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Private Beware of False Idols


some ambience?

Dante stood shoulder to shoulder with the denizens of Coruscant inside one of their deep-travel lifts. They were heading down below, to somewhere on level ... something below fourteen-hundred. The numbers had become unimportant since the last vestiges of high culture had disappeared. Down here, the only illumination cast through transparisteel windows was artificial, and rusty cities made of dingy shacks built into the sides of the reactors blocked the view.

Not that it mattered much how far down the lift had taken him. Coruscant's underworld was notorious for being endless, and, as the stories went, once you passed the upper thousands you were down in the deep end, where not even the long arm of the law could fully reach.

That suited Dante fine. It wouldn't be his first scrape with lowlives, and the opportunity to explore was too good to pass up. He had told his manager above he'd be exploring Coruscant a bit, and the Barabel, high out of his mind on spice as always, had only demanded he be back before their shuttle to the Outer Rim left. This meant nearly a full day before departure, and Dante had, since his childhood, known exactly how he wanted to spend that kind of time off on Coruscant.

Coruscant's lower levels weren't exclusively infamous for their illicit activities. In the world of shockboxing, the sport's enthusiasts talked about the rings and casinos down in the lower hundreds, where legends like Rhido Grohmin and Jido Scutteler first forged their careers. The chance to follow in the footsteps of one's heroes had been a dream of Dante's since he first laid his eyes ona professional match back on Hetzal Prime. And a chance to visit those places came only once in a lifetime for an Outer Rim farm boy like himself, and he didn't want to miss it.

The lift came to a halt, finally, and Dante snapped back to the moment. In front of him, the two-dozen other occupants of the lift shuffled out into the streets.

Dante checked the small datacard he'd snagged from some infopoint on the way down and confirmed he was still headed in the right direction. The card lit up with a red line connecting his location to another one a few streets down on the same level. Satisfied, he stepped off the lift and into the underworld of Coruscant proper, where the thick smell of heavily recycled air hung heavy.

The walk took a few minutes, past sorry figures and even sorrier sights, but they didn't take away from the excitement once he arrived. Gold Sector. Its name flashed bright neon on a sign high up on the building, and a hologram of a Barabel with golden coins falling from his pockets glowed into the city-induced night right above the building. A few figures loitered around the entrance, and the booming synths of music boomed through the heavy-set durasteel double doors.

From the outside, little seemed to set it apart from the many other casino in the lower levels of Coruscant. Inside, however, there would be shockboxers, pro and amateur alike, from the galaxy over who'd come to drink and fight and tell stories of their greatest moments. A veritable shockboxer's dream. And, more importantly, here they could walk the same ground as the greatest legends of their sport.

Dante steeled himself with a deep breath. He'd stared bright-eyed at the entrance for what felt like a full minute. With the home of his heroes so close, he couldn't stay out here admiring it forever. He had to go inside.

Gold Sector has been bought out by a criminal syndicate after the previous owner, a legend himself in the shockboxing community, was forcibly ousted through a set of underhanded maneuvers by a criminal gang. With the change in ownership came also a change in clientele. Though Gold Sector remains one of the most well known and well-visited shockboxing rings and casinos, it has attracted a crowd of criminals and slavers who prey on the down-trodden and forgotten of Coruscant.

The criminal syndicate which has taken ownership of Gold Sector is an obscure gang of slavers going by the 909's. Despite the lack of a name they call themselves, they've been dubbed the 909ers by the denizens of Coruscant's undercity for the level they operate out of. Though they've been on the Alliance Marshal's radar, the 909ers have kept mostly quiet in the grander scheme of undercity crime, and have only earned themselves a small target on their backs. This has kept the Marshals off their trail, as more prolific groups made demands of their attention.

Recently, however, there have been rumors of more ... profane ends the 909ers serve, and with those rumors, a greater number of disappearances.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Undercover

"Beat it," Valery told the fourth, or perhaps fifth sleazy criminal trying to offer her a drink. It was expected behavior in a casino like this, especially with so many drunks around, but she couldn't allow them to distract her. Between the bright neon lights, the shockboxing, and the constant sound of slot machines and Sabaac games, there was already an abundance of overstimulation that could have her miss it.

A sign.

