Placeholder 0128
The empyrean was an ever-shifting, unknowable thing. To know the universe was to know nothing, as the simple act of observing it changed it intrinsically. One could not know change, and yet Cedric did.
He understood everything now.
He had no body to call his own; his spirit lingered on, unshackled by its mortal coil. At most times it chose to rest, simply looking upon all of creation from beyond the netherrealm. The galaxy was a beautiful, ugly, lovely, and terrible place. It was a realm of inconsistency and seeming randomness, and Cedric had spent much of his time here attempting to memorize its patterns: an effort of total futility.
Now, however, something stirred him. His unconscious mind reached out into the depths of the Great Ocean, and found a receptive mind. One touched with the Force, marked with purpose, but lost nonetheless. For now he simply watched from the beyond; she would know something was different, but as to what would likely be a mystery.
He understood everything now.
He had no body to call his own; his spirit lingered on, unshackled by its mortal coil. At most times it chose to rest, simply looking upon all of creation from beyond the netherrealm. The galaxy was a beautiful, ugly, lovely, and terrible place. It was a realm of inconsistency and seeming randomness, and Cedric had spent much of his time here attempting to memorize its patterns: an effort of total futility.
Now, however, something stirred him. His unconscious mind reached out into the depths of the Great Ocean, and found a receptive mind. One touched with the Force, marked with purpose, but lost nonetheless. For now he simply watched from the beyond; she would know something was different, but as to what would likely be a mystery.