Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beset on All Sides Part 1: FWC/Open

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
Situation Room.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]
[member="Catalys Maijora"]
[member="Delia Panteer"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]
[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="John Ash"]
[member="Joza Perl"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]
[member="Liliane Lancaster"]
[member="Lucien Dolos"]
[member="Niall's OOC"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Taryc Ap'Irae"]
[member="Thalia Rist"]
[member="Theo Vereen"]
[member="Von Kyux"]
[member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]

She was from here by blood, by not by birth. No the Raxis bloodline had started here, as far back as she could trace. Before they were a Mandalorian Clan, they'd been simple children of Alderaan. And following the sacking of Rothana, she'd been fleeing for weeks.

The Free Worlds had been gracious enough to take her in, but at a cost. Jada had pledged her life to them. As a Ranger, and as frontiers woman.

And something was definitely stirring on the frontier.

Ever since the Ghost Ship incidents and the Incursion they were beset on all side by enemies. Despite the peaceful nature of the Alderaan houses and the Coalition, the darkness and the creepy crawlies never slept. The Vong, reformed by a Singular Warlord approached on their southern borders.

Incursion remnants roamed the northern borders, laying waste to their satellite relays comms. Several stations had been cut off and gone dark.

To the east, a dark Cult was rising, claiming Zeltros as it's own. Dark Jedi that marauded and took what they wanted. Blazing chains.

It made their heads spin as a joint task force of different orders mingled in the Alderaan HQ. Jada leaned over the holo projector and frowned, trying to make sense of it all. They were graced by the other Royals of the Houses and Special Units.

"I'm having trouble making sense of all this. Rangers report sighting all over the place. It's not like..... an external enemy. Or faction. It's many small things, that now make a big thing."

She leaned back and glanced at the Rangers, and then back to the holo map.

"The Ranger Corps can take the machines. But we can't be everywhere at once. What's the play?"
[member="Jada Raxis"]

It was then after spending a good couple of half a season off accompany the current Count Teraan on his duties. Making rounds of the nearby system, setting up or brokering deals. At the same time work on leads his spare time to recover as much the stolen financial data from their house. Mostly taken by the marauding enemy that took advantage of the republic conflict along with the passing of the former Count father as well his brother-in-law. To which time the message got to him just as he was rotated home from one the said mission.

At which time here he found himself with few men under him head off ahead of the Count. Inline with protocol and make sure all was ready before his arrival. In a sense not so much for anything other than the current threat he'd gotten on the Count well being from an unknow unsub for now.
Heavy boots thudded against the floor of the hall, the doors leading into the situation room opening to reveal the three armored figures. The woman at the lead permitted a soft smirk to cross her lips as she stepped over the threshold, her hands coming up to remove the heavy helm upon her brow. Setting it down on the table, the other armored individuals with her stepped into the room, closing the doors behind her as they stood silently at her back.
Looking over towards the map for a moment, her golden hues fell upon the individual that had called the meeting. In her mind House Syrush was meant to act as the defenders of Alderaan, and now with its holdings threatened, she was to take action. Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she nodded to Jada.
"House Sorenn-Syrush will mobilize its household guard. Sorenn-Syrush Industries will aid in equipping the other Houses and preparing them to defend the Free Worlds..."
Leaning forward herself, her hands rest on the edge of the table, her golden hues once more falling upon the holoprojector as she brought one hand up. Her finger pointed out the Recopia System, a soft smirk still upon her lips. Looking back to Jada, and keeping the emphasis upon the point on the map, she spoke once more.
"I've been working on strengthening the Recopia System, a fall back point for the Free Worlds. It can act as a barrier along the southern border, though I have also been working on establishing a relationship with the Commenor Systems Alliance. Likewise the Ranger's wont be standing alone..."
Sitting back up so she was standing, she let out a heavy sigh, her attention falling upon the armored individuals with her. With a silent nod she turned her attention back to Jada.
"The Knights of the Pyre, newly formed from the dissolved Holy Order of the Righteous Flame will provide additional forces to maintain Law and Order..."
[member="Jada Raxis"]
[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]
[member="Catalys Maijora"]
[member="Delia Panteer"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]
[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="John Ash"]
[member="Joza Perl"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]
[member="Liliane Lancaster"]
[member="Lucien Dolos"]
[member="Niall's OOC"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Taryc Ap'Irae"]
[member="Thalia Rist"]
[member="Theo Vereen"]
[member="Von Kyux"]
[member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Ja’rrod Categaern"] [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] [member="Lady Kay"]

As the doors flew back the young warden flinched, but only just. She quickly recognized Amelia and nodded, taking in her words.


