Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Between Sand and Sky

Greetings fellow writers.

I will be opening a campaign called Between Sand and Sky, the first of three interlocking stories in my Terrors of Tatooine Over Arc. Set primarily on Tatooine, I invite you explore this dry desert planet home to the worst sort of scum the underbelly of the universe can produce.

Scenario for Between Sand and Sky:
Tatooine's underworld has broken out in open warfare. Thugs and assassins serving the infamous Lorka the Hutt have been attacking the troops and operations of rival crime lord Ranon Djelkh, a vicious Devaronian who is seeking to replace the Hutt as the premier crime lord in this part of space. Not a night passes by without at least three or four gunfights between the groups and body count is growing.

Seeking to break the deadlock, Ranon was a hatched a plan to assassinate his rival. However the key ingredient is mistakenly sold to the group of the players. Ranon will stop at nothing to get hands on the item before it is too late.

What role will our brave troupe have in changing the landscape of Tatooine? Can they broker a peace? Will they worsen the situation? Find out in Between Sand and Sky.

The following rules would apply:

1. All Non-Sith characters are welcome to play. Writers will control only one character. Archon Xris will control the environment, and npcs.

2. Each writer playing must be able to produce at least one post a day. I know that RL can be a drag at times but leaving your fellow players hanging is a drag as well. IF a character does not post for three days straight, the character will be considered a temporary npc until the writer can continue playing again.

3. Each post must be at least 3 sentences long. Be creative, be descriptive.

4. Remember that this is a Desert Type world and prepare accordingly.

5. Yes I said over arc meaning there are two more campaigns later on. Writers who participate are free to join in again on those future campaigns as well.

If the scenario interests you or you have any questions please feel to reply to the thread. The campaign will launch in two days or if a sufficient number of players have expressed interest in playing.
Not a problem. I will post the opening scene and just post when you can. The whole post requirement is for when there are more than one player so as to keep the scenes moving.

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