Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Black Market Boogaloo (Nal Hutta)

As the last one stalled out (my fault) and was confusing as to the planet it was actually on (again, my fault), I'm basically restarting it from scratch.

Nal Hutta

It was a filthy world. A world rife with crime and corruption, violence and avarice. It was hardly a world Reine wished to see, much less walk upon. Unfortunately, her presence here was required lest she lose her chance at power to gain. Yes, Nal Hutta held the potential of power for her and, with luck, she would find what she sought.

Sith artifacts. The kind collectors or treasure seekers found, purchased, and mounted on pedestals or hung on walls. Outside of their age and rarity, they were meaningless bits and pieces of expensive baubles. For Reine, they held the secrets to power.

Holocrons held the mysteries of the Force and the ancient knowledge of the spirits housed within such devices, but relics... Relics held their fair share of secrets as well. She would not unlock the deepest, darkest, most powerful aspects of the Force through reading ancient tomes or deciphering long forgotten carvings, but she could learn from them.

On Korriban she had found spells the ancient Sith had used in the old times, long forgotten in the dust there. Here, on Nal Hutta, a private vendor sold the odd Sith artifact that he claimed held secrets of one kind or another. While she was certain it was more than likely a simple artifact detailing some long forgotten king's history or some such, it could hold what she desired.

Which meant she was here, on Nal Hutta and navigating the piles of garbage and pools of mud...
[member="Reine Bisset"]

Nal hutta. It was the den of her enemies, the seat of Black Sun power. As such Lisa had to tread carefully here and away from the public eye at that. She had chosen to conceal herself in a gray overcoat and a spacers helmet. Beneath it her green purplish armor glowed dull in the night as she strode the streets.

She too was here looking for the odd holocron or rare text. But Lisa was not here to buy, she was here to kill and steal from whomever had it.

Silently she smashed her deathstick out against the ferrocrete roof of the building she was crouching on and moved across it. Propelled by the force she leapt to the next rooftop. She sprung up from her shoulder in a roll and landed in a crouch at the end of the roof.

There was a rather odd force signature here. It was a strange young woman and she had been chasing her for time. Very adept at telekinesis Lisa had been hiding herself in the force as she moved and simply observed her. If she was here doing the same thing by chance, she might lead Lisa to a target...
She sidestepped what looked to be a pile of scrap metal that had been beaten with a hammer and then blowtorched into slag and moved along the street. She moved from shop front to shop front along the way. She'd gotten tips and directions in bits and pieces, each one guiding her to the more unregulated portions of the area.

When in a bad part of a city or town, it paid to have one's awareness heightened. Being a Force sensitive, she used all the senses at her disposal. She was Miralukan and could not see as other species could, but where one saw a fault, she saw an advantage. Miraluka used Force Sight rather than physical eyes. She could see through doors, walls, and most obstacles, though only to a point. To her, they were translucent, not transparent, meaning she couldn't see everything around her, just quite a bit. This, coupled with her Force senses, meant she was more aware than most would be in such a place.

When she felt the slight tug of the Force somewhere nearby, Reine frowned slightly under her eye-mask, but gave no outward signs of anything amiss. The Black Suns were known to harbor Force sensitives and many were Force sensitive in their own right, meaning that someone using the Force nearby wasn't out of place. Rare, but not unheard of.

However, most Force sensitives weren't at rooftop height. She couldn't pinpoint a location and sensing the presence was, at best, touch and go (and mostly go), but she had the sense of height and distance from the slight spike in the presence. It had been high up and had moved a decent bit.

Chances were it was someone either fooling around, hiding, or thieving. The question was, which was it. Fooling around was easily enough dismissed. The other two, however, could be a problem. Hiding could mean anything. The being involved could be hiding from authorities, pursuers, hiding in general, etc. Thieving was even more problematic. Were they stealing from someplace nearby? Or were they looking for a mark? She didn't know and, for the most part, didn't care, but she did resolve to be much more aware for such things.

She came to an intersection then and glanced at the signs. After a moment of comparing signs to memories, she turned down the left hand street. If she remembered the directions well enough, she was close by to the vendor.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]
[member="Reine Bisset"]

Lisa felt a brush of something against her mental barriers and scowled. The woman had found her out, sensed her. Now the game was up and she knew she must be aware of Lisa following her. Gathering the force into herself Lisa let down her defences. A torrent of darkness poured forth from her soul, cloaking her in a dark cascade.

