Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Valstina Aurion
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Tiny
  • Force Imbued Crystal ~ Unlike what most would spend time in creating a synthetic kyber crystal, this one has been heavily imbued by the Light side of the force. When slotted inside of a lightsaber, the blade color is always a golden yellow.
  • Dark Side Dampening ~ Those who use the Dark Side against the one who holds this crystal would find their power to be weaker against the holder. This is due to the protective nature of the Light Side of the Force that wards the holder from the Dark.
  • Inner Peace ~ The crystal offers succor in the ongoing chaos, whether by battle or their own emotions threatening to boil over. This allows the holder to focus even under great duress.
  • Force Imbued ~ Due to the nature of its creation, this synthetic crystal is capable of bolstering the holder's mind against the Dark Side's influence and powers.
  • Emotional Control ~ Assists in controlling the negative emotions within the holder, dampening the opposing Force User who use effects such as Consume Essence to gain strength from negative emotions.
  • Fragile ~ The crystal is notably fragile as a single solid strike could cause it to shatter.
  • Force Vulnerability ~ Due to how heavily influenced the crystal is by the Force, the crystal is susceptible to suppressive or nullification effects could shut down any benefits this crystal would normally give.
This crystal was created over a century ago by a Jedi Master named Valstina Aurion, an Echani warrior tasked in guarding one of the Light Nexus Points from corruption. It had never been graced upon a lightsaber in the entirety of its existence for Valstina didn't use such a item. For she had simply created the crystal to protect herself from the temptations of the Dark Side, and to ward against the powers that the Sith wielded. None could prepare her for the arrival of Rath Nihro who didn't intend to seize the nexus or the resources. For he only investigated a concentration of Force Power within the Nexus. It was later revealed that Valstina and her sisters were capable of performing Force Alchemy without the use of the Dark Side by harnessing the ambient Light from the Nexus.

Now, after Valstina had given her life to provide Rath a second chance amongst the living, her crystal remained in Rath's possession for years as he traveled across the galaxy.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A lightsaber crystal for Rath's lightsaber.
Permissions: None

Technical Information

Affiliation: Rath Nihro
Model: None
Modular: No
Material: Lightsaber Crystal
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