Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Isobel Nakano


  • Image Source: Original by me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Black Lotus
  • Headquarters: Cloud City, Bespin
  • Locations: Cloud City, Xam'Chi
  • Operations: Publicly, high-end fashion (lingerie and accessories), cosmetics, and consumer electronics; secretly, the company also deals in spy gadgets for the remnants of the First Order and others
Black Lotus launched to great fanfare in Xam'Chi, with a glamorous fashion show. The company started as it meant to go on, with glossy advertisements, high fashion displays, and pop-up boutiques across civilized worlds. The company bills itself as an exclusive, private label luxury clothing line. The public face of the company is profit-motivated, pushing expensive fashions in wealthy circles. This is to offset its losses in developing and manufacturing its spy gadgetry which is provided tot he First Order Security Bureau at cost -- functionally a loss after paying its employees' wages. By definition, the company is loyal to the First Order, but would also sell its special collection to private companies, factions, and individuals, provided these were not in competition or against the interests of the First Order.

After the successful double act of Blue Lotus, fashion house-cum-intelligence cover organization, Isobel Nakano branched operations out with Blue Lotus' subsidiary: Black Lotus. Billed as an exclusive and slightly naughty 'private label' version of Blue Lotus, trading in high-end lingerie, accessories, cosmetics, and consumer electronics. Unlike Blue Lotus, however, Black Lotus was specifically established as a front organization for another purpose: to develop and manufacture spy gadgetry for the First Order Security Bureau and private individuals. With some remnants of the Security Bureau's egghead research department, Isobel set about to develop cutting edge spy technology, which she provides to the Security Bureau (at cost, of course; it wouldn't do to kick a dog while it was down).

  • N/A

Parent Corporation: Blue Lotus

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