Unlike most patrons, Valery was here with a purpose beyond losing credits. Gold Sector had always been a point of interest, but recent rumors had put it on the Jedi's radar. Not for underhand tactics to earn credits or cover-up of other illegal activities. No, she had felt something much darker stirring in the underworld. People had gone missing and each time she allowed her mind to wander into the Force to trace the pathways of these happenings, she felt a sinister cold.

She had to look into it.

With her arms crossed in front of her chest, Valery turned her eyes to the ongoing shockboxing event. Only a few years ago, she had found herself in one of these rings, trying to infiltrate another criminal gang in the Outer Rim. It had been taken down as a result, but she couldn't even begin to count how many new ones had appeared in its place. It was the nature of this Galaxy — a cyclical repetition of evil with only seconds to breathe peace in between.

Valery sighed and shook her head to rid herself of those depressing thoughts. She needed to focus, and after watching the fights for about an hour, she was starting to feel as if she was looking in the wrong place.

But that's when another entered the casino.

A strange tremor in the Force drew Valery's eyes back to the entrance, where a kid with sparks of hope in his eyes pushed his way inside through the crowd. She tilted her head and watched him from afar, curious as to why the Force drew her to him.

The interior of Gold Sector did not disappoint. The walls had been lined with metals that gleamed bright like aurodium, and giant corusca gems lined the wall-mounted lights, sparkling brilliantly under the orange glow. The attendants—genuine beings made of flesh and bone and not droids—all dressed in dapper suits and carried themselves with a level of grace Dante had never seen in the cantinas of his homeworld. The clients, too, didn't brawl openly or slur their words in a drunken stupor. Some of them even wore fancy suits and dresses.

Dante gazed wide-eyed at all of it as he walked through the tight corridors between groups of sentients huddled around tables and machines. The entire casino seemed to come straight from one of the broadcasts he'd seen at night on the holoview back when he was a kid, the ones with the speeder chases and explosions and the suave SIA Agent who always had the wittiest one-liners.

The ring of a bell broke through the hustle and bustle of the casino patrons. Near the back of the hall a cheer erupted, and all around Dante the expressions of some patrons turned to smug satisfaction or irritation. One woman even cheered her lungs out, spilling her drink on the small gathering around her.

Dante recognized that chain of events. Someone had won a shockboxing match, and the patrons either cheered or lamented their betting choices. It had become all too familiar since the start of his career, though he'd never been on this side of the ring-ropes for it.

Dante pushed through the dispersing crowd to get closer to the ring.

Down below, a tall Rodian was laying limp against the ropes. A small team of med-techs came and pulled him through to the outside of the ring, while his opponent, a pint-sized Barabel continued to shout insults and expletives aimed at the Rodian's dignity. That must have been the winner then.

Dante glanced around the audience. More disappointed faces than cheering ones. It seemed most had bet on the Rodian, something Dante didn't quite get. Weren't these people aware that Barabels were the top dogs of shockboxing? Especially ones as boisterous as the Barabel that currently did victory laps in the ring?

Dante sighed. Maybe there had been more at play here than just that.

Up above the arena were a few booths hovering to give the richer clients some privacy. The mugs up there seemed a lot more satisfied across the board.

Dante sighed. Match fixing, then. He continued watching the elites up above as they privately enjoyed the luxuries of their position. As he did, he locked eyes with a lone whiphid who stood shrouded in shadows near the edge of his booth. There was something dangerous about the whiphid's eyes, something not right. Looking into them seemed burned like sulfur.

Dante shivered and averted his eyes, closing them to get rid of the tingling sensation.

"What a creep."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover

Whatever the reason for the aura that surrounded him, Valery's gaze followed the young man as he stepped inside and looked around. Among the crowd of well-dressed rich investors, drunkards, and loud patrons calling out to their favorite fighters, Valery didn't really stand out. She stuck to the sidelines with her drink and knew how to steal glimpses without downright staring. Was he just another patron looking to get rich? A shockboxer, perhaps?

No, there was something more to him, that made him different from the rest.

She knew for certain, the moment his eyes were drawn up to a Whiphid in his booth up above. She followed not just his gaze, but extended her senses and felt something alarming. Had he felt it, too? Valery's lips pursed in thought, and after a moment of quiet contemplation, she pushed herself away from the wall and casually moved her way through the crowd. The next round of shockboxing was about to begin, so nobody paid much attention to her.

Exactly how she liked it.

