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Approved Tech Bio-adapting Muscle Flexers | B.M.F "Pins"

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Manufacturer: Vergessen Contii
Type: Cybernetic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average
  • Allows for the remote operation or automation of living and deceased biomatter.
  • The prosthetic limbs can be utilized by living or deceased organisms by localizing the contractions of muscle tissue near the puncture location to stimulate movement. These prosthetics are also equipped with multi-functional adapter ports for the swapping and changing of equipment, e.g a shovel for an arm, or a blade.
  • The inserted prosthesis adaptor can be removed with force by physically pulling the injected cybernetic out.
The B.M.F pins come in a set of 4, one for each primary limb on a regular humanoid's body. They come in the form of 4 silver rods attached together by a flexible metal belt. The pins can be separated for individual use. Once activated, a long thin needle protrudes from one end of the pin, which can then be inserted into the wound of someone's missing extremity. Through the manipulation of muscular contractions and a concoction of chemicals and sedatives, the limb can utilize the nearest muscles next to the adaptor's puncture location to move itself proficiently. This works on both living and deceased flesh; deceased flesh with less performance potential as rigor mortis and decay makes the manipulation of muscle tissue difficult.

Each pin is labelled with an indecipherable black-font barcode and a number from 1 to 4.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: One of many armaments for Vergessen Contii
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Biomesh -

Technical Information

Affiliation: Vergessen Contii
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Biomesh
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

Very interesting and cool! I have some concerns about this:
This manipulation overrides the body's neural link to the limb, leaving even conscious recipients unable to move the prosthetic themselves without the input of the creator.
Could you explain that better? On the site, you cannot tell the other players what they can and cannot do. It's always the other player who decides how your actions affect them, not you. So in this case, you can't say that you deny their right to move this implant and then they can't do anything. That's why I would like to ask you to explain this better, maybe I misunderstood what you wrote.
Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

Very interesting and cool! I have some concerns about this:

Could you explain that better? On the site, you cannot tell the other players what they can and cannot do. It's always the other player who decides how your actions affect them, not you. So in this case, you can't say that you deny their right to move this implant and then they can't do anything. That's why I would like to ask you to explain this better, maybe I misunderstood what you wrote.
I decided to remove this section, since I think it was made just to fluff up the strengths a bit. Hopefully this keeps things balanced.
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