The beast within stirred.

Annoyance, the firsts step to anger.

Lisa began to run across the rooftops, gathering the dark current and willing it into he arms and legs. Her speed began to increase as the muscles were force fed increased blood. Her strength was amped up and she leaped from roof to roof now, skipping a roof here and there. The woman turned into an alley and she followed among the rooftop.

Looking down there she was right below.

Are you looking for something in particular Lisa projected Telepathically.
Emotions hit Reine's senses a few moments after turning down the road. Annoyance, darkness, all in a wash. Either Sith, dark Jedi, or a very angry Force sensitive. From the way the Force moved with them, and the fact that they were going rooftop to rooftop, she figured they were either a Suns enforcer or spy, or someone else's lackey.

She turned and looked for the Force signature with her Sight. A few moments of scanning and looking from rooftop to rooftop got her what she wanted. A figure, a presence, caught between the building-tops as it jumped and leapt. She couldn't see through the buildings, they were too dense for her Sight, but she could see the stalker in between the structures as clear as day by their aura.

As she watched for the unknown person to leap once more, she instead saw the person lean out from the rooftop, their aura denoting their presence. A mere moment later, she received the telepathic question sent directly to her mind. The dots connected then and Reine realized that the stalker was quite easily and interloper and a scavenger. One who's presence was to pick after the fallen crumbs of their betters and scare away those deemed weaker than themselves from what was not theirs. While Reine could understand the survival of the fittest and agreed that those who could not hold what was theirs had no right to it, the fact that a scavenger waited was... rather pitiful, if she were honest.

Unless you can point me to the nearest bath, I don't think so, came her terse reply, equally telepathic, to the creature - for scavengers deserved neither name nor title in her mind. Reine turned and started to walk away, aiming for yet another alleyway. And stop looking down my shirt. Pervert.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]
[member="Reine Bisset"]

Lisa felt her return message and it ignited a rage in her. This forceling was a piece of work. she thought herself lisa's better.

The dark current was in full flow, and the beast stirred. It longed for blood, for carnage. Lisa felt the dark pull infiltrate hermind, poisoning her senses with pure rage. A hatred bubbled inside her that turned her stomach raw. Pure rage manifested itself in dark matrices of energy that began to flow and ebb from her frame, a faintly visible purple hue. A roar escaped her lips, ladden with nightmarish power.

The peons on the street cowered as if the wail of a banshee had struck their ears and busted their eardrums.

Lisa hurled herself from the building, dropping down in a crouch before the other woman. Her eyes hued purple and red pierced out from beneath her space black bangs. She looked the other woman over, dead stare.

"Really now? We think ourselves to be invincible do we?"

The sniper rifle was summoned to her hand and she racked the chamber, taking a firm firing position on her knee. The reticle lined squarely with the womans chest.

"I simply came to offer aid, but if you want to insist on insult, we can settle this in strokes of blood in the sand!"
"That's a bit new," remarked Reine as she stopped her walk and opted for a relaxed stance, one hand on her hip. "I was unaware that calling someone a pervert provoked a homicidal rage, especially when the term is, technically, true."

The Miraluka simply started to slowly pace in a circle around the scavenger that had dared aim a weapon at her. The Force rose within her, feeding off of Reine's emotions preparing for the fight that would surely come. She could feel the rage and hate and anger in the scavenger before her, the waves of the Dark Side cascading in all directions. Reine knew that state of being as she had been in such herself not long ago. The problem was where this scavenger let it flow free, Reine attempted to harness it, to use it as a weapon, a shield, and a tool.

"You wield the dark side like a novice, girl," the Miralukan called. She knew her words would spark the scavenger before her, which was her intent. "You let it flow free all around you, wasting it. Making it useless. You can't control it, can you, scavenger? Step aside and let your betters pass. Do this quickly, and I may let you live to grovel before my feet."

[member="Lisa Ticon"]
[member="Reine Bisset"]

"I do not use the dark side as my tool, it uses me, I am the weapon foolish woman. The sith philosophy fails you in this way."

Lisa then moved with a savagery unmatched, turning to re-center her weapon and fire. Her finger slipped into the trigger guard, her vision slowed. A red battle mist descended over her vision as the darkness descended to her core, flowing through her limbs and her spine, spiralling into every cell of her body.


