Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Age28 GSY
Height0.89 Meters
Weight75 kg
Force SensitiveNo
VoiceMr. Big






Like many others who have undertaken the path of a Foundling, Bhullo was taught the ways of the Mandalorian, specifically the unique views of Clan Gred.

Tinkerer: Bhullo loves to tinker and mess with scraps of technology. Much of his own equipment was handmade, carefully put together from what most people consider junk.


Due to his Ortolan heritage, Bhullo comes off as rather short and stocky. While not always an issue, his somewhst dwarfish build does make certain situations difficult for his size.

Quiet Place: Bhullo, like others of his species, has sensitive olfactory and hearing senses. While note typically issue, they could be exploited by someone who uses tricks such as sonic weaponry or harsh smelling substances.


Bhullo's story begins on a distant Ortolan colony, a serene settlement nestled on a world far from the bustling centers of the galaxy. Born to a tight-knit community of Ortolans, Bhullo's early life was filled with the warmth of family and the beauty of his homeworld. However, this tranquility was shattered when slavers, under the employ of the Hutts, raided the colony. The peaceful Ortolans were unprepared for the ruthless attack, and in the chaos, Bhullo was torn from his family, thrust into the terrifying world of captivity.

Fate intervened in Bhullo's dire circumstances when a Mandalorian from Clan Gred, following a bounty on one of the slavers, arrived to liberate the captured Ortolans. Among the freed captives, Bhullo caught the attention of his rescuer, who saw potential in the young Ortolan. Adhering to Mandalorian customs, Bhullo was made a Foundling and welcomed into Clan Gred. As a Foundling, he was immersed in the ways of the Mandalorians, learning their culture, language, and combat skills. Despite the harshness of his early experiences, Bhullo found solace in his new family and the rigorous yet rewarding life of a Mandalorian.

From a young age, Bhullo exhibited a remarkable talent for tinkering and building. He spent countless hours scavenging parts and creating devices from scraps, a hobby that quickly became his passion. His fascination with icy worlds and his species' inherent affinity for cold environments inspired him to innovate in the field of cryogenic technology. As he matured, Bhullo channeled his skills into developing cryogenic and cold-based weaponry, tools he would later use in his bounty hunting endeavors. Today, Bhullo serves with the Gred Fleet, seamlessly blending his roles as a mechanic and a bounty hunter
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[COLOR=#00CED1]"[ABBR=Max Rebo don't never miss no gig.]Max Rebo roreil sirhiz ii nija'a![/ABBR]"[/COLOR]


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