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Bjornveld Skjoldsen, The Sith Viking

  • Thread starter Bjornveld Skjoldsen
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Bjornveld Skjoldsen

Bjornveld Skjoldsen
(Best LoL song band ever, check them out.)​


New Order
Apprentice, Commander of the Blackblades Infantry Corp (BB-I)
2,3 m/7’6’’
98,78 kg/217,77 lbs
Dark Brown
Force Sensitive:
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+ Skilled Fighter:
He was trained in various forms of combat ever since he was a child
+ Peak Physical Condition:
His training has made him into a very powerful and well trained young man.
- Limited Force Power:
He is unable to use Sith magic and many complicated Force Spells, Powers and rituals
- Old War Injuries:
Thanks to all the bombardments and other battles he lived through, he has a couple injuries in his right leg, limiting his mobility and speed.

Usually this simple durasteel heavy armor that has Sith markings. It restricts the wearers mobility, but offers protection. He also wears a Sith acolyte mask replica and Sith robes.
(I know, not very original, heh.)

At a young age Bjornveld was being trained to become a great warrior. He trained with his father and the rest of the sons and warriors of his tribe, every day for many, many hours. The training was hard and the children did not get much time to play or enjoy their childhood. Their training was their life. They were born to become great warriors, until a Pirate scouting party came across the planet he grew up on. They tried to make peace with the tribe that lived there, but the tribe didn’t think they were worthy and slaughtered most of the landing party. Bjornveld was present during that fight. It was the first time he killed a real man, not just an animal, but a real, living man. It was a great moment in Bjornveld's life. Killing their first opponent in battle was a great honour in his tribe. They were true warriors. They had won the first battle, but they were no match for the Pirate fleet in orbit. They were too powerful for the simple tribe. The tribe stood no chance. They had some advanced technology, but no shields or things to protect them from bombardment. Bjornveld survived the bombardment, but only by chance. He and his father were out hunting for food when the Bombardment occurred. They returned and found their village destroyed and their tribe wiped out. For a couple days they were all alone, only eating the food they had gathered and the water they found in the village that hadn’t been destroyed or contaminated. They lived like that until a Jedi arrived at the planet. He was there because he had apparently sensed Bjornveld and wanted to take him as his apprentice, but for that to happen he had to kill Bjornveld’s father first. This was not that easy for the recently Knighted Jedi. He barely managed to overpower and kill Bjornveld’s father. His only advantage had been his knowledge of the Force, which allowed him to defeat Bjornveld’s father.

o now he could take Bjornveld as his apprentice, but that didn’t work out that well. Bjornveld went along with the whole Padawan, but he was full of anger and revenge, driven by hate towards the Republic. He didn’t want to be here, but he had to. His tribe’s customs demanded so. ‘Whenever a warrior is overpowered and killed by another warrior in a fair duel, the strongest child of the dead warrior shall be made the winner’s apprentice, so that they may become stronger than they would have under as their old trainers apprentice.’ Bjornveld didn’t want to forget his upbringings, so he accepted the Jedi's offer to become a Padawan, so that he could keep up the tribe's tradition. He was a Padawan until he got fed up with the Jedi's teachings. The teachings of cowards and weaklings. He started planning on killing his Master and beginning his life as a true warrior, not some peace loving weakling like the Jedi were. So one day he challenged his master to an unarmed duel and overpowered him. If the Jedi would have had even the slightest bit of training in hand-to-hand combat he would have won, but luckily for Bjornveld, who had trained that art ever since he was a child, the Jedi didn’t know much about hand-to-hand combat, which allowed Bjornveld to take the upper hand in their duel and defeat his Jedi Master. He killed the man and then disappeared into the lower levels of Coruscant, where he bought a flight off-world and made his way through the galaxy until he was discovered by a Sith Lord.

The Sith Lord recognized Bjornveld’s potential and took him as his apprentice. Bjornveld was pleased with this outcome. The Sith seemed like worthy warriors to him. He served the Sith for a couple of years until a certain battle on one of the Sith’s world happened, during which he was ordered to lead a team of soldiers against a small Republic outpost. The outpost turned out to be a trap though and every soldier in Bjornveld’s squad was killed and he himself was captured. He spent a couple of days as a PoW, until the Republic camp got bombarded from space. It wasn’t the Sith fleet that bombarded the Republic camp, it was a small fleet of Rogue republic ships that didn’t want the Republic to win this battle. Bjornveld survived the bombardment, though he was badly injured. Everyone in the camp was presumed to be dead, so no one came looking for survivors, except for a couple Bounty hunters and salvagers who wanted to make a profit from salvaging all the leftovers. They found Bjornveld and took him to their med-bay. There he recovered from his injuries and swore to get his revenge on whoever ordered that attack. Ever since then he stayed a rogue Sith apprentice and worked together with the Bounty Hutners to collect bounties and make money to sustain himself.​

Bjornveld Skjoldsen

[ ] Not completed [X] Completed

[X] Crafting Kaiju Bjornveld gets hired to test the strength of a creature called a Val'kar and find out if they are worthy to be used for the great war beasts of the Horde.
[ ] Great Things await you, young Man. Bjornveld goes to capture a Bounty on Panatha, but instead meets someone very interesting.
[X] The Smell of Slavery ... It smells like ... Victory (New Order Dominion of Bosph)
[X] I'm sorry, did we break your Concentration? (New Order Dominion of Lorrd)
[ ] Operation ''Backstabbings''

Abandoned Threads:
[/] The Hunted Being trapped with a couple other apprentices isn't that bad now, is it?
[/] Sith Council? What's that? Drinking, laughing and all that good stuff.
[/] A Clone, a Mandalorian and a Sith Viking Stuff gets fethed up in a small bar, as a very drunk Bjornveld and his very drunk Zabrak friend start a bar fight after seeing a wookie get assaulted by a Clone trooper.
[/] Drinks, Laughs and Explosions! After a successful Bounty, Bjornveld and his friends celebrate at a small cantina!

Bjornveld Skjoldsen

@[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] That's pretty interesting. I'll change some stuff in my bio and then I shall make him a Valkyri!

Bjornveld Skjoldsen

The Björns shall take over the galaxy one day! FOR THE BJÖRNS! [member="Ásbjörn Olafsson"]

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