When the other panels lifted up, the Sith Acolyte knew he would get massacred at that point. But that was the point in learning right? His fists clenched at either side of him. His Master told him to only use his lightsaber, but a true Sith used everything they had in their disposal to win, didn't they?
Even so, he was still unsure as to how this Pureblood operated. He knew that some Sith would appreciate creativity, but then there were others who preferred those who listened to orders through and through.
When the blasters came at him simultaneously, he lunged backwards, and lifted up the training lightsaber instinctively. The first one was deflected to the ground just beside his foot, the other was angled into the ceiling somewhere, the third and fourth were deflected across the room to droids on the other side of the room.
When they fired again, he leaned backwards to whichever side iwthout losing footing until he was struck in the shoulder and fell backwards. He tried to roll back, but instead of actually getting to his feet he was hit in the fleshy area of his right leg and he boiled in anger and pain on the ground as he laid upon the ground...
When the droids came closer he turned the blade vertically while he was on the ground and it redirected upwards into the ceiling again, the trio of the bolts. Then, he log-rolled to the side to avoid all the bolts from ending his life then and there. Struggling to his feet, while he shook and the droids shot at his limbs, they missed and that was his chance to get further away from them and he blocked the attacks.
His supposedly natural ability to heal himself started to take effect and heal the blaster wound on his hand, shoulder, and leg again. It was a burn wound, harder to heal than a simple cut, but once he was able to hone the Dark Side as a weapon he knew that it would come to him naturally as if it was his second nature. It was already, but not for wounds on this scale.
He angled himself so that there was always one droid shooting at him, and when he blocked it, he shot it over the droid's shoulder and to one of the one's behind it, sending it's head off and it fell backwards onto the third one in the line, and when the first droid fired again he swung his lightsaber violently straight back at the droid.
Once that was done, he fell downwards onto his knees, struggling for breath while his wounds healed themselves.