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Mission Birth of the Crimson Flower [SO, Sith Academy]



The world of Exocron has been largely out of the light of the galactic powers. Many years of forces and factions coming and going. Claiming rights to the planet have disrupted the ecosystem and economy of the planet. Leaving it in a state of Royal families that fight in the shadows for control over the domination of the planet. Its a time in which many of the Sith Ideologies have come to a head. Many of the benefactors of such families have been ushering in a new regime change. One that would attempt to take back power from the Sith Order for the planet to be its own entity within Sith Space. These loyalists to the regime change have taken the moniker of "Exocron's Justice." In which they operated with guerilla tactics, terrorism, and rebellion against the echelons of power and its hierarchy.

As one of these members of higher society, My father called me back from my studies at the Sith Academy. This yanking of my duties to the Sith put me in contention. A falling out of this planet could spell the end of many families, and their heritage. More over, it could destabilize the government and its ability to produce weapons for the Order as a Forge World. As such, My father was attempting to becoming the reining Emperor of Exocron. He gave me a singular order for which I was to give out.

"Do whatever is necessary to return home, and bring an end to the terror of our peoples."

With that in mind, I sent out a call to the Academy members, as well as writing a personal letter to the other governors of planets near by, and even the Dark Council for aid in quashing this rebellion. I still remember what I had written down to them. Its words seared into my mind like a brand.

"For those who it concerns,

The planet of Exocron, my home, and legacy is under attack from a group of loyalists to a regime change in which could destabilize the entirety of the planet and its production of weapons for the Sith Order and its affiliates. I, Svenja Dietrich Fürstin Von und Zu Exocron, have been called back to my home by my father to fortify the planet against such a change. It is with a heavy heart that I send this transcript to all who would be able to aid me in preventing the upheaval of my family, culture, and life. I would like to request aid in this dire time to prevent the Order of the Sith as a whole, to come down upon my people for transgressions that a vocal minority have thrust upon my people. I will be required to forego my studies as a student of the Academy on Jutund in order to protect what little I could call my home. To solidify my Family's hold over the planet so that it would not fall into disarray. It is not an image I wish to share among my peers, and overseers in the request for aid, yet it is one I must perform so that the betterment of the Order, as well as my own personal interests are not decimated. Should this be an acceptable reason to aid me, I have attached coordinates to my home, Doriath - The Castle of the Force, for which those who can provide aid can use as a base and operating location.

In Humility,
Svenja Dietrich Fürstin Von und Zu Exocron"

In the Days since, Sith from all kind of locations have come to join the fight in aiding me. Even as I stood over the holoprojection of the planet and its current fronts of battle, The pieces moving as if some game from my childhood. One of the House Soldiers moved to stand beside me. Attention given and a salute of our people. A closed fist over our heart.

"Your troops are donning their gear. The Dark Paladins have been refitted with their power armor, and weaponry. Ready for your orders and leadership Ma'am."

I did not look at the man. Only standing there. Feeling the weight of my world on my back and shoulders. With this new onslaught of fighters, I have made a new legion of troops for which were the best of the soldiers our Dynasty could offer. These men were my personal guard, but also soldiers who had seen war. They would be the most versatile and prepared warriors for which the start of our new regime would begin.

"Prepare my Armor. Notify my father of my need for his presence."
"By your will."

The man clacked himself back together before moving. It was only a few moments before my father walked into the chamber. His heavy steps slamming into the obsidian floor. Adorned in his finest regalia. I knew he was angry at me. It was in his presence and voice as he spoke to me like a child.

"You request me to come to you? You demand my presence to you? My own child? I told you to prepare for combat! Where is your Armor? Where are your new fancy troops?"

I was staying in silence. Standing up and looking directly into his face. The man who I have looked up to for so many years. For so many reasons. I wanted nothing but to show him how much I wanted his approval. How much I wanted to show him that not bringing forth a son under his name was not a waste. That I, was not a waste. Yet here he was. belittling me as if I were a child scorned. Looking at his face, I answered.

"I wished to update you on those things you asked, Father. As I believe I have found a way to make this transition to our power over Exocron become all the more secured."
"And how is that? What is this proposed idea that I had not thought before."

In a flash, I had moved to close the distance to the man with the force. A saber protruding from his chest. The Crimson light reflecting off of all the darkened stone surfaces of the room. In front of all the soldiers and men here. All willing to follow him into battle. Yet now, they were mine.

"To solidify MY power on Exocron. I need you to no longer be in my way father."

Blood spilling from his lips in a face of amazement and deceit. His betrayed daughter was going to take the very thing that prevented their power from holding the planet. His regime and iron grip on the planet has caused this drift in our people. It has made the very people who worked for and under him, to loath and desire his end. And now it is here. I knew he would not walk away from this. He always sought power over people. Power over Exocron by puppeteering me into becoming Empress under him. Now that would no longer be the case.

The saber released its hold on his body. Falling to the obsidian floor. His breaths labored and harsh. Trying desperately to grasp air. To make a final command. Yet none would come.

"May this be the last gift I bestow you with father. Be Proud I am a Sith."

The saber went dark. The hilt held in my hand. Shaking as now there was some weight relieved of my chest. Turning to the soldiers, I spoke plainly.

"You all have seen this coming for years. He spoke of our Dynasty becoming the ruling of our world. He saw you as pawns to his game of power. Now he has paid the price for those games. Secure a future for our people. Fight for our Imperium."


Objective One: Join Svenja in sweeping through the streets of Exocron and eradicating any footholds of the "Exocron's Justice" Loyalists. Civilian Casualties are to be kept to a minimum where possible. They will target civilians. So saving the people of the regime change will work as a "Hearts and Minds" aspect of preventing the death of loyal subjects to the crown of the new Empress of Exocron. This is where Urban combat will take place. Some Walkers/Vehicles can be used, but nothing larger than that.

