Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beskar Armor without mining the beskar????

Alright y'all so for the longest time we've all had to mine our fancy metals for armor and such. I saw that there was a change to this recently so my question just for the sake of being answered as being verified by a factory/codex/ admin peep is can I simply say yo i have a suit of beskar or whatever armor now as long as I slap a unique sticker in for the production? I just want to be sure on this for the sake of possible future submissions.

Thanks in advance for the clarification on this y'all. Cheers!

Travis Caalgen

"Technology that has a restricted material (Beskar, Phrik, Cortosis, Songsteel, Echani Graphite, Ionite, & Pyronium), will no longer require a completed ‘restricted material’ objective thread as long as the item that is being submitted is labeled as Unique. This can only be utilized in the Technology Forum." - From here, RM rule #3.

So basically yes, if it's unique on the Technology Creation forum, you can bypass starting and completing a development thread, and as long as it's balanced properly, it will be approved.

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]
but killing a mando seems too extreme. besides, what mando is gonna volunteer to have me beat the living shiz outta them for "a devasting defeat verified by them" ? haha I'd rather "craft" my own that I can handpaint to be all purty.

[member="Lyth Meran"]

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