Two fifty caliber slugs spewed forth from the silencer canister, marked by a small puff and the reeking odor of burnt gunpowder.

Lisa knew whether the round hit or miss the Sith would surely close the distance. This was an unacceptable thing for her. She was ranged combatant, relying purely on the force as her tool of combat. Blades would barely suffice her. Lisa began to back-pedal, drawing her twin SMG's and gathering more and more dark energy, bracing herself for a long arduous battle....
She saw it, the subtle movements. The slight changes in stance. The tiny tics and twitches of the scavenger's muscles. She saw the rifle, in her Sight, turn to track and follow. No lightsaber sprung to life, no beams of light and plasma. She didn't need it, not for this. Not yet.

Miraluka saw the world and the galaxy through Force Sight, a technique that let them see and act and react with ease. Miralukan reflexes brought Reine's muscles into motion, her body flung sideways, limbs tucked into a roll. She felt, rather than saw, the two slugs pass through where she'd been a millisecond before. Reine hit the ground and sprung to her feet, her vision showing her the quarry.

Her opponent was a scavenger no longer. She was prey, she was the hunted, she was meat. Reine saw that her prey was trying to gain distance in the fight, to step further away. Play to her strengths and hinder Reine's. This told the Miraluka all she needed to know. She had the advantage in close quarters, she would kill the prey in hand to hand. With that, though, came the immediate question followed by the inevitable answer almost simultaneously.

Now was the moment of reaction, not thought. Action, not contemplation. Her training was at the front, her abilities to be tested. The Force flowed free from where she'd held it moments before. It flew from her hands and body and mind away and ahead, gripping her target.

Nal Hutta's places of habitation were much like the rest of the galaxy's, albeit decaying and corrupt. Reine gripped the metal panels of the road that her prey stood upon and pushed up and in, metal groaning and creaking as Reine's will worked upon it. She would capture her prey in a cage of steel and, then, crush the woman like the bug she was.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]


Well-Known Member
Daemos found himself landing on Nal Hutta, early in the morning along a lesser populated section of the planet, standing mid the crowd that was now a long time alliance: Duke, Nuke, Mark, Fenrir, and the rest of the Daemon Squad. Staring out the view port as the massive stolen Frigate they were in lowered, he leased a small sigh, "I hate Hutt space."

"Who doesn't?" Fenrir called as she stared at the same land and terrain, simply from the opposite side of the room they all stood in.

"Obviously the Hutt's dont, and plenty of other criminal crews or individuals alike." Called Dozer from the absolute front of the craft.

"True, but still, I meant what average brained, not scum like pieces of-"

"Whoa there Fen, remember I was born on Nar Shaddaa." Nuke called quietly, his own gaze staying on the floor as if he was embarrassed to look up and possibly see some semblance of his own home planet.

"Why are we here again?" Mark asked with a hardly stifled yawn.

"As far as I can gather, which is rather large amounts of intel from multiple mind sets, a copy of information gathered by my Master, on Mnemotherapy, the very same ability that has made my mind one giant cluster feth, was possibly in a ship that landed near here. But if the information is true, its likely there will have been plenty of risidual Dark Side energies, so we might face any number of oddities." Daemos said, gaze still unwavering, "Oh did I mention that the transport that was said to house the Datacron, is said to be housed with some pretty dangerous animal species as well. Voracitos was always hungry."

The group stiffened a moment at that.
[member="Reine Bisset"]

The woman was smart. Her grasp on Telekinesis was pretty strong too. As her force grip closed in Lisa found her self almost frozen in place. The sensation of being trapped didn't bother her now though, she was focused, and the dark side ran freely through her very blood.

I am the weapon

As the steel plates came up and closed in around her she laughed. The brief moment that the woman needed to summon her cage would surely cost her, her force grip. Lisa growled, dropping both SMG's to the ground and drawing in the energies and then releasing them. As a specialist at Telekinesis she was very adept at this game.

The Steel plates budged ever so slightly. This further enraged the young woman and the battle mist grew redder. Her blood pulsed through her veins like a roaring ocean as the dark side fortified her, giving her ungodly strength.

One hand gripped the edge of the plat, and then another. With all her might she pulled, willing her self to rip the plate free of the ground. It groaned and creaked. It protested and her muscles bulged, tearing in microcosms.

