Blaax Yovshin
Grand Admiral
NAME: Blaax Yovshin.
FACTION: The Galactic Empire
RANK: Grand Admiral
AGE: 46
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’2”
WEIGHT: 210 Lbs.
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : Strengths: He is a brilliant military tactician. He’s fluent in several languages as well as multiple forms of martial arts.
Weaknesses: He has a tendency to let his emotions get the best of him. He’s impulsive, stubborn and occasionally jumps to conclusions that his fellow officers end up having to call him out for.
APPEARANCE: He has an average build with only slight muscle definition. Any hint of muscle is usually hidden well by the uniform he’s almost always wearing.
Blaax Yovshin was born to Terrell and Bonna Yovshin. The family was from one of the Core world’s but lived on courosaunt where Tyrell served as a senator. Being the son of a senator, Blaax grew up in an almost wealthy life style and attended some of the best schools in the Republic. As he became older, Blaax realized that his political views were not aligned with those of his father. The two grew apart and as he got older, Blaax used his fathers connections to gain favor with members of the the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Within two years, Blaax (Now 37) became a member of the Senate of the CIS. By this time Blaax and his father stopped speaking entirely. However, over time Blaax realized he appreciated Chancellor Palpatine and eventually joined some of his separatist peers in proposing reunification with their counterparts in the Republic
When Palpatine named himself Emperor, Blaax supported the change whole heartedly feeling it was the only way to reunify the galaxy. Once the first Death Star was destroyed, Blaax decided to give up his life of politics and join the Imperial Military. He joined the Imperial navy and soon dedicated his love to the service. Yovshin proved himself at a skirmish with Rebel ships while protecting a convoy. The convoy was transporting members of the Imperial Ruling Council and was ambushed by rebels hoping to take out high ranking imperial officials. The Imperial convoy was made up of two imperial shuttles (one decoy and one carrying the VIP’s), three acclamator assault ships and two corvettes. The rebels came out of warp with two blockade runners and several fighters. The blockade runners polled their firepower and were able to disable one of the Acclamator’s rather quickly. Realizing the fighters were having trouble getting a clear shot at the shuttles, a few of he X-wings tried their luck at collision courses. When the Imperials realized what they were trying to do, they positioned their ships to surround the shuttles. Yovshin, first officer on one of the Acclamator’s, suggested to his captain that they load the escape pods with explosives and jettison them. The captain agreed and ordered the plan be put into action. After the escape pods were launched, the rebel blockade runner’s took the bait, pulling in the pods via tractor beam. Once the pods were close enough, the Imperials detonated the explosives which totally destroyed one blockade runner and left one disabled. The Imperials made quick work of the remainder of the fighters as well as the blockade runner. Yovshin received a commendation for his quick thinking and got a personal ‘thank you’ from the Emperor himself.
As a result of actions, Yovshin was given a promotion and was put on the radar of the higher ups in the Empire. However, when the Emperor died, Blaax used his position of Deputy Director of Advanced Weapons Research to help him seize power and make himself an admiral. In return for his unwavering support during the transfer of power to Emperor Cral, Blaax was given the rank of Grand Admiral and was named supreme commander of the Imperial navy
SHIP: Imperial Shuttle
FACTION: The Galactic Empire
RANK: Grand Admiral
AGE: 46
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’2”
WEIGHT: 210 Lbs.
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : Strengths: He is a brilliant military tactician. He’s fluent in several languages as well as multiple forms of martial arts.
Weaknesses: He has a tendency to let his emotions get the best of him. He’s impulsive, stubborn and occasionally jumps to conclusions that his fellow officers end up having to call him out for.
APPEARANCE: He has an average build with only slight muscle definition. Any hint of muscle is usually hidden well by the uniform he’s almost always wearing.
Blaax Yovshin was born to Terrell and Bonna Yovshin. The family was from one of the Core world’s but lived on courosaunt where Tyrell served as a senator. Being the son of a senator, Blaax grew up in an almost wealthy life style and attended some of the best schools in the Republic. As he became older, Blaax realized that his political views were not aligned with those of his father. The two grew apart and as he got older, Blaax used his fathers connections to gain favor with members of the the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Within two years, Blaax (Now 37) became a member of the Senate of the CIS. By this time Blaax and his father stopped speaking entirely. However, over time Blaax realized he appreciated Chancellor Palpatine and eventually joined some of his separatist peers in proposing reunification with their counterparts in the Republic
When Palpatine named himself Emperor, Blaax supported the change whole heartedly feeling it was the only way to reunify the galaxy. Once the first Death Star was destroyed, Blaax decided to give up his life of politics and join the Imperial Military. He joined the Imperial navy and soon dedicated his love to the service. Yovshin proved himself at a skirmish with Rebel ships while protecting a convoy. The convoy was transporting members of the Imperial Ruling Council and was ambushed by rebels hoping to take out high ranking imperial officials. The Imperial convoy was made up of two imperial shuttles (one decoy and one carrying the VIP’s), three acclamator assault ships and two corvettes. The rebels came out of warp with two blockade runners and several fighters. The blockade runners polled their firepower and were able to disable one of the Acclamator’s rather quickly. Realizing the fighters were having trouble getting a clear shot at the shuttles, a few of he X-wings tried their luck at collision courses. When the Imperials realized what they were trying to do, they positioned their ships to surround the shuttles. Yovshin, first officer on one of the Acclamator’s, suggested to his captain that they load the escape pods with explosives and jettison them. The captain agreed and ordered the plan be put into action. After the escape pods were launched, the rebel blockade runner’s took the bait, pulling in the pods via tractor beam. Once the pods were close enough, the Imperials detonated the explosives which totally destroyed one blockade runner and left one disabled. The Imperials made quick work of the remainder of the fighters as well as the blockade runner. Yovshin received a commendation for his quick thinking and got a personal ‘thank you’ from the Emperor himself.
As a result of actions, Yovshin was given a promotion and was put on the radar of the higher ups in the Empire. However, when the Emperor died, Blaax used his position of Deputy Director of Advanced Weapons Research to help him seize power and make himself an admiral. In return for his unwavering support during the transfer of power to Emperor Cral, Blaax was given the rank of Grand Admiral and was named supreme commander of the Imperial navy
SHIP: Imperial Shuttle