Binn Toskros
Binn Toskos
Age | 34 |
Species | Quarren |
Gender | Female |
Height | 1.8m (5'10"ft) |
Weight | 73kg (161lbs) |
Force Sensitive | Not Sensitive |
Looks like a standard Quarren female. Has reddish skin with deeper red dots on her head, along with other spots of skin.
late husbands company
VM-19 blaster
Mostly Binn acts respectfully when given the same in return. She will analyze situations before making up her mind to see where it falls on the honor scale, and whether or not it could benefit her or the Quarren people. Not being xenophobic she is fine with other races. Just not fine nor tolerant with maltreatment from anyone, whether it is evident then or not varies.
Versatile= Binn has always been one to adapt to any situation. Starting from poverty to running a business
Cunning= She does not shy away from leaving things unsaid, or... miss said to further her goals
Honor Bound= Her word is her bond. Community is paramount, the wider Quarren region is working to knit themselves closer.
Vengeful= Seeks fiery raging retribution for wrong done unto her. Whether it be by economic, personal, digital, or physical actions.
Bullheaded= Often not listening to reason Binn will follow through with an idea.
Binn Toskos was happy in her marriage to Thacgern Toskos. He being the owner of a smaller shipwright aligned with the Quarren forces that wanted a stronger government and freedom for Dac. This went well under the Aculia Voland Administration period where the Toskos Shipwrights grew in size within the Empire of the Lost. The growth slowed under the Velran Kilran Administration with Teckla Tane being given control of the Dac region. She didn't trust non humans and actively worked to diminish some of their power. Never the less he continued slow growth and organization of the Quarren Defense Force. During the Tingle Arm Coalition's invasion Thacgern lost his life commanding a three frigate group that was attacked first.
Binn was heartbroken but that emotion was soon replaced. Replaced by vengeance and rage courtesy of the Empire itself. They and Teckla, Darth Rasnuhl being noted as an opponent of their crackdown on Quarren as well as Mon Calamari. She quickly took over the day to day of the family business using its resources to help rebuild other shipwrights with a payback of whatever they could offer. Whether or not it was reconstruction funds from the Empire, payments, material, or future favors. Her plans changed some when Karl Von Strauss was given control of the region and he so far seems to have a more compassionate & gentler hand.
Binn's late husband had been invited to the underworld before his passing. Something she is following through on to see what positives or negatives that may be gained from the invitation. At the low end other markets to sell parts & equipment. On the other end a chance to sway markets behind the scenes.