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Faction Beskar and Spell Slinging

Spell slinging.

It was something that the Dathomiri elders had proposed to her. Some spells were made to be a ritual, the raising of the dead, the seeding of corals in foreign oceans, the healing of the sick, the calling of a storm onto one's foes, the tracking of a mate though the magick and ichor. Those were the ones that were quintessential for life as a Dathomiri witch. Well, depending on the clan. Spell slinging was the art of casting fast, instinctively, in a way that mimicked the Jedi and Sith in their use of the Force, but with the unique magick spin to the Dathomir.

But that was not what Brooke was here, in the Mandalorian Atria of Dathomir, a place for the Mandalorians to land, outside the Witch Clan territories.

The place was rocky, but had some forest, and was designed as a way to keep peace with the Mandalorians and the witches, should the former decide to visit the latter. Today, it was becoming a classroom of sorts. Other Clans, those who would work with the Mandalorians. However, the Clan Mothers did request some very specific spells to be used, and the others to remain nameless, and not taught.

Specifically some of the potions and rituals.

She spoke in a Pacean and Mandalorian greetings, the latter being far worse than most of the Beskar Baddies would acknowledge. "We want to thank you back to Dathomir, on a much more… informative visit than previous." Before, they were working on agreements to work with the Mandalorians. She could feel some of the trepidation from the other witches, but the Mandalorians were coming to the seat of their power.

"The Clan Mothers have agreed that if we are working together, we should show you what we are capable of. I have a representative of Clan Rekali present as well…" She nodded to what would be known as a Mandalorian PowerTech "He will be providing some assistance in how to coordinate with our spellwork."

The Mandalorian stepped forward, a tall being under the forest green and gold armor.

"Clan Rekali may not be one of the leading clans, but we have a close relationship with the Witches. And have worked with our own form of spell casting. For purity sake, I shall not be using magick today, and will be depending solely on technology that is common to the Mandalorian people."

"Before we begin, any one have any questions?" That'd allow the Mandalorians and Witches to collect themselves before entering the classroom-of-sorts.
Tyonna had made the journey from her mountain home to be present today.

As of yet, she had not formed an opinion about working with the Mandalorians, but she was wary. Though, the Clan Mothers had entrusted Sister Brooke with this task. It was a way to test the waters, as it were. She had agreed to participate as a representative of the Singing Mountain Clan. Tyonna gave Brooke Waters Brooke Waters a nod and a brief Paecian greeting before taking her place among the others.

Watching the Mandalorian of Clan Rekali, she listened to his words -- as best she could. After all, her basic was quite rusty. But she cringed at the mention of technology. She herself saw no reason to rely on gadgets. Tyonna did prefer the songs and rituals, but she would see what other skills this spell slinging could offer. In such uncertain times, it could be useful.

The witch remained stoic and silent when there was a call for any questions. She did have questions.

But the answer seemed to be... only time will tell.
From the meeting grounds Djikra's Delta-7B landed a little ways away, but close enough that those gathering saw the arrival. Finally walking into the gathering with R3-J9 in tow the third great mother of the Great Desert Clan of Night Sisters had the concealing spell not active. Those who had seen her before with it, now saw the same woman but with light gray skin. Djikra listened to Brooke Waters Brooke Waters opening and to Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose 's addition before stepping forward after the Mandalorian of Clan Rekali finished speaking. First greeting the other witches in Dathomirian, then the rest in basic. "Hello everyone, some may know me. I am Djikra Elnev, third Great Mother of the Great Desert Clan of Night Sisters. While the other assembled witches use the one side of Magick... We use the other half." Engulfing her hand in green ichor flames for a moment before snuffing it.

She lets that sink in for a moment and paces looking into the various Mandalorians visors. "Outside of our alliance there are rogue Witches who you may wind up fighting. For some fight under the Sith banner, and others out there that use a modicum of our enchantments, oft to devastating effect. This training hopefully will show you how to identify & survive such an encounter."

