Coruscant Underworld: Level 100
Coruscant, the old capital, the broken relic, a mere shadow of it's former glory. Once all the power in the galaxy was centralized in this one singular planet, but with all things time had eroded the ancient legacy of Coruscant. The constant wars and shifts of power has left this once proud planet beaten and broken. The sundering above tore the great gleaming towers of neon light, shattering the foundation with mortar and shell. And now fools play with the scraps of this once great planet, now cast into the dust like all ancient things. Yet despite this, billions still call this festering ruin home, and it still breaths it's sickly breathes. However, deep within the stomach of Coruscant, as layers of layers of city are built, falling into one haze of stone and broken metal, here lies the underworld, or rather Level 100.
One of the lowest levels with a sizable population, it is marked with constant poverty and decay, law and order has since long left this forsaken forgotten industrial abyss, as crime empires devour the land, marking it up between them, and so the average citizen suffers under the insane and brutal hand of the criminal families. Erosion and pollution has cemented it's self here, black apocalyptic smoke is pumped into the air, releasing insidious chemicals that choke the sunless sky.
Empty metal husks of stone and metal hang in the air, skyscrapers in dead dormant from neglect, overshadowing the cities like gravestones. Below endless streets of slums, as the poverty stricken and diseased residents reside in shambling house made of crude metal and rock, with the lucky able to afford the dull and dead flats high above.
Yet, industry never truly dies, the renaming factories function with a painful howl, as outdated machinery grovels across the land, doing what little they can to add to constant unstable economy. Many have taken to wearing gas masks or some other form of protection, as prolonged exposure to this nightmare has a habit to collapsing lungs. Yet Drogh was standing above it all on one of the many forgotten skyscrapers, overlooking the masses. The miasma of filth and soot made it hard to see what was going on, yet bright lights of green and yellow danced in the shrouded fog, a beautiful if twisted sight to see.
The sky seemed rather calm, as only a few ships flew in their mad directions, there was no constant stream of traffic as one might expect on Coruscant, just the few lonely birds flying away. Drogh was on the look out for one of these. He had no ship him self large enough and wasn't good enough to drive one to do the risky maneuvers that were required of getting out of here. He was smuggling people, not slaves, but warriors of death. They were vile, cruel and sadistic, they knew only war and bloodshed and hailed from the very lowest of Coruscant. They wore what ever old rags and metal they could find, a shambles of rust and grime. It wasn't easy finding some one willing for this job, but he had found some one, although he knew little about her.
Her name perhaps, although some thing troubled him oddly. Was she human or not? Drogh didn't care if she was or not, but the fact that he didn't know drove him insane. The small things tend to get Drogh the angriest, even if there wasn't real reason for his rage. He didn't trust her of course, and his mind quickly flooded into paranoia, he conjured up every worse case scenario and repeated them hundreds of times in his head. So he waited, very impatiently for the smuggler to arrive.
[member="Kalyn Shif"]