Objective Two: The main base of the "Exocron's Justice" separatists have been discovered outside the city hidden in the Mountains. This location has an opening to allow vehicles and smaller ships and star fighters to enter. Multiple exits and entrances need to be closed off to trap them within. Where then any Fleeters can rain down upon the moutain as a show of force and quash the rebellion in its tracks.

Objective Three: The small fleet tactics of the Exocron Justice Separatists have somehow gotten a hold of a number of Star Destroyers in an attempt for one final offensive against the people of Exocron. Their attempt is to bombard the Castle of Doriath. However, you are here to prevent them from doing so. And when the call comes, to rain down hellfire upon the Mountain base that is planet side.

Objective Four: BYOO

Civilian casualties are meant to be kept to a minimum, huh? Syala would have thought that was pointless in the past. Trying to protect people was much harder than just trying to kill them. Of course, she didn't have to be here. There wasn't much in it for her to be aiding some stranger with their home world issues. But it was like...what would you call it...building connections. Associates. That kind of thing. Though if she was honest, she couldn't care less about the politics of some random planet. Maybe her father would care but not her. Plus hey. She got to kill people that deserved it. Even if her eyes, if you were alive you deserved to die. The natural circle. You can't have life without death. It was part of why she didn't have any interest in prolonging her life. You can't find satisfaction in something you'd never achieve yourself.

It had been a while since she had done anything aligned with violence. Far too long. Finding her family had been great and all. But there was only so long she could play nice with people. The noble life wasn't for her. At least not until she had gotten everything out of her system. Said system just wanting to to fight and develop her skills. This was the perfect place to practice her skills either way. The streets had plenty of places for her to hide and lurk. Focusing on the Force to keep herself hidden from those with more mundane methods of vision and senses, whilst staying away from the main sounds of fighting and battle. Syala wasn't built for open combat. The shadows were more her thing. It also meant she could find any of these loyalists that may be hiding or setting up an ambush.

Of course for now, she stalked the streets. Anger and fear seemed to reek through the city. Plenty of different avenues and routes she could take to try and rescue civilians. Urgh. The concept still seemed strange to her. Just look on the bright side. If she saved someone, they might give her a reward or something. Syala twirled her dagger around her hand as she looked amongst the streets. It was time for her to get to work doing what she did best.
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


Considering the great distance between Echnos and Exocron, Kaila was quite surprised when she received what was thought initially to be a personal letter from a woman with a very long name, but also a woman in need. As it turned out, the letter had not been meant for her, and a postal error on the part of some overworked and underpaid worker had seen this letter into the hands of Darth Anathemous, Newly ascended Governor of Echnos, and the youngest Darth risen by the will of Empress Srina Talon Srina Talon .

She was not the intended recipient, nor was Echnos particularly well equipped to handle a rebellion when their resources were already stretched so thin addressing the recent Alliance siege, and supplying The Emperor's new second legion. However, Anathemous was a resourceful woman, and she now had the authority to respond.

A part of her felt obligated, even. Not just because she wished to do right by The Empress and her empire for this newfound freedom, but because she had derived subtle meaning in that letter, and begun to sympathize with this "Svenja" woman even before her arrival on Exocron. From writings alone, she could feel the weight of expectation upon this woman's shoulders, and the subtle hopelessness of a family so strained. The words "to protect what little I could call my home" in particular, spoke of a longing that could hollow out any being. It reminded her far too much of her own quest for approval that had only recently begun to yield results after so many years, and the emptiness she felt when returning The Malsheem prior.

So she deployed to Exocron, with a host of SB-H Droid Commandos in tow, with the hope that they may not only quash this rebellion before things got out of hand, but that Echnos and Exocron may ally themselves in future endeavors. Anathemous, unlike many of her peers, had a heart. It was just that she had a knack for finding ways to gain from following it.

There was just one problem. The woman's father. He was a monarch in the making, ego bloated by power and dreams of ambitions that would inevitably be squandered.

Anathemous glared at him as he passed, mask held under her arm, long golden hair draped over her shoulders much like her black cloak which had been tossed the shoulder, revealing the sleek battle armor she wore in the safety of this castle. She was ready. The woman who called her here was ready. And yet here he was, bemoaning this brief step away from petty bureaucracy.

She watched this micro-tantrum with little interest, wondering how a rebellion had not occurred sooner if only to shut him up, or how Svenja could stand-


Her golden eyes widened as the nobleman's daughter closed the gap, a previously unseen lightsaber piercing the father's sternum.

"To solidify MY power on Exocron. I need you to no longer be in my way father."

Her lips slowly curled into a smile.

Gods, how she wished to do the very same to her master. She could almost feel how satisfying it must be to destroy the one who had taken her freedom from her, turned her into a mere servant in all but name. Perhaps Svenja's father would not be proud, but Kaila certainly was, for that woman had achieved what she could not.

"May this be the last gift I bestow you with father. Be Proud I am a Sith."

"You all have seen this coming for years. He spoke of our Dynasty becoming the ruling of our world. He saw you as pawns to his game of power. Now he has paid the price for those games. Secure a future for our people. Fight for our Imperium."

And so it was that the youngest Darth approached the newest Empress of Exocron, clapping gloved hands together at the display.

"Well done...!" She said with a pleased laugh.

