather than to express pain. If her pain had began to tug at Haastal's heartstrings, the full siren's song was an outright yank. And it was moving towards deeper water, after the rippled path carved by her beating tail.

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Tags: Damsy Callat Damsy Callat

Haastal was wading through the waters when SIRE's thick accent spoke up once again.

'Sugar, you got someone patching into your commline. Looks like your kin, Isley.' Well, there was some news. Maybe not good news but at least it was good news. The Mandalorian blinked to activate his comm, immediately hearing Isley's voice come through the speakers in his helmet. An image of the man popped up on the right corner of his helmet, yet the voice that Haastal returned was about as sarcastic as could be found.

"Well, so glad for you to fethin' join me on this kark-stain of a planet." Haastal called out, watching as the waters beneath him began to move, shifting away from him while the loud trill breached the silence of the waters. Haastal plunged down into the water, his armor so heavy that it's sinking actually seemed to help him swim down deeper into the depths. He felt the air in his helmet thicken as it struggled to keep up with the drastic shift of oxygen. Still swimming deeper, he called out to his brother. "I ain't found her yet, but there's this thing in the water Isley, I don't know what the hell it is. Ain't Damsy but it sure as hell can move." He told the man.

Just then the man could see the fins swimming away from him. He leveled his blaster, firing two swift shots towards the beast's fins, hoping to immobilize it. That was when SIRE spoke up again. "Haas, don't go any deeper!" She warned.

However it was too late. He'd ventured deeper into the depths than intended and his scanners were beginning to fault. "Awh hell." He muttered.

will you sink down to me?


"Feth me!" Damsy exclaimed in her mind's eye. The sound of blaster fire, also muted by water, was something she emphatically could place. She had gotten too familiar between her days of Dauntless basic and now, the first gift from her real father she had received in ever, traded in for with the breaking of waves and the braying of aiwhas. She couldn't, though, it good faith say she wished she had never left Kamino. Big Story had its own pains, namely traumas wrought of whirring medical equipment and oscillations above storm depth.
Sometimes, after having a poison handed to you for so long, it was nice to get to pick.
Damsy turned on her heels to look up the beach, not the shoreline. A range of foredunes bordered the broad, flattened berm on which she stood. They were topped with a uniform smog, darkly opaque as if the world itself ended with them. And quite possibly hers did, but somewhere, everywhere, outside Syreni's surely continued.
Syreni managed to dodge the next volley. Tangled up in the view of fins was one that looked unlike all others - tail, dorsal, pelvic: one of the creature's large webs. One might be able to realize that five humanoid fingers sharpened to talon points radiated across it.
Damsy scampered up one of the dunes like she had just been plucked off Kamino, barely able to walk for herself. The noise of outside was getting louder. She couldn't see the scene behind the fog, but she could better imagine it now. "'ey!" she shouted, reaching to lace the Force with her voice that it might latch onto somebeing's mind. Hopeful.
That's all she had, hope. The sithspawn had only twice in recent, CIS-allied memory felt similarly helpless. When she had changed and felt the Force on Atrisia, and lost the initial bid for reparations to Omega after Rodia.
As much as she wanted to follow up with, kill the bottomfeeder!, that bottomfeeder was her. Physically and, to a degree, mentally. She had lusted after an end for months after the Rodian Incident, but now she had different plans. Life somehow was looking more appealing than it ever had.
She settled for, "Is anybody out there?"
The Siren of Dagobah wailed again. It stopped it its wake, righted itself vertically, and gripped its head.


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