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Bjarn, Son of Imjarn


NAME: Bjarn Imjarnson
FACTION: Mandalorians
RANK: Soldier, Force-Initiate
SPECIES: Valkyr/Khazund-Daran
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 260 lbs
EYES: Crystalline Blue
HAIR: Blonde-Brown depending on lighting
SKIN: Caucasian

+ Armed to Harm: Bjarn was trained from a young age to handle weapons and combat situations, both ranged and melee.
+ Siege Engineer: Bjarn was taught the art of the siege from his parents. Both are from cultures where war is a central and he learned how to both invest a target and how to build to withstand a siege.

+/- Adrenaline Junkie: Bjarn yearns for the thrill of adrenaline pumping in his veins.
+/- Punster: Bjarn is quite fond of puns, which is either a lovable trait or cause for kneecapping depending on who receives the pun.
+/- Linguist: Bjarn knows several languages that may be of varying help, including Mando'a, Runian, Khazundi and Galactic Basic.

- Pariah: Due to various reasons, both of Bjarn's parents are pariah to their respective cultures. This has led to a pariah type complex in Bjarn, he feels as if he were an outsider looking in.
- Wanted: Bjarn is a criminal in One Sith territories, with an active warrant out for his capture. Crimes are left unstated, but rumors have it that he stole objects from a powerful man's private gallery.

Bjarn received the majority of his height from his father, who was a full blooded Valkyri warrior, and his width from both his parents, his mother was full blooded Khazund-Daran. He keeps his face mostly free of facial hair, at most letting it get to the long stubble stage before shearing it off again. His hair is short to medium length, and brown or blonde depending on the lighting. His eyes are a crystalline blue, like a sky blue diamond. He is well-muscled and moves with an inherent grace.

Bjarn is the son of an unusual pairing. His father was a Valkyri Warrior by the name of Imjarn Brightspear and his mother was a Khazand-Daran engineer by the name of Ravorna Karagrinn. Both of his parents are former mercenaries with ties to the Mandalorians, both were ousted by their peoples rulers for unfavorable insights into said rulers, and both were marked for death by said rulers. Neither of said rulers remain in power, but despite this, neither parent ever returned to their people. As such, Bjarn knows of his heritage in both directions and the customs of such, but has not been among them ever.
As part of a Mandalorian's youth, whether they are Mandalorian by right of a long history in the service to the Mand'alor or a child of adopted mandalorians, Bjarn was trained extensively in combat and survival scenarios and with multitude of tools. He was trained to be comfortable at extreme range, though he thrilled at the prospect of close quarter and melee combat. He excelled at learning the art of engineering from his mother, both for warfare and peace, and gained a love of the forge from his father.
His parents each had a matching pistol, named Hjarta and Hugur. They were both 'Charging Rhino' revolvers with special ivory inlays that held Khazund runic script on one side and Runian runic script on the other, both saying "A heart in the hands of love, is a weapon in the hands of a master."
Bjarn's parents were killed in a skirmish with the One Sith, their bodies were unable to be recovered as they were taken by a Sith Lord who was curious, Valkyri and Khazundi were not widely seen in the galaxy. The Sith Lord took the bodies and their weapons and armor and taxidermied them in combat poses. When Bjarn learned of this, he struck out for One Sith space. The combination of genes had him be of a height with most humans, just a lot denser in build. He secreted his way into One Sith space, found the home of the One Sith lord and burned it to the ground, only keeping the pair of revolvers from his parents. The security footage of him made his way out of One Sith space far more interesting, but the troopers and other peons that were able to catch him were either dealt with or ran from. Once he crossed first into Republic and then Mandalorian space, he knew that he could relax a little. He still holds a grudge against any of the One Sith, not truly for the deaths of his parents, as such is war, but for the mistreatment of their corpses.

Homeward - Cabur Class Starfighter

Ori'vor'e, Mand'alor.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Thank you, Your Highness.

[member="Kadala Skirata"]

Ori'vor'e, Vod.

[member="Sebastian nadav"]

Yeah, but it looks strange on my phone.

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