"Darth Anathemous, Governor of Echnos, Apprentice to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . It is a pleasure to meet you in person, Empress Svenja"

Her greetings were accompanied by a bowing gesture befitting of one in such noble company, Though she was not of noble blood herself. It was one of those rare occasions in which she bowed to a Sith who was not above her station, for it was not a gesture of subservience, but rather deep respect for overcoming a great personal obstacle and doing what needed to be done.

"I believe my forces and I would very much enjoy fighting alongside you, as opposed to..." She glanced at the bloodied corpse


Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron



The matters of Exocron were hardly the concern of far away Alvaria, however, the matters of Exocron were certainly the concern of closeby Eliad, whether it was the experience of a fellow world of nobility, that had requested that their King consider the matters on Exocron, or simply it was the nature of nobility to see the advantage in all events occurring to others, as King of Eliad, what occurred here, certainly was a prospect of his most interest.

Of course, too, he might be the only one amongst them, well indeed, there were only two others in his position, who had received two invitations to come here. One as the neighbouring King of Eliad, the other as member of His Imperial Majesty's Dark Council, suffice it to say, the first invitation might have captured his attention.

But it was the second that had captured his interest.

It was a bold stroke, to invite the most influential among them here, it was a bold stroke to invite the Emperor's personal representatives to a world experiencing civil war. Oh for whatever reason it may be, whatever internal conflict was waged here, if it went on for long enough, if it continued to disrupt the logistical and economic concerns of the wider empire.

Well, it mattered little who was right and true in this world, the Emperor would simply enact his rule.

Such was the boldness to make the matters here on Exocron, known to the entire empire, to invite them here to fight, rather than dealing with this war quietly, without the influence of chaotic neighbours, this Lady Exocron, a student of the Imperial Jutrand Academy of all things, had such a stroke of boldness... or perhaps it was naivete. Regardless, it was the first time, that Malum had ever truly considered the possibility that those students may indeed be worthy enough to be heirs of the Empire.

It was certainly enough for Malum to come here personally to find the measure of this young woman.

Suffice it to say, she... measured.

"Presenting Darth Malum, of House Marr, King of Alvaria and Eliad, Lord of the Tsis'Kaar, and member of His Imperial Majesty's Dark Council," The herald announced, maintaining his composure even as his once liege lord lay crumpled and crisping on the ground.

As through the archway, marched through heavy boots, a tall cloaked figure emerged out from the darkness, armoured of make not his, patterned with phrik, armourweave, reflec, leather, and silk, formed out of the colour black, highlighted by the colour red, all leading upwards to a face hidden behind the mask of another not belonging to him. He sat an imposing figure, lean and muscled, he considered the room carefully, standing atop the steps, and gazing down upon those below.

"Well done?" Came the voice, dark, cold, withering, "Is that what you consider patricide, Darth Anathemous? Is that what you consider kinslaying?" His boots echoed along the hall, as he descended down from his height, following out from his left flank behind him, two helmed souls, of the armour of a long since defeated Sith Empire, while from the right flank, two masked souls, silent as they followed their lord, "Is that what you consider regicide?" The question hung in the air.

Before masked red eyes turned towards those of purple, another Epicanthix, if her height was any indication, a true beauty, if those flowing white locks were any indication.

But right now, little more than an acolyte.

"Do not call yourself Empress outside this world, what is done is done, but you have already killed one so-called Emperor, and in this Empire, there can only sit one of that title, watch yourself, or you find yourself dead at his wrath." Bold, that was certainly what she was, but perhaps foolish, and naive, were far more pertinent adjectives.

His eyes turned towards one of the many assembled here,
"Give the man a proper burial, prepare a ceremony," His eyes turned back towards the young woman, "I applaud you on seizing power, but it remains to be seen if you can hold it." The test begun, and now it was to decide if she would pass it.

Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
Vicinity: Syala Syala
Mentioned: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean



Soldiers began leaving the location. Filtering out through the doorways as the body of the man I had killed still smoked with the saber hole in his chest. They would be leading out into the fortifications of the city to make the offensive against the separatists who sought to bring an end to MY regime. During that time, I stood there. Looking down at the corpse of the man who had given me life. Who had tormented me for years because of what he wanted from me. For that, the consequence he received, was justice in my eyes.

Of course there would be some sob campaign in which one of the assassins of the Exocron's Justice would be blamed for it and put on trial later. As was all things within royalty squabbles. However, what broke my mind from this focus of the corpse, was a woman's voice. Congratulating me, hailing me. Even using the term Empress. The planet did have an Imperial background that had been under the guise of being modeled after many Empires and Imperiums before. However, I did not yet hold that role. I had been been bequeathed the crown upon my head. Nor did I really want to have it as an "Empress." I wanted my father gone and no longer having to deal with him.

However, the taking of this mantel was worth it. I knew it would be. And, a slight side effect, is that it would boost whatever I needed to accomplish within the Sith hierarchy to some degree.

She motioned to be in support of my regime. Making a point to present my father in his current state. However, it was the presence of another who joined us that made me lack a response to her at the moment. Making clear points of patricide and regicide. The murder of not just a Father by their children, but also the death of a noble. My eyes found their way to his mask. HIs Prescence clearly a lord of the Sith. He had real power. Real strength. One that I will one day obtain. More over, he came with a warning. To not use that word outside of this world. Even more so with the death of an Emperor-like individual, would put into question my own loyalties. Yet a quick response was given to him.

"Emperor, Empress, King, Queen, Lord, or Lady. It matters not to me. I break my restrictions to become who I am. I seek myself as Sith. Beholden only to Myself, and the reining Emperor of the Sith Order. One day maybe a Master before I take their place."