"Planning to participate in the event?" Valery asked Dante Iblis Dante Iblis when she suddenly appeared beside him, her gaze focused on the ring, rather than him. "Going up against a Barabel is no easy task, though." Her lips tugged up into a grin, as her eyes slid towards the young man.

If she wished to understand what she felt, she'd have to get closer to him.

"Oh, not at all. On both counts. I just got through a fight. Need the rest," he smiled, a little unsure as he glanced at the stranger.

"But there's a trick to fighting Barabels," he said, watching the one below. "They lose their composure if they lose their footing or get tossed. Opens 'em up for a hit or two."

The crowd around them began dispersing. The fight must have been the main event tonight, and he'd just missed it.

Dante sighed, and turned to the stranger proper, leaning against the railing.

She stood a hair's breadth taller than he did, and was probably in better shape, too. Those scars over her eye implied a lot about her line of work, and it didn't hurt that her body language radiated quiet confidence. Dante knew a fighter when he saw one. If she wasn't a bounty hunter, then a mercenary maybe. Either way, a dangerous one to be careful with, for certain.

"Don't let a Barabel bite you, though, ever," he grinned. "Words of wisdom, trust me."

Dangerous was just fine, though. All the most interesting people in the galaxy ran in those kinds of professions, and Dante sure hadn't come here to get his ears talked off by some third-rate gamblers.

He held out a hand and straightened his jacket with the other. An old and beat up piece of black leather with various heavy isotope band patches and a wide fur lining around the collar and going down the inside of the opened front.

"Dante, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover

He was definitely a fighter, perhaps a regular here in this very ring. He had the build of a more nimble fighter — a true boxer — but the real giveaway was his knowledge and experience. For someone his age, he knew an awful lot about going up against a Barabel, and while that was alarming to some extent, Valery could admire it as well.

She had been quite an eager and competitive fighter back in the day herself.

"Wisdom or experience?" Valery asked when he mentioned being bitten by a Barabel. She flashed him a smirk and turned her gaze away, as the crowd began to disperse. The event of the night was over, and all that remained inside the ring was the clean-up crew tasked to rid the floor of blood and other leftovers.

Once she turned back, Valery looked down at the extended hand and shook it with a firm grip, "Valery," she said, choosing to use her real name. If he hadn't recognized her from this close and decided to attack her, she doubted that her name would ring a bell and spark a fight.

"Visiting just to see the fight? Or does your wisdom extend to gambling as well?" She looked over his shoulder and watched many of the patrons who left the fighting ring stands use their earnings from betting on the fights to test their luck at various casino games.

"Wisdom, thank the Force. Their jaws are like a dancefloor in some Zeltros spice-dive club," he shuddered at the thought. "No telling what you might catch from that."

He followed her gaze to the ring below. She wasn't phased by it in the slightest. That kind of cleanup probably didn't compare much to whatever battlefields she'd run on for credits.

"Well, nice to meet you, Miss Val. I'm here mainly for the fighting," he held up his hands to state his innocence from the gambling vice. "Luck's never really been on my side. My ring name's Lazy Iblis and not Lucky Iblis for a reason, hah."

Up above, the wealthier patrons slowly retired from their galleries and deeper into the casino, and somewhere to their right a small commotion grew. One of the patrons less in control of his faculties had decided he wanted to make it into the VIP section of the casino, and was being refused by the doormen.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover

Thank the Force?

Valery kept her expression the same, but she wondered why he said it. Was it a common phrase even among people who couldn't use the Force? Or was there even more to him than she had originally thought? For now, she made a mental note and focused on what else he told her about himself and his experience with fighting rings.

"I suppose Lucky Iblis would have been worse. Luck will run out someday," Valery replied and chuckled herself. While she talked, her eyes continued to scan their surroundings. Her target guests were retreating into their private booths and rooms, and people around them were focusing on their games again.

A commotion up ahead briefly pulled her attention, but she was quick to turn back to Dante.

"Ever been up there?" Valery asked and gestured to where her target had been up on the balcony. "In the VIP area and lounge?"

He had to play it cool. If she was asking about the VIPs, then he was sure she had access to some of the more exclusive underworld areas on the regular. He didn't want to lose the interest of an important figure like that.

Of course he'd been up there, with the VIPs. He was an up-and-coming shockboxer at the start of a meteoric rise. Plenty of VIPs wanted to meet and shake his magic right.