The table was till showing moving forces and it dawned on her that their alliance with the CSA would be that much more important. The Recopia system was a place she'd have to pay a visit and test the security of. Sure as the Rangers would not stand alone, she would not allow the Knights of the Pyre to stand alone either. Regardless of their prior designation.

Which made her shutter.

"I can dispatch a few senior Rangers your way. Mainly for fleet support. Arming the other houses would be good. Ok so for a recap my forces will move north to confront the Machine menace. Your Forces go South...."

"The Vong will not be easy enemies. But you know that. That still leaves..... Damn Cultists on Zeltros. We're gonna need a lot more forces for that. A split is not the ideal situation, but I fear we have little time. Is it possible to request CSA support on this?"
He stared ahead uncertain of all the reasons he was here. He gave half smile to everyone around him they all looked so comfortable and into sitting here. He stared at the map and listened.

"I can get with the patrols and have them send scout ships out maybe we can find a trail to follow" He tried hard not to let his voice crack but at the end it did a reminder of his age. The others in the room were seasoned compared to him. As a member of House Organa he had responsibilities to attend, he wished Laira were about who knew where the Princess Explorer was now.

The room felt a bit stuffy to him in his head his voice kept saying oh man what did you do that for??? But it was out there and there was no taking it back now. Feth.

He kept his face passive he didn't want them to think he was...well not taking it seriously.

[member="Alasdair Sitra"]
[member="Alessandro Waak'Tu"]
[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]
[member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"]
[member="Bazette Royalblaze"]
[member="Brad Solo"]
[member="Cal Sedaire"]
[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Delila Castillon"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]
[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Fiore de Noir"]
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
[member="Hadleigh Purkis"]
[member="Jada Raxis"]
[member="John Ash"]
[member="Joza Perl"]
[member="Kaida Taldir"]
[member="Kosu Goram"]
[member="Lucien Dolos"]
[member="Maria Natalja"]
[member="Matthew Calderon"]
[member="Myles Davorak"]
[member="Natalia Sorenn-Syrush"]
[member="Nima Tann"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Sirius Nova"]
@taryc ap'lrae
[member="Tek Sidereal"]
[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Vanja Del'Vaan"]
[member="Von Kyux"]
[member="Allana Badeaux"]
[member="Relina Zhan"]
[member="Jomyn Ravos"]
[member="Jada Raxis"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Theo Vereen"]​
It was then once they were on the ground the men under his command suited up and prepared for whatever encounter they were to face. At which time having made sure he'd suited up in his battle gear rather than his usual official uniform which he'd worn on official function while on duty with one the member of the Count House. He then heads off and began to make his way to HQ command post to report in and as he did so. Caught the tail end of the assault briefing.

"The Vong will not be easy enemies. But you know that. That still leaves..... Damn Cultists on Zeltros. We're gonna need a lot more forces for that. A split is not the ideal situation, but I fear we have little time. Is it possible to request CSA support on this?"

To which he enters just as it seems the Count despite his better judgment and well plans. Had seem had snuck ahead of them and was in the middle of interjects to speak at the briefing. And midsentence turn towards him to ask him to which he replies.

"Yes Count Teraan, my men are suiting up just as we speak and will be ready for deployment as soon order be given as to where they need be."

Andulf Nicholas Teraan

[member="Jada Raxis"] | @Amelia Sorenn-Syrush | [member="Theo Vereen"] | [member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]​
It was then despite Capt. Ja'rrod warning and words that he was not to leave nor head off on his own towards the meet before he checks it out. That Andulf decides to go anyway and sneak onto the guards' shuttle before it set off. Trading place with one of the Lt. and having him instead to take his place on the Teraan shuttle assigned to him. That he make it there sooner rather than later thought for the rest of the flight he had to make sure to keep his visor up so as not be spotted. Sitting in on the back of the shuttle he seems to have for the most part evaded anyone suspicion keep out of sight. He then only emerged and slip out of the ship and head off to the meeting as he wanted to. Just in time as @Amelia Sorenn-Syrush spoke and in turn [member="Jada Raxis"] replied. To which he then step out of the sideline to speak

"Thought we all but have a modest amount of ship to spare House Teraan would offer to have them come to your aid. Along with a number of our best men including most from our personal guards to assist. Speaking of which....."

He pauses and turns just as Ja'rrod enter the room to face him.

" Are the men ready and how soon can they be deploy Capt. [member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]?"

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