I put away the saber. Clipping it to my garmets before turning away from him and motioning to grab the body. He had given the command, but it wasn't quite followed as they were My people. My subjects now. It was not more so a power move against him. Just the ineptitude of the soldiers who didn't want the wrath of one or the other. Unwilling to move.

"He shall not receive a burial. We cremate our dead. Use their ashes to our infrastructure, weapons, armor. So that their mistakes, their blessings, their curses, will forever be with us. However, your concern is noticed and appreciated Lord."

I move to a section of the room in which four others stood. Blackened armor resting on tables or hanging by a rack. Moving to them, I stood on a dais to be fitted. As the armor would be difficult to put on alone. Powered armor is not to be trifled with. Yet here I am, going to be donning it for the coming conflict.

"Seizing power is the after effect. The man broke me and tortured me so that I would one day be in such a place. But under his thumb and watchful eyes. I WILL NOT, have that. Just as any Sith Lord does not wish to have another over them. No. I have not seized anything. I only replaced my chains of a child, with the shackles of leadership. Both have positives, and negatives. Both I was prepared for."

As my arms stretched out, the individuals placing the armor upon me, breathed prayers to the gods. Gods of a Crusade that took place before my birth. Gods of War, conflict, a sword, shield, they prayed to them to give me strength, to the armor to protect me. It took a couple moments, but the armor was placed upon me. Where given a large vibro-sword was placed into my hand, and a pistol onto my side. My saber clipped to the belt as well.

The red cloth flowing and draping from the powered armor I wore. All to facilitate my combat abilities due to my lower connection to the force. Turning to the both of them, My eyes met theirs once more.

"I will be the Empress to my Imperial regime upon this planet. But that moniker will only go so far. It holds less water than any title among the Sith and their own empirical power. That is not lost on me. However, as you are here, Darth Malum, would it be in your schedule to aid in this offensive against those who would seek to bring my people, and their planet to their knees against the Sith Order you so behold?"

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Syala Syala
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


"Well done?" Came the voice, dark, cold, withering, "Is that what you consider patricide, Darth Anathemous?

"It is what I consider breaking chains, Lord Marr"

Anathemous bowed her head to the dark councilor despite whatever defiance he might perceive of her words.

"I could hardly consider this patricide. The man shirked his duties as a father and was rendered his punishment, as my master rendered punishment to the Governor of Echnos before me for shirking his. Which sin is greater, I'll let you decide, but I think it a fitting end all the same"

she was sure to remind him that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had beheaded the man, and it was for this reason, among others, that Anathemous was raised to replace him.

Although there were other reasons that may have brought her to this conclusion as well, reasons that Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr may already suspect. Anyone who had done their research, which may have been the case among the dark councilors who'd witnessed her ascension upon the alliance retreat, would know that Kaila Irons was something of an anomaly to imperial records, a wild card and blank slate. The only history she had on record was being admitted to a military hospital in occupied Krownest in an era when the empire still ruled from Dromund kaas, and nearby Mandalore was still called Moridinae. She was treated for cranial injuries, her latent powers causing incident before she was taken away to begin training with Carnifex, the last anyone saw of her until recently. No one came looking, not a soul.

What could blood possibly mean to a ghost with no family to call her own?

In truth, though she knew the reasoning behind Malum's distaste, Anathemous may never understand, on a personal level, the nobility nor it's perceived value. Although, she was not entirely in disagreement with him in other regards.

"Though you are right of course, Dark Councilor" she said, turning to address Svenja next.

"This title, which I use only to congratulate this brief period in which you will master your own destiny, means little outside Exocron. Worse still, as Lord Marr alludes to, You are being tested. Word will get out, there are too many witnesses to call this subtle. Your people will remember this, as will the Academy on Jutrand. The entire Empire is watching, and you will have many enemies here and abroad."

Svenja was bold, and while Anathemous could respect tenacious individuals, she could not deny that the events of this evening put herself and Exocron in a precarious position.

"I will be the Empress to my Imperial regime upon this planet. But that moniker will only go so far. It holds less water than any title among the Sith and their own empirical power. That is not lost on me. However, as you are here, Darth Malum, would it be in your schedule to aid in this offensive against those who would seek to bring my people, and their planet to their knees against the Sith Order you so behold?"

Anathemous raised her brow at the continually bold approach, wondering how the Dark Councilor, who was well above both women in title, would respond to such a request after expressing such displeasure beforehand. Even so, the question alluded to Svenja's knowledge of the political game.

"It seems you are already aware then, that to pass the test you will need to make more friends than enemies. This is good, for that is a test which many sith fail, and for which many more are betrayed"

She glanced at the girl's father, who may not have been sith, but was still an excellent example. That could easily be Svenja laying there one day, and so she would have to take a radically different approach than her father.

She just hoped the young woman could see that, and that she would not squander what freedom she'd earned.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron



The footsteps echoed along the walls as soldiers departed to take assigned tasks, the peripherals of Malum's sight, though hidden from all who occupied the room, stuck upon the soldier who was frozen into a statue, the command contradicting loyalty, fear contradicting discipline. It was a fascinating sight, it seemed the once 'Emperor' of Exocron was as detested as the reports indicated, as her actions had demonstrated.

"A noble goal, but woefully unrealistic," Malum countered, "Emperor, Empress, King, Queen, Lord, Lady," He parroted, as his gaze ventured, head tilting so that his eyes could meet the colour of royalty, that she seemed hardly interested in representing, "Others shall care, and even should you be named Governor, there are many others you will be beholden to, besides that of yourself, or His Imperial Majesty," She held an utmost certainty to herself, that Malum was unsure where it originated. Yet, it intrigued him enough to not write her off as one that would certainly get into a powerful that she certainly was unprepared for and that would certainly get her killed.