And then the plate was free.

"You'll have to do better than that dikut, telekinesis is my game, not yours!"

The plate sailed across the distance as Lisa hucked it in a full body motion. Once it was on it's way she raised both hands to her sides, straining and willing the other plates to her command. They resisted at first and then broke free, rising in the dark grip of her purplish evil energy......

"Now reap what you sow Sithling!"

Both hands clapped together forming a spear faced towards the young sith woman and with them the plates sailed across the void, joining the first in a mad careening volley of steel missiles. Hopefully the blocking she would have to do would break her concentration freeing Lisa of the grip....
As plates and steel were flung at her in a rain of metal and newly made scrap, Reine grinned. Sure, telekinesis wasn't quite her thing, not yet, but she'd seen this before. No Force user had used such a tactic against her as of yet, but on Raxus Prime where she'd trained alone and harshly, she had seen this before.

While no avalanche of scrap and garbage, it was similar enough for her to understand and react accordingly. With one hand holding fast to the steel cage she attempted to form around her prey, the other drew back. The thrill of battle, of abilities as yet untested against true opponents, rushed through her veins. The Dark Side of the Force coursed through her, giving her strength. The dangers she faced granted her focus upon the fight. She gave in to the anger, the hate. Slowly, bit by bit, like a massive chain, the links slowly slipping through her fingers. No, it was not due to a lost grip. This was predetermined, premeditated. Deliberate. She let the links through, one by one. With each link that passed through her hands her power grew as the chains that bound her grew more and more slack.

Reine knew that true power did not lay in raw ability. True power rested in the use of raw ability. The harnessing of the Force. All the power in the galaxy meant nothing if no one was there to control it.

And so, Reine controlled it as best she could.

Annoyance gave way to anger, anger turned into hate. The small sea of tolerance she had flashed into a raging steam and fueled her focus and power. Her off hand flung forward, the blast of Force energy rocketing from her outstretched palm. The ball of hate-fueled Force pushed aside the metal tide that had been flung against her, much like it had on Raxus Prime not long ago.

The massive Force push plowed forward and towards where her prey stood in the cage she slowly made. She was not highly trained as a Sith, yet, but what she did know... she knew well.

And she practiced extensively.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]
[member="Reine Bisset"]

Lisa was taken by complete surpise as her attack was brushed away and then a force shockwave was pressed towards her. The very air teemed with the Dark ebergy of the Sithling as i careened towards her. For once she was actually impressed.

At last a worthy opponant!

As the wave of dark energy rushed towards her she dug her heels deep in the street, rubber gripping steel and her jaw clenched shut. It was then she surrendered herself fully to the dark current allowing it to guide her, rather than her it. As the wall came crashing down she let it smash her, toppling backwards and landing with a thud so hard, the steel beneath her began to crack.

Fiery pain lanced through her bones, blood was on her lips. Blood, it tasted so good,so succulent, soooo sweet.

Lisa remain on her back for a moment more before she felt the pull of her muscles move her upwards.

Pain and fire lanced through her body, but she did not wince. The pain was an offering a sacrifice to dark powers. The pain begat rage, which sank deep into her core like an iron curtain blocking out all fear. Now there was simply raw power and full surrender.

Her hands came to bear on her foe as blood dripped from her mouth like saliva. The dark matrix began to coalesce along her fingers and palms. She had been practising this technique for quite some time now. Refining it and honing it. Into it she poured all her malice, all her will, her wish to dominate.

Purple bolts of electricity began to arc and flash between her palms until finally a fully electrical charge from nowhere had been built up. Lisa released it, channelling her hate into pure spears of purple, lancing her enemy with them. Last time she had sustained three second bursts. This time she poured her full cruelty into it, revelling in the memories of her subjects pain.

Three purple bolts streaked from the tips of her fingers as she snarled, they arced and attacked from three different directions.

"Die sithling!"
She could feel it, the emotions her prey gave off. Anger and hate and... something else. An... intense desire to cause harm, to maim and injure without care or remorse... Cruelness. A horrible, disturbing level of rage given physical form in mind, body, and spirit.

How... quaint, she thought.

Reine saw the gathering of Force energies as her 'eyes' allowed her to. She felt the three avenues of approach and knew that there was no way to dodge or run or hide from where she stood. She had no abilities to stop or deflect them, at least none that she could use reactively. Because of this, Reine did the only thing she could. With three massive arcs of lightning coming towards her from three different angles, she did the only thing she could. She ran.

