Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Big bada boom

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Black wings moved fast and hard as the being attached to them weaved through the traffic of speeders that narrowly missed her. Behind the woman came volleys of blaster fire with intent to kill. "FETHING DAMN IT!" The woman spat out with hands firmly gripping the gun she had. In total three speeders filled with bounty hunters nipped at her heels in chase. With a hard bank left she swung into a tunnel that ran through a building hoping that she could pull a head. For a minute Teresa had and even lost one of the speeders. As the woman flew over the top of a civilians vehicle she'd land on top and spun around to return fire with a grenade that she had saved for a special moment. With a thwunk the large round arched from the underbarrel. The closest speeder moved out the way but it hit the second causing a decent sized explosion.

The speeder would smash into the ground skimming across the metal surface as thick smoke billowed from its wreckage. Still there was a speeder still hot on her trail as another volley of blue bolts came for her. The speeder below her feet moved erratically causing her to take flight again. Holding the gun pointed behind she let out her own shots using her maneuverability to lead them into the craft. Her attention moved forwards to the exit. Teresa could feel the air rush in from the exit. As she exited the tunnel the woman had not noticed the speeder that broke away from the others had cut her off. The wind that came in through the exit had slowed her down allowing of a well placed shot onto her back where the wing connected. The heat caused the woman to scream out as vessels expanded.

She began to fall unable to move her wing but she focused the force to freeze the area to stop more vessels popping from the shot that had landed. As she looked down Teresa noticed that she was falling into incoming traffic, her hands let go of the gun as they came up to cover her face and her good wing the protect the rest of her body. With clenched teeth she braced herself crashing through the roof of someone's vehicle. The bounty hunters however did not let up in their relentless pursuit as they began to catch up from above.

Gaius Crassus


Gaius Crassus

Having just pulled off the lot in his new airspeeder, Gaius was coming to terms with the idea of owning his own speeder. It was strange to have complete ownership for one, and even more so that it was entirely his now. It was such a strange concept for a man who spent his life as a slave. No matter how much he tried to wrestle with the fact, he couldn't swallow the idea, it just felt so alien to him. He decided to play music on the radio to ease his mind about the whole thing, and to his pleasant surprise one of his favorite tunes began to play. He caught a glance of traffic seeming to slow down over head, so he throttled back on his speed, taking in a breath as he hummed along to the song, feeling his nerves start to unwind.

"If I could fall, into the sky, do you think time, would pass us by, cause you know I'd walk a thousand parsecs if i could see you ton-"

Before he could finish the chorus, a loud crash drew his attention. He felt his speeder plummet a solid ten feet below the traffic line, as a quick glance in his rearview mirror revealed that his sunroof had been demolished, and a gaping hole was now evident in his new speeder. The body of a winged clawer woman was sprawled out in his back seat, as his eyes widened in horror at what had occured. His song continued to play, but the Apprentice was baffled over what he was witnessing. "Lady what the feth are you doing?" He shouted, turning back to face her as his speeder had stalled in the air, as traffic speed by overhead.

He didn't have long to complain, as several blaster shots began to smack into the roof of his speeder, peeling back the roof of the vehicle in the process. "Oh kark!" He cursed, punching the speeder in high gear as he peeled off, cutting into another lane of traffic as several speeders seemed to now he in pursuit. "Hey, hey wake up, what the hell is going on?" He shouted, glancing back at the vessels that seemed to appear out of no where and fire upon the Sith. Confusion could not even begin to describe the sea of emotions he was wading through right now. He was a mix of livid at his speeder being totaled, and baffled at the insanity that he seemed to have been caught up with. Whoever this winged woman was, he really wanted some answers from her.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

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