She was one amongst his Order, she was of his people, he could hardly sit and do nothing as she leapt for the pool without knowing how to swim.

The masked face turned towards the soldier who seemed to quiver ever further, desiring to fade into the shadows as his new ruler provided an explanation of a cultural practice that Malum had hither for lacked. Perhaps when he was younger that would have brought a flush to his cheeks, an embarrassment of lacking knowledge, yet, even as he admitted to himself some bother at that ignorance, it hardly mattered beneath the mask, it hardly mattered in this moment, with the nervousness that they gazed upon him.

"You heard her," His voice was dark, with a cold edge, as the mask turned fully to face the man, "Cremate him, and do as your people do to your dead." This time there was no contradiction, snapping to attention, he did as his superior bid. As Malum himself turned back towards the acolyte, raising an eyebrow at the armour she had placed on herself, the weapons she drew, to some degree, it seemed the armour was even bigger than she was.

Hers was an intriguing philosophy at the very least, that it came from one so young even more so... though... he supposed he himself not so much older, only greater in experience and rank. Still, as she spoke of her experience with the man being carried away, he could hardly blame her...

...Well he could, but it would not be without its fair shard of hypocrisy.

"Well then, it would seem you have my condolences," He placed his hand to his chest, forming it into a fist, and offering a bow, "That you have lost a father... and that he did not deserve to be a father, yet my comments still linger, acolyte, for whatever your reasons, however justified, patricide, kinslaying, and regicide are not likely crimes to be forgiven, let alone forgotten," Even if it seemed those gathered around here, those who followed her command, were more than willing to.

Sometimes a tyranny was so far gone, that even these basic precepts could be forgiven, yet, it was an open enough question of whether that would remain the case outside these walls.

It was to the last of her words, that he offered a tilt of his head,
"It is good that you recognise as such, yet the maintenance of that title despite knowledge of the consequences shall hardly extend your lifespan," And Malum knew that it would either be the Executioner's axe, or the Tsis'Kaar's shikkars that would have to deliver such a sentence. He would hardly like that, all for some pride, Malum knew the conundrum well, after all, he was one who hid his own imperial status out of that very same fear.

An open secret certainly, but a secret nonetheless.

"...I am here to observe, if this is truly an anti-Sith rebellion as you claim, I shall put it down, yet, until then, I simply am here to ascertain who I shall report to the Assembly should be the new Governor of Exocron," He took a step forward as if a threat to ascend the steps of the dais himself, "...If you wish my backing for either, it shall come at a cost."

His cloak billowed in his wake, as the third open to speak began her words, the fabric whipping against his form and the ground, as the mask turned to the Kainite who held in trust Echnos, and as was the way with law, possession was nine-tenths, he had little doubt that Kaine would not soon attempt to secure the world for her permanently... Malum was not yet certain how to feel of that.

"Is that so, Darth Anathemous?" He questioned with a voice that was as much emotionless as it was frosty, that she bowed her head, was enough to save her from much more coldness, it was entirely unexpected to some degree, the Kainites had been bold enough to put the mark upon one of the highest lords of the Empire, he did not expect much more of them, "The acolyte understands that as these chains break, new ones have taken her, all the while... you..." Malum's form stood against her, her height was not so that he towered, yet as the Force answered his command, as the very room suddenly grew ever colder, the lights dimmed, as it seemed the shadow out of him rose ever higher, he indeed tower, "...Well, it would seem I have learned exactly the kind of woman you are, Lady Irons." The coldness withered away, the lights returned to fluorescence, as he turned away from her. There was maddeningly little about this woman, though seemingly younger, even if not much, her career had been of the time of Kaine's Empire... only to seemingly disappear.

And within the short period of her return, elevated to knighthood.

His ears still listened as the newly made Darth spoke, enough for him to give an approving nod,
"For any disagreement I might share and have duly expressed, of the rest, she speaks truth, take it from one who is much like you to rule, and who has only recently surpassed you and taken the title of Darth." Far too many of their Order did so hate to admit the weakness of their pride and take proffered advice, or aid. After all, in much regard, he was much the same.

For many instances, that advice or aid was rarely ever free.

Such was the Empire in which they inhabited.

Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
Vicinity: Syala Syala
Mentioned: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean


"I seek no forgiveness."

Words spoken true as I walked forward over the obsidian floor towards the Dark Lord and Lady of the Sith. Their words were of the current situation. Warning me that this would bring ramifications to the people of Exocron. It was lightly appreciated considering the current circumstance. However, this was not a new game to me. Politics of the noble houses have been ravaging my planet for years. My father was playing the game, poorly as he was, and this caused massive rifts and separations of state. The planet had once been home to great Sith Lords who turned out machines and dread-weapons that were of great importance. Now, it was a petty squabbles of people who clung to the ideas of old gods and their divine rights.

The people of Exocron sought to try and reform under one banner, but bantered and bickered about which banner it would be. Political moves of entropy and subtle acts of terrorism were the game in which many played. It was thieves and assassins in the night who brought the nobles to their knees to become subservient to another. My father wanted the same of me. Defied my heritage to make me a pawn in this game.

So I would break it. This was a final act of our people to bring it to heel. To show that this bickering and posturing was all for nothing. They wanted Masquerade balls, dances, and parties as some political act of garnering power. Yet did not understand that all of nobility, everywhere, at any time in history and in the future, was only truly gained by the tip of a blade.

The Gods gained servitude by oblivion. Required servitude to strengthen themselves by threat of destruction. The Royal houses of Sith were formed by the dead at their feet. Blood on their hands that layered more than paint upon walls. Generations of layers that this blood has been layered to make the halls a permanent crimson instead of the host color. I knew this action would not be taken lightly.

