Tryp West
Imperial Historical Society Protected Zone
Ruined Temple
Tryp didn't know what the temple was called. The name had been lost during the Four Hundred Years of Darkness. So much, really. Sometimes, Tryp felt like they knew less about their Galaxy than they had any right to, running along just the very surface of it like ants on the sand. Then again, like ants, Tryp supposed, some of them knew how to dig. She'd gotten permission to open up a site dig at this particular location. She was conscious of the responsibility (how she felt about all of the artifacts she worked with however), and treated the site with the respect it deserved. Working alone, she left as much of it undisturbed as possible, carefully picking and choosing what parts to excavate and what parts to leave alone. She logged everything, cataloged everything....
Of course, it was more than that.
Currently gloved, wearing a long sleeved jacket and a leather hat despite the relative warmth at the dig location (she still hadn't figured out why that was yet), Tryp leaned over, using a brush to carefully remove a layer of sand and exposing it to the light of her lamp- probably the first light it had seen in five hundred years. A small statue of a woman, carved from black stone. Looking closely, she grimaced. Some of the details were.... disturbing. But this was a Sith site, and she had expected that much. It was why she had not yet used psychometry on this particular dig yet. Her job included finding out as much about this temple as she could- who had worshiped here, a name if possible- but she was careful, for her own sake, in how she went about it.
With a sigh, Tryp leaned back, wiping sweat away from her temple and leaving a smear of dust in its place.
She'd get there, she was just in no rush.
[member="Kobe Seren"]