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Approved NPC Bes'uliik Traat'aliite

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Name: Bes'uliik Traat'aliite (Bes'uliik squadrons)
Intent: To provide the Mandalorian Protectors an NPC starfighter force capable of participating in offensive and defensive actions.
Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors, Mandalorians.
Availability: Rare
Type: Starfighter Squadron
Strength: 8-24 starfighters.

With the ending of the invasion of Teta, the need for a dedicated starfighter corps was recognized. The Mandalorian Protectors quickly put in place a program to put such a corps in place. The result was the Bes'uliik Traat'aliite, or the Bes'uliik Squadrons.

Pilots were selected based on top scores and experience and placed in the cockpit of Bes'uliik starfighters. Though limited in number, between connections and favors the Protectors managed to gain enough of the fabled starfighters to outfit a few squadrons with the ship. The pilots themselves use beskar'gam and whatever gear they decide to bring with them.

Bes'uliik Traat'aliite are often fielded in one large squadron or two small squadrons, though in large engagements or in the defense of key worlds, a larger number may be seen, though short of a miracle, never more than two large squadrons.

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