"Nobility on this planet is a game of posturing and feints of power. The system feels that Regicide, Patricide, Murder, are evil actions done unto innocents. My father was not innocent. I am doing what the others are not. I hide not in shadows to play this game. Actually bringing the change they wanted to create. I act to unify my people under a single standard. A Standard that can be placed in battle, a Standard that is pledged to. Not a host of colors that mean nothing to others. Nobility is a stolen right against the people. Not a Divine intervention. So I play the game. Knowing that one day a slave may stab a blade into my back. Knowing that my actions may very well lead me to be in the same position as the pathetic corpse you saw."

I looked between them. Confiding in me of the consequences of my actions. Wanting to set me up for success. I could see they too, wanted a stability for their own people, and for the Sith Order. And that too is what I wanted. Yet, I seemed to be the only one who actively wanted to bring that change by any means necessary.

"I can be a Tyrant, I can be a Unifier, I can be Hero, or a Hierophant. If I should perish but to only bring and facilitate my people to return to the days in which Dread-Engines and Soldiers of resolve were our name. A time where Sith and our Gods accepted us as a force, then I would gladly take my place on the floor to match the temperature of the air."

I grabbed the helmet. The white crest across the faceplate. Glowing red eyes reflecting off of the onyx surface as the metallic voice came from it.

"I know aid from anyone, not just Sith comes at a cost. Be it resources, Ships, personal favor, fealty. There is a price for everything. Name a price and we can determine if your aid is worth it."

Turning to Darth Anathemous,

"Then if I were to count you as an ally, I believe I have terrorists to thwart, and a mountain to flatten."

Syala Syala Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
"So bold. So direct. It's quite refreshing really."

A raven would swoop down from above, amethyst eyes and wisps of smoke and dark energy suggesting it was not of a natural creation. As it neared the ground, it's form would shift into that of Darth Arcanix, the Lady of Secrets herself, as a pendant on her neck glowed a soft purple for a moment. She would look to Malum, her fellow Councilor, and then to the young woman appointed by the decree of Carnifex and the Empress to bring stability back to Echnos following the battle with the Alliance.

Her attention to the issues on Exocron had been drawn by her curiosity into a faction that had once controlled this region of space, one that predated even her joining of the Sith in the One Sith era, but she had been doing her research. She had been curious to see if any remnants of the Moross continued a planet that had been heavily influenced and controlled by them, possibly to acquire writings from the crusade for her collection or to see what portions of their teachings and technology might be left behind for study. Putting down a little rebellion would be a small price to pay for that in her mind.

"I doubt there's a need to remind or reprimand for the titles individual planets choose for their leaders, Lord Marr," she would remark, "especially for our young ambitious friend here. She's not claiming the Throne of the Sith after all. But let's offer her the choices before her, as she so directly put it. We both offer different sorts of aid to her campaign and for different prices, I am sure."

Her own reputation as the Mother or Mistress of Monsters would certainly announce her ability to provide a more... eclectic reinforcement to the young aspirant for control of Exocron in the form of Sithspawn creations, but her moniker as Lady of Secrets and her own predilections and background would suggest military forces could be brought to bear or more clandestine agents born from her work against the first Galactic Alliance and her desire for privacy and secrecy or more sorcerous consequences for the rebels.

"My price is small for aid and the backing of a Dark Councilor for your bid for power. I want the chance to study any surviving Moross technology or artifacts and to acquire any surviving writings and teachings of the Crusade."

Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Syala Syala
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


"...Well, it would seem I have learned exactly the kind of woman you are, Lady Irons."

"...lord Marr..."

She nodded in conclusion of their conversation, voice softly controlled. Yet her jaw clenched, eyes stiffening in a distant stare at nothing in particular. She hated all this politicking, all this control she'd been forced to exercise for so many years. She was a Pyromancer for gods sake. And yet, so too had she relied on politicking to preserve what semblance of freedom she could drag out of her service to Carnifex.

She didn't like it, but this was no different and she was far from a wild animal despite her passions.

It had it's uses, being clear of mind enough to observe was one of them. For example, she couldn't help noticing he'd forgone her Sith name. A name recognized by The Empress from the very moment Kaila's mind conceptualized it, before the flames of Echnos had even cooled nor Carnifex even considered raising her to the station of Darth Anathemous.

That was her name, at least in a formal setting. And to forgo it in such a setting spoke volumes.

Yet she could say nothing. It was far too soon to risk the ire of a Dark Councilor, certainly not while she had so few connections. The Empress favored her only in that she was useful, and it was too early to determine otherwise, just as it was too early to determine the same of Lord Lechner despite their conversations.

She was utterly alone.

She had always been. It was the reason for her arrival, and yet now she was attracting all the wrong kinds of attention. Powerful people, yes, but who had nothing to gain from her cooperation. It was exactly why Anathemous seemed to pleased with Svenja's display, which had allowed the budding rose to simply cut down the thorny vines choking all light in which she needed to grow. Despite the lessons of subtlety she tried to impart, even if partially to appease the Tsis'kar looming over her shoulder, She was not only pleased with, but envious of the young woman.

And it seemed she was not the only one to take notice.

"So bold. So direct. It's quite refreshing really."

Anathemous did not know the lady of secrets by her voice, rather by reputation and winged form. She had pondered the nature of the corvidae upon her master's shoulder ever since Echnos, and now she understood.

Truth be told however, she did not know whether to be comforted by the fact that a dark councilor with such favorable connections to the Kainate seemed to agree with she and Svenja's outlook, or trouble that one with her master's ear was so close. Perhaps she had been subtle enough to fly under the radar, but the youngest Darth was not exactly the faithful student that so many thought her to be. She was not some mindless drone, and fought every day to save herself from such a fate.

