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Approved NPC Bev'uliik Ramikade

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Name: Bev'uliik Ramikade
Intent: To create a form of heavy cavalry for the Mandalorian Protectors. Also to create a powerful, limited availability unit capable of devastating charges and getting "stuck in" with the enemy. Lastly, to create a unique unit based on taking a new spin towards mounted cavalry when tanks and armored vehicles are not available.
Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
Availability: Rare
Type: Heavy Mounted Cavalry
Strength: ~30-50 mounted Ramikade with Bev'uliik mounts

With the majority of their funding put towards fortifications and defensive works, the Mandalorian Protectors realized they lacked the funds to purchase and maintain tanks, armored vehicles, and similar machines. As an answer, it was decided to attempt a different method and try to bring unorthodox tactics to the field.

Using the Taakur Bev'uliik, native to Wayland, and training volunteers to ride them as mounts, the Protectors then applied the metal native to the Mandalorian homeworld: beskar. The Bev'uliik Beskar'kandar was made to armor the Bev'uliike and protect them from most attacks. The need for a powerful weapon to utilize on the charge was seen and the Ori'beviin was designed and issued. The mounted Ramikade brought their own armor, the heavy and highly protective Beskar'kandar, and personal weapons to aid them in the fight. The last of the equipment was the Ori'sol Bes'beve, a unique weapon and instrument utilized by the Northern Mandalorian clans as both a musical tool and a weapon of war. With their weapons and equipment settled and their mounts ready for combat, the Bev'uliik Ramikade were set to see action in the coming conflicts, both in the defense of their home territories and to attack those who would threaten Mandalore.

[member="Arrbi Betna"]
As discussed, I am registering my disapproval with this concept. However, there’s nothing wrong with the submission.

If it is used in an unfair or unbalanced way this will be re-reviewed.

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