Baifa Monü Zhuan
Okuninushi Isle played host to many things on Atrisia, tournaments... some of the largest shells in the core worlds and some of the most beautiful Atrisians walking around. The grand arena had been filled by many people allowing them to see a show... and this time it wasn't Junko in the galavision one. It was a chance for them to sit back and enjoy a show from one of the more highly regarded across the galaxy. With several performances ahead to open for the main event of course. The seats packed with tens of thousands while their voices rose in places but were able to be muffled when close enough to not distract or ruin the shows. In arena fights they had done much... and Junko had seen them able to flood it with massive pumps for classic naval fights between smaller vessels but it could still be exciting.
The Atrisian princess had invited the newest ladies of Atrisia... Supisy and Latyuo to come and visit as there were people that they would be able to meet. The chance for Shoma to get out of his NEET room in the palace. TIme to join the crowds and mingle with his people... or at least his people that are not in the Corellian digital hologames.... she had seen them and small cat bois dancing were only so enjoyable for a moment but the fantasy dive he worked with and was able to use did give him a lot of freedom to do things. She sat back in her seat though as her handmaidens were around in the booth, the lights in the arena working as was the bubble above that worked to allow the sounds to come around and be heard anywhere in the arena. She could see some of the other lords and ladies around the arena.
Chessashai Umianai Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Shoma Ike
The Atrisian princess had invited the newest ladies of Atrisia... Supisy and Latyuo to come and visit as there were people that they would be able to meet. The chance for Shoma to get out of his NEET room in the palace. TIme to join the crowds and mingle with his people... or at least his people that are not in the Corellian digital hologames.... she had seen them and small cat bois dancing were only so enjoyable for a moment but the fantasy dive he worked with and was able to use did give him a lot of freedom to do things. She sat back in her seat though as her handmaidens were around in the booth, the lights in the arena working as was the bubble above that worked to allow the sounds to come around and be heard anywhere in the arena. She could see some of the other lords and ladies around the arena.
Chessashai Umianai Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Shoma Ike