With that Djikra walked back into the group of witches past Brooke touching her on the shoulder "You have the lead. And are doing great." Djikra stops close by and turns back to the gathered Mandalorians. How much should I show, and teach? she mused to herself. Considering most of the witches in attendance seemed to be younger than herself. R3-J9 has been recording the demonstrations for later editing and use as a possible training video.
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Evelyn Rekali

Evelyn had left her disruptor at home, she felt light, like something was missing but the training today was about working more with the spells they had at their disposal than the technology they used.

She was a the first of her line to have her heritage split so cleanly between the witches and the mandalorians. Her mother had been a witch to her very core, a sister of one of the smaller mountain clans. Her father was the blend, a Rekali with some magick, but his focus was always on the tech.

Evelyn herself believed she'd found a balanced blend between the two, a sharpshooter, with armour much lighter than that of a typical mandalorian, and a spell caster capable of holding her own on the battle field.

She listened carefully, amber eyes scanning those gathered watching for reactions, discomfort and maybe even disdain. She noted the shudder from Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose and smiled to herself. This was a normal reaction from those less travelled, of which there were many present today.

She wondered if Ordo Ordo would come with some of his kin...or even if Jhi would have been able to convince a few of her comrade to join. She kept quiet and waited for the next steps to begin, she was here to help demonstrate, and to correct those that needed correcting.

Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev
I had come to see this meeting between Mandalorians, and Witches. A gathering in which those who had capabilities of the Force, could learn some more of the unique aspects of Magiks. be it aligned with the Dathomir Witches, or that of the Nightsisters, I cared for neither. I had come wishing to learn. Not to be a leader. While the Priest clan in recent days has been gaining traction among the Mandalorians, I had spoke to Tarre and inquiried that those of us who were sensitive to the force, could attend.

And so I was here with his blessing. Learning more of our allies. Seeing how they operated, and even learn of such magiks. It was just as important to know the full strength of our allies, as we do with learning from them. Clan Rekali was a larger group of Mandalorians who had ties to the Witches. Many of them being so enveloped between the two, it was as if they had their own kind of culture among them. A homogeneous mixture of technology, magiks, the force, and the cultures of all of them.

Others spoke, introducing themselves. I came prepared. Wearing much lighter armor than I had been used to. However, I still wore a helmet over my face. It was a custom of our clan to keep one's face covered unless in front of a loved one, or to show a sign of sincere reverence towards an individual. the aspect of questions came up. To which I raised my hand indicating that I so wished to ask some. Just like the Verd'gotten all over again.

"These lessons of Dathomir magiks, how extensive will they be at the moment? Basics or will we eventually work our way to some of the more obscure ones?"

Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Evelyn Rekali Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose
Brooke was more than excited to be working with the other Witches and the Mandalorians. They had the power which would take the full frontal assault that the galactic superpowers could through. Brooke had her blue cotton robes on, to mark her station in the Blue Coral Divers. However, in the crate near her starship, but on the outside, was her songsteel armor. Armor so familiar to her that summoning it with a spell of the Force/Magick that she used, could at least cover her vitals before things got too out of hand, should they move that way.

On her belt, and hidden from view by the light weight over-cloak, was her father's revolver, a slug thrower that was handed down in the Waters clan. Word was that it was a DE-10, from the time of the Galactic Empire and Jedi Purge… Her lightsaber was in its holster on her thigh, the fabric of her gear hiding both from common view. Though she doubted the Mandalorians wouldn't key in on those. She wasn't here to use them, but with off-worlders, and in a situation where combat was even touched upon, she brought them out. Still, as she watched the others arrive, her hands busied themselves on the analog chrono that hung around her neck. It was a gold casing with blue coral inlays, and designs of both an ancient key found on frontier, low-tech worlds, and a hibiscus flower. Symbols important to her family. Even if she didn't remember why.

As others of her kind arrived, she was feeling glad. Smiling and giving a greeting in Paecian to Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose , she was glad to see the Singing Mountain Clan here. The clan were strong, and could keep the darkness away from Dathomir when they put their focus to it. The other one that had arrived, in her own fighter, an oddity to Dathomiri even in this day and age, despite Brooke having her solar sail ship, was Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev , Nightsister. Having one of her clan was going to be a benefit, especially to the Mandalorians.