At least that was what he told himself.

He'd mingled with third-rate VIPs before, that much was true, but only when his manager had showed off his darling champion after a big win. He'd never gotten among the important movers and shakers of the underworld, let alone held a conversation with a VIP that went beyond courtesy.

Bravado would make up the difference, though. He hoped.

"Of course. Not in this one, but in other casinos and arenas. VIPs love to chat with the winner kid," he pulled the collar of his jacket with a smug grin.

Okay, laying it on a bit too thick, he thought. Less bravado, more cool.

He snapped his fingers and pointed toward the entrance with all the commotion.

"If I'm not mistaken that there's the way up. Looks like the bouncer's in a bad mood though."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover

"Is that so?" Valery watched him tug his collar up and couldn't help but smirk. She could still remember the days when she acted the same way about her skills with a lightsaber. No other Padawan could ever hope to beat her, or so she had told herself. But that whole line of thinking came crashing down on her when her arrogance had scarred her face forever.

She hoped he wouldn't make those same mistakes.

The snap of his fingers drew her eyes to the bouncer and crowd around him. She understood his mood. People who had no business being up there were trying to sweet talk their way in, and he had to stand there and endure it. One mistake and he'd lose his job. Valery pursed her lips in thought, then looked at Dante.

"I think I can brighten up his mood a little. Care to join me?" She knew she could do this alone, but if she surrounded herself with familiars at this place, she had some options to fall back on. It also kept the young man close, and she was still quite curious about this feeling in the Force she had ever since he stepped inside the establishment.

Maybe the VIP area would shine some light on it all.

"Of course," Dante nodded, and they started toward the commotion around the entrance.

The bouncer, a pale-skinned Rattataki with spiky tattoos covering his arms and head, looked like he was trying his best not to murder the Rodian heckling him for entry to the VIP lounge. A small crowd had gathered, watching the discussion, making quiet bets on whether green blood would get splattered on the floor this night.

Dante watched the exchange idly, considering their options. His new friend seemed more than confident about their chances to get in, despite the bouncers awful mood. He'd probably be able to get inside riding the coat tails of a war hero, but he didn't want to be playing second fiddle. Whether it was youthful bravado or that deep rooted ambition of his, sitting back letting others steer his fate didn't sit entirely right by him.

Dante fished around in his pocket for the latest cut of his earnings. He hadn't gotten any payment from Seluseus yet, the lizard's had given him the same old spiel of excuses, but he still had a few credit chips left over. His frugality in the face of such unreliability paid off. A small handful of credit bars, more than enough to cover a luxurious evening, still remained in his pocket.

He retrieved the biggest credit chip from the small pile, and, from his other pocket, produced a small datacard that held his official fighting records and ID as part of the Coruscant Shockboxer's League. He stuck the credit chip to the magnetic slider on the ID's back, and slipped it back into his pocket, right as they approached the door.

"Get out of here before I slit your throat," the Rattataki bouncer shouted, allowing a sliver of his vibroknife, more a vibromachete, to gleam free from its sheath. It worked its menacing charm on the Rodian, who made a few, hasty apologetic noises and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

With a snort, the Rattataki leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms. Irritation still played across his expression, but at least he'd gotten rid of the source of his annoyance.

Dante stepped up to the Rattataki, wearing a slight smile. The bouncer kicked off the wall again, staring daggers down at the shorter man. There was almost a full head's difference between the two in height, not to mention the brawn of the Rattataki completely overshadowed Dante's comparably modest frame.

"Lounge's full, boss said no more visi-" The Bouncer couldn't finish his sentence as Dante interrupted.

"Name's Lazy Iblis," Dante produced the small dataslate and held it out.

"Here's my record. If you take a close look, I'm sure you'll find we'll blend in with the crowd upstairs just fine," he smiled.

The Rattataki took the ID card, frowning as his hand brushed the credit chip stuck to its underside. He switched the ID to his other hand, quietly pocketing the credit chip as he held the card up for inspection. Despite the bribe, the Rattataki still scowled his displeasure. Once the credit was safely stowed in his pocket, his hand found itself on the hilt of his vibroknife again. Violence played across his features, and his stance shifted subtly, as though he was preparing to take a swing.

Dante swallowed quietly.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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