This was no retreat or route. No, she did not run away. She ran towards her opponent. She ran and as her legs moved, she funneled the Force into her body, into her limbs. Her muscles roared with the energy she poured into them. Her muscles sang with each step as the Force resonated within her marrow. Each step rocketed her forwards and, as she neared the one between herself and her prey, she dropped to the ground and slid, her body low and against the dirty, filthy steel of the street.

She felt the arcing energy of the bolt as it passed overhead, felt the burns it gave her exposed skin from the tendrils of energy firing off of the edges of the attack. The pain, however, gave her focus and drive, feeding back into the dark side. Her soul was a furnace, now, and burned with energy. It roared with the fuel she fed it. The pain only served to increase that power, to hone that drive and ability.

Ignoring the burns she'd received, she rolled onto her feet in a fluid motion and, with the Force still coursing through her body, sprang up and over. Her body arced high into the air and her prey was at hand.

It was time to end this.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]
[member="Reine Bisset"]

Lisa felt a rush of titillation as her opponent rushed her. Yes she was no bladeswoman, but she was well versed in the arts of hand to hand. This was now the most excellent time to test that expertise. From dull bantha leather sheaths two poisoned daggers appeared, drawn smoothly.

They glistened in the light, a dull green oily sheen. On their razor sharp blades, made of bone, there was a poison. It was her special mix, the poison of neural interference. One drop in the blood stream would slow her opponent and begin to seep into the nervous system, shutting off switches and disorienting her quarry.

A hiss escaped her as she pulled back from the Sithling, regathering her energy. The lightning had taken some effort to conjure and she was slipping out of the dark current. She focused on the pain in her back, the taste of her own blood in her mouth. The humility and the fierce spirit mixed as one.

The dark current ebbed and flowed, coming and going. As it began to stabilize she faced off from her opponent being guided purely by the dark side, letting it it control her motions.

I am the weapon, the force is the puppeteer.

She spit a god of blood form her mouth with vicious force. It splattered on the ground at her feet, crimson droplets flying free of the initial mass and peppering the oily pavement and dull gray durasteel.

"Bring your worst Sithling!"
Reine let herself be carried up and forward until gravity and physics pulled her down. Below and ahead stood her quarry and, were she to land she would be within striking distance. The blood on the ground would give a treacherous footing and, with poor stance, she would be vulnerable to the attacks of her prey.

That was, of course, if she landed. The leap was not to get her close enough to cross blades. No, the leap was something else entirely. She used the Force to get closer and to snatch the height advantage. She would not cross blades, not yet. That was for later, for when her prey was beaten and battered and vulnerable to Reine's skills with the blade. No, this was but another move, another shift on the board.

As she came down from her Force-fueled leap, she gathered her energy. She was making a decent dent in her strength, but she knew she could take it. On Raxus Prime she had run for miles fueled by the Force and her own anger and survived while training. This was intense, but nothing she didn't feel she could handle.

The energy she gathered coalesced between her hands. She felt it there, a burning orb of raw power. It burned the palms of her hands and sent arcs of near-pain up and down her arms. The very air around her hands tingled with the power she held as she fell and she knew that she had the advantage. Meters above the ground, she pushed her hands forward, releasing the power she held in a massive wave directed at her prey. The blast shook her and pushed her back almost as much as she pushed down, attempting to crush her opponent to the ground.

She raised in the air a few more feet and sailed on for a short time more. She would worry about the landing in a moment. For now, she had someone to kill.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]
Grace had heard there were things of interest in this area. An old piece of history. But there seemed to be a problem. or rather, a pair of problems. Fighting each other. Well, there goes my day.

Sighing as she felt the ground shake from [member="Reine Bisset"]'s most recent move, she knew that she may have to wait, or perhaps even leave. She had no issue with the former; this young Sith was nothing if not patient. However, the latter was a problem. At least one of these fighters was probably here after something similar to what she wanted. And she knew she couldn't match them in a fight. Even if they decimated each other, either would still be more than a match for her meager combat skills. So, she would bide her time. Sitting on a nearby bench, she pulled out a small datapad and began to mindlessly play a game, not caring enough to push the buttons fast and well enough to actually win, but it gave the illusion of doing something. She wondered idly how many people would overlook the plainly clothed woman sitting on a datapad playing a simple game.