Interestingly however, The lady of secrets was more interested in research material than any surface level ambitions, and so she wondered just how similar she might be to herself, a sorceress and scholastic seeker of the Kainate.

"Lady Arcanix" she bowed her head in greetings, sure to use the woman's Sith name seeing as she had one, unlike Malum who had chosen to simply affix a Sith title to his own, as had been customary of the ancient days.

Finally, she turned to Svenja once more, her nod more curt than before, fitting of the urgency Exocron found itself in.

"Lady of Exocron, For my part I'll keep the politicking brief. Yours is a garden world, mine is a toxic moon. Some of your agriculture for some our industry is what Echnos asks of you, I'll save any talk of military alliances for such a time when we've both demonstrated our capabilities to one another"

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf



Much occurred quickly, as it so often did. Darth Anathemous showed formal respect, while informally taken aback. All the while, Lady von Exocron delivered her speech, for an audience befitting all those gathered in the chamber, but that he imagined was only for the two Sith that had befitted themselves to speak. She spoke of much, she spoke truly, she spoke naively, much of it was platitude, and much of it was downright revolutionary. It was enough for him to narrow his eyes, even if none of them could see it. She who was of the better classes, so easily spoke of turning on her own. The nobility hardly was the easiest to deal with, that much he knew well, ruling two worlds where the nobles and aristocracy held purchase. Alas, it was they who not only held the blood worthy to rule, but too in each successive generation proved confirmed their excellence.

Far too many worlds threw off the wisdom and grace of their rule, and far too many one could find those of their class supporting such revolutionaries. He could hardly allow such to occur here, and if Lady von Exocron was to prove herself a class traitor, then she would need to be nipped in the bud.

Yet, Malum bit his tongue, despite the broached ideas, they were not professed ideas, and there was much in her words that were not false. However, the reason for his silence was not due to her, it was due to the sound of a familiar voice at his rear.

Of course, she would be here.

The raven swooped down from high heaven, with unnatural if alluring royal eyes, and the wisps of an aura far beyond that of a raven, before transforming into the true beauty of a woman. One who was as beautiful as she was dangerous, one who was worthy of respect, as she was whom Malum certainly did not wish to be here.

Alas, despite an antipathy born of news out of Formos, an aversion born out of actions entirely unnecessary.

He had hardly ever been to decide the political lions which he would face, "Darth Arcanix," He noted with a nod, "Shall Lord Lechner be joining us to complete this triumvirate?" He certainly hoped not, he felt he had spent enough time conversing with them through mutual veiled barbs and all other else tools of their discourse. His vision narrowed, as she offered what could only be the most minor of chiding, "I only seek to remind the acolyte that we are servants of the Empire, servants of the Emperor, there can only be one within our borders, and I would rather not see any unfortunate misunderstandings result in... negative outcome."

He turned away from the Mother of Monsters, as both women began their bids. Darth Arcanix's one was as intriguing as it was thankfully of little friction to himself, he knew little of the Moross, apart from their vicinity here, and their religion, a long-gone people, one he might be interested in academically, and intellectually, but hardly what he would have used his pledge for. Yet, in this instance, it was only to his benefit, so he was hardly going to complain.

All the while the Kainite's was rather uninteresting, resources, and potential future alliance. Well, at least she was proving herself a proactive military governor.

It was then left for his turn, taking a step forward, as he cupped his mask, a soft hiss sounding the room as the replica of his great ancestors was pulled off, and fell beneath his robes. Shaking his hair, the raven locks framing a noble face fitted with an aquiline nose, thin lips, and red eyes as shimmering as rubies, a smile easily coming upon his face, as he allowed a moment for her to consider him, as he considered her without the limited obstruction of a second face.

"I offer much as similar as my Councillor colleague, you shall have my backing in the Assembly to formalise your rule as Governor, I shall even write and introduce the legislation myself, and of course, far more to the concern of present circumstances I imagine, I would pledge you my forces to secure order on this world," It was a tall order, but he hardly was to offer as much without nothing, and there was something in her words, which had given him a moment of pause, "...In exchange, is your fealty truly for sale?" He challenged with a raised eyebrow, rubies refusing to break from amethysts.

Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
Vicinity: Syala Syala
Mentioned: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean


A new face appeared. Once more, a powerful apparition of the force coalesced into a being. An aura of violence held back by the beauty of a woman. It took little to understand that she clearly was one of the more revered names of the Sith. I had not heard of her name before. A knowledge for those within the Sith Empire was lost upon me for the moment. Names and titles of a world I knew little of, but grasped the concept therein.

Even Darth Malum almost nearly defecated it seemed at the woman's presence. It showed this woman was not to be trifled with. Lady Arcanix. Biding me and seemed to agree that the title in name wasn't worth much, but voiced of changing it to be more in line with the Sith Empire. Nodding my head lightly to her, The armored face eyed her frame as she proposed to gather knowledge on the Moross Crusade. A religious faith of a pantheon of Gods. Ones in which my father and myself lightly held to only because it was so pervasive here upon Exocron. A regime of "gods on earth" when he was still a child. Fractured before my birth.

"Temples of the Moross and their ilk have been plundered by factions well before the movement of the Order to our space. Machinations of their deities were taken without consent, and through force. We do have some, but I fear that it would not be enough to satiate your desire Lady Arcanix. Any information and texts I have are yours to copy or replicate, however I wish for our people to keep what we have left. Temples sacred to some still. Not quite dead, nor truly a living faith. It seems Erebus has taken them to his entropy that all will eventually fall into. Nevertheless, I will grant permission to you."