"Greetings Mother Elnev. It will definitely help the Mandalorians to see the casting your Clans can do." She bowed in greeting, and was curious what secrets the Nightsister would hold close to the vest. For Brooke, she was holding her heavy rituals and some of the more sacred powers. Healing, enchantments, those were going to be held close. But the general combat skills? Ones that could counter a Sith or a Jedi in a lightsaber duel? Those would be used.

With some of the Mandalorians here, and ones in lighter armor, Brooke smiled. She recognized the Rekali, similar to the Power Tech that was here at her side.

"We will show you enough to keep fighting against the Sith and Jedi in a way they may not suspect, or expect from your kind. They don't always expect it from our kind. Thinking us more primitive." She had lived on the Jedi side, she knew how they thought. "If a Clan sees you worthwhile, they may take you for education in their deeper arts."

The Power Tech stepped forward. "Like the Mandalorians, the Dathomiri have their secrets, their sacred rites. We will not request too much from them, and they will not request too much from us. However, if it comes a time, as the stewards of this region of space, the Mandalorians can initiate Witches and them us, to their arts. Today, we'll be working on cooperative work, between our tech and their magick, and after, we can demonstrate combat against one another."

Brooke nodded. "We can get started with some practices. Witches and Mandalorians, pair up. The Mandalorian can identify a target at a distance, and the pair can work on taking it down. Show what you can do alone, then find a way to work together…" It was a start.

Evelyn Rekali Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest

Shev Skirata

You can come in warm, or come in cold.
Shev stood quietly on the rocky ground as the jungles waved at them from the distance, with an invitation to explore and enjoy the shade of the thick canopy. Shev knew it was a lie. He had seen a beautiful jungle before that concealed a threat infested death trap. Beautiful from a distance but terrible once it's too late to escape easily. just like these witches if he was any judge. But he wasn't a judge, he was a pilot and he really didn't know what he was doing here. He shook his head for a moment and listened to the different terrifyingly beautiful women continue to talk and he realized quite quickly that he had no clue what about sixty percent of what they said even meant. the other forty percent was mostly prepositions and adjectives...probably.

He checked his HUD for the time and some other basic information that had to do with flying away from here but as usual he didn't say anything. He had been told once that stupid people didn't have a shortage of things to say and even a dumbass was ahead of the game if they kept their mouth shut and ears open. So, he started recording the information on his buy'ce for later when he could properly focus. When the scary death women weren't around to eat him or turn him into a stick or whatever the sounds from their face holes meant.
The big Mandalorian walked into the meeting, while tchuk'tuk ran off to hunt and likely fight another bull if they had moved into his territory. His armor was on, this time, and He was surprised that the witch clans had offered to help cross train the armored sky people. His normally heavy presence as an almost absence in the force was noticeably lessened today. He was starting to recognize that if they could feel his existence people would be less distracted by him. He spotted Evelyn Rekali and slapped Shev on the helmet as he walked by the younger man on his way to the most mesmerizing woman He had seen on any world.

'Made it." He said quietly as He took a spot standing at her side, and He knew that as long as He still had time, there was no where He would rather be. He listened closely to the opening remarks of the witches, but He would by lying if He didn't say the Night Sister didn't give him pause. He wasn't used to the nut jobs being all open to sharing that they seemed to be now. Even with all of the things that hadn't changed, the ones that have had surprised Him. Maybe He should change too.

Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig listened carefully. Yeah, he Force skills as is, but he did always like to learn more. So the Mandalorian was sitting there and listening. Pairing up and finding targets? Seemed like good training, and a way to ease folks in. There were also questions about if there would be training, and the note that they all had there secrets. That was definitely true. He did wonder if he should've made Vaux come, but she was actually having fun with someone for a change, so no reason to the mess with that. Either way, he focused in now.

"Sounds good to me. What kind of target are we looking at?"

Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Ordo Ordo Evelyn Rekali Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose
Tyonna visibly tensed when the Nightsister, Mother Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Elnev, joined them.

Members of the Singing Mountain Clan considered Nightsister magick to be dark and twisted. She would give the Clan Mother a stiff nod and narrowed eyes. With her focus momentarily honed in on the Nightsister, she scarcely noticed the other Mandalorians arrive. Tyonna drew a calming breath to re-center herself and turned her attention back to Sister Brooke Waters Brooke Waters as she explained their task.