But she wasn't just playing a game. Carefully, she studied the minds of the users. The one in the air was more controlled, the other, a ball of hatred and bile given form. No control. Just a toy for the Dark side. And that made her more susceptible to her persuasions.

Reaching out into the areas of [member="Lisa Ticon"]'s brain that processed sensory information, she implanted a simple auditory note: "Stop!" A moment's distraction. She wondered how effective this kind of thing could be. Maybe she'd try to do better later.
The local security operations room was in a bit of a panic. It wasn't every day you have Force users duking it out in the middle of a crowded market. These combatants were in a league far above local law enforcement, they needed the right people with the skills and experience to bring down these criminals. They needed... folks who were too busy off fighting a war. They did though have one man whom they could call. Rayl Wilded. Black Suns jack of all trades and defacto second in command; who was currently enjoying a martini and flaunting his awesomeness with a super hot girl in his pad when he got the call.

*Comms device ringing*. "Hold on baby, I've got to take this". Rayl activated the comms to speak with whoever was calling him. "Your speaking with Rayl, whats the sitch"?

"Rayl, its the Chief of security for jurisdiction 16, sir. Its just awful. Two rogue Force users are fighting down in Bakresh Market in southern sector. We're in way over our heads on this one. Can I ask you to bail us out before they've destroyed the place"? His voice sounded kind of shaken.

"Force users, on Nal Hutta?! Mother of God I never thought I'd hear the day". There was a pause as he looked over to the totally bodacious babe laying on his bed. He was torn between his wants and his duties. He'd made his choice though. "You can count on me chief. I wont let anyone mess with my planet".

"Rayl you're not leaving me here all alone and bothered while you go save the day again are you"?

"I'm afraid that's just the consequences that come with the job sweet cheeks. Sure you'll find something to do in the mean time before I return". Rayl was having no more of her attempts to halt him. His legs dashed him away to his starfighter, from there to the scene of the battle

(Disclaimer: The above may be filled with false statements, lies, and delusions of fantasy in place of reality to spicin' things up. Though not all of it it. We believe you can sort it out for yourselves, not that we're going to put much stock in you though since we're busy. Sod off).

Rayl set foot on the loose earth. He was lucky he was already in the air when all this went down. Local security officers had already set up a perimeter and planetary security forces were enroute to assist. Most of the locals had already fled he scene. Needless casualties should be nonexistent now. The commanders of the local SO's was on hand nearby, Rayl went to meet him quickly. "Alright. I'm in charge here now by my own authority. And that of the Vigo and military. I want a tighter perimeter set up, get men onto the rooftops. When the soldiers arrive they'll disperse to assist your men, and the Spec Ops teams will move in to help me. Now I'm going in there, hopefully I can get the job done before we need to turn things ugly. Clear, good". Rayl turned about and headed off into the market, leaving some bewildered folks in his wake.​


Well-Known Member
"What exactly should we keep an eye out fo-" Dozer called into his comlink, before cutting himself off and opening fire into the distance. He was barely at the end of the exit ramp, and already his custom chain gun was tearing into the flesh of unseeable enemies. Launching his mind ahead of himself, for the rest of his crew was now crowding down the exit to bring aid to their ally, Daemos spotted a large horde of Terentatek as they charged towards the first living thing they came across.

Activating Kallig's scorching saber with one hand, Damien also gripped the butt of his right most Betty Blaster, then jerked it free of its holster, snapping the lock that held it tight. Slowly descending the ramp, he waited for his friends to move, raised the barrel of his gun, the shot already pre-known, and fired. In the rear of his mind, he pondered whether it was far sight or something similar, but surprisingly the single over powered shot struck 3 targets - two directly through the brain of individuals, the last taking off a thinner beasts left arm.

To his right he heard, "There is more coming from the south!" It was Fenrir, and he didnt turn, believing the woman was likely able to fend off the majority with Mark's help. In the haste, Daemos had yet to even connect the group using his Mental Web - as he had begun to dub the ability to recieve and transmit the thoughts of his friends so they could all communicate with the speed of thought.

Leaping into an elogant three hundred sixty degree front flip that carried him high and fair, Daemos brought the burning red saber he held down through a large brutes shoulder. The diagnol sweep cut clean from said shoulder