A gave a word of warning to the Sith Lady and her request. Yes, we had texts, we had the histories of such faith. As Exocron was their home for the longest time. However, the years have not been kind to the faith. Falling into disarray and decimated by those who sought to bring the religion to its knees. More over, there are many rumors of those who had been the "Gods" that led them through the darkness of the void. I would offer it, but not subject my people to losing their history in the process. Mere moments ago, I was more worried about myself and the pressures put upon me, yet now I fought for my people's history and how they may or may not have been manipulated into believing false gods.

Bowing my head to her as a sign of respect, I gave her the offer. Giving her access to those records after this was done. Very likely, she had been the first to ask, and not just take. Which made me value her words, but also warry considering the circumstances. As I knowingly put myself in a position where I would have to give up much. The first to speak now voiced her own. Darth Anathemous spoke of her world being that of industry and damaged by toxicity. Wishing for the Garden World of Exocron to exchange resources. Agriculture to support their own lives, while in turn providing an industry of man-made constructions.

"Life for machines and tools. It can be an easy trade to produce. However, I do not wish to destroy your planet with invasive or aggressive species. I accept the offer, but warn and wish for a gradual study of the planet so that we do not make your own situation worse. Just as much as possible pollution could degrade the gardens of my own. Military is agreed. We shall convene after to determine what can be done."

Yet it was with that, Darth Malum spoke and asked a very simple, yet heavily leaning question. Fealty. His intensive gaze challenged everything I had just stated. Wishing to break the chains of my father to create a better world for my people. Removing the stoppage that flooded our planet with such secrecy and deceit. Yet, offering me a new set of chains. A new limitation for what was becoming. The gaze was returned to him. Keeping the challenge of becoming an underling of his own. Breathing deeply, I voiced to all others in the room.

"Leave to your commands. The Sith shall speak privately."

It took a moment. Seeing out of my peripherals that all including a majority of my own guard would leave the chambers of the room. What had once been filled with command teams trying to coordinate and operate during our talks, was now filled with a silence between us. I did not just murder, kill, and fight my way to make my reality a truth, only to be taken under heel by a Sith I knew frightening little about. I sincerely wished that this had not been proposed when those who had been here witnessed that breaking of restraints. It put me in a position that I was not at all comfortable with. However, my voice broke through the sleeping noise.

"Purchased fealty is not fealty. I cannot approve of such with only the context of being subservient to you or another. The terms of this condition will need to be spoken plainly. Vague conditions does not make a promise of aid. Nor will I willingly walk into this blindly, as I assume you would understand such of the condition. Fealty of a cause? Fealty to an idea? Fealty to a service? Darth Malum, I am placating this offer only because it is a time of need. I urge you to compromise, otherwise, I will chose the harder path."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Syala Syala Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Unlike the others, Quinn had nothing to offer. She was an estranged Princess from the planet of Eshan, where her older sister was the reigning Queen and being force-fed the lies of the Alliance. Her family was farther from her than ever, and Quinn could only depend on the people she had collected. Found family was something Quinn never thought she'd have to rely on. Looking at her finger, she admired the light refracting against the magicked metals of the ring. As much as she wanted to believe that this artifact was created with love, she knew it was more of an apology for what happened in the Nether portal.

Looking up, Quinn entered the room; she caught the final bits of the political conversation between the individuals. Looking towards the Kainate acolyte, she took the Boy King's words better than most would in her position. Two Dark Councillors and one was scolding her. It truly was a sight to be seen for the newly 'crowned' Empress of this world.

Quinn smiled as she removed the cloak from her shoulders and handed it to the faceless man who accompanied her. His towering figure loomed a step or two behind her, silently holding her cloak. Quinn stopped within a few feet of the group, watching as Malum moved, his cloak following him like a playful shadow. The man was always for theatrics, and she could appreciate that.

"Leave the Acolyte alone, Malum." Her smile widened as she cleared her throat and bowed slightly; Quinn's voice playfully quipped to the man, "I mean Dark Counselor Marr, my Lord." Maybe she was out of place. Malum's placement in the Empire was far higher than hers, but socially, they were equals - both old hierarchies and old money. "She's ambitious; there's no need to act like our elders." Seeing her Master, she bowed her head once more. "No offense, my Master." Taeli Raaf was one of the old heads, but the woman had connections - ones that Quinn still needed.

There was no reason to sully her relationship with the woman. Stepping forward, Quinn offered a smile to the acolyte, hoping to show her support the best she could without outright saying it. Standing within the group, Quinn offered her respects by bowing slightly. As royalty herself, she would never fully bow to another.

"I, like the others, received the summons for aid. I cannot offer much beyond my personal being at your side. I can offer my mind, education, and support to your cause. The Sith know the importance of Exocron and why it's important to aid its regime. I agree with Lord Malum about knowing one's place and helping the greater cause. Still, I disagree because I value your ambition to be greater and for the love of one's people."

Quinn waved her hand, and the large man stepped forward with a datapad, "Along with my personal support, I can offer any monetary support to aid your people in rebuilding. The Echani Crown has far deeper pockets than people like to think of the warrior clans." Smiling, Quinn motioned for the man to show the new Empress the potential funds of having the Varanin Princess' support.

"Also, as an instructor at the Jutrand Academy, I cannot allow you to miss your studies." The young blonde winked and chuckled softly. "Politics aside, I hope we all can find our place within the Empire and help further its influence on the galaxy." Quinn continued to smile, her hands folding in front of her; she had placed her offer on the table beside those of the Kainite acolyte, her Master - a dark councilor and the Boy King of Alvaria.

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