Their cooperation was required as Brooke instructed them to pair up.

Tyonna stepped forward. She would not choose a Mandalorian partner, but rather let them choose her. One of the new arrivals asked about targets. Dathomir was home to many beasts, most of which were highly aggressive. The Lesser Nydak was no exception. The wind around the group would begin to pick up, swirling sand and bits of small rock. As it grew in power, Tyonna used the whirlwind to lift a large boulder nearby -- and cast a glance over her shoulder to signal any Mandalorians that it could be blasted apart in demonstration.

Whether or not they did so, Tyonna knew the real target to be lurking within the cavern she'd just exposed. The Nydek stirred, and they would advance towards the group.

Mig Gred Mig Gred Ordo Ordo Evelyn Rekali Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest

Evelyn Rekali

Evelyn drew in a breath as Ordo Ordo approached her, the energy crackling between them as he settled in at her side. She resisted the urge to lean into him, to be drawn in by the core of his being, keeping her attention on the gathered students. "You're late, Hunter." she murmured in response, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Her eyes shifted to Mig Gred Mig Gred at his question, opening her mouth to respond as the wind picked up Tyonna lifted a boulder. Evelyn's eyes brightened, knowing full well what she had just exposed. "Oh, we'll fine the targets, you just need to pay attention. Trust your witch, that is the key to success here." She looked at Ordo, winking before vanishing in a wisp of green smoke to higher ground where she could sight targets and highlight them for him.

They already trusted each other without question before today, making them a perfect demonstrating pair. She waited for the rest to realise the danger advancing on them.

Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest Shev Skirata Shev Skirata Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev
Djikra bowed back and listened to Brooke Waters Brooke Waters before responding in Paecian "I am happy to be here, hopefully this starts the foundation of something greater." Truth be told, Djikra was here to teach some far more destructive casts than what the light sisters usually used. And to demonstrate one very powerful one that the Mandalorians needed to be aware of. For the reality of the matter was if a Mandalorian was facing a witch she wouldn't be wielding the lighter clans magick.

She saw Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose tense as she arrived into the group. In Paecian "No need to fret, I am here to build a bridge... To start building for the future. Catch!" Djikra pulls out a Spamel leather sheathed knife and throws it to her. "I will teach you a spell that will make the knife block lightsabers. If you are willing." Truly to form a witch planetary government old grudges would need to be buried. But maybe with some of the Zeffoian teachings it could be achieved.

Djikra watched as Tyonna lifted a rock and opened a way for Nydek to emerge. Walking closer to where the Mandalorians are gathered. "All of you may want to pay attention towards the floating rock. The question is what does everyone want to see first? A weapon spell or just a spell?" As she spoke Djikra drew a sickle engraved with Paecian with a Zeffoian artistic flair.

Evelyn Rekali | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Ordo Ordo | Shev Skirata Shev Skirata | Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
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Time was silly and stupid. Brooke was the type who always knew there was a way to get from one place and time to another. She knew the spell for it, though didn’t use it as much as she perhaps should. But it didn’t matter here. She could change some events, but not all. Or she felt she could. The blonde had a blaster pistol that was supposedly made from the metals of an ancient weapon of her Clan, and that was all she needed here.

“What I can see out there are predators. And we need to be able to work together to hunt them.”
She looked to the Power Tech from Rekali that was with her. “The ones in flight, see them?”

The Mandalorian turned and there was nothing in the sky, however, with a small wave of her hand and a statement in Paecian, a small tremor, really just a few stones full of coral fossils vibrated out in the field, and large winged beasts, clearly predators, perhaps large enough to hunt rancor pups.

The Power Tech responded how Brooke hoped, with a heavy weapon blast, rocket pack?

As the flock turned to attend to the one that had been the target, and consequently turned into a pink mist in the sunlight, Brooke waved her hand, casting another spell as blue spectral tentacles, similar to a squid, came out of the ground and grabbed two of the creatures, pulling them down.

The thud of organic matter hitting ground hard reverberated as the Power Tech fired another volley of a high explosive yield up.

This was one sort of spell casting, however, Brooke could hear the Night Mother behind her showing some of the other spells. Infusing a beskar weapon with a witch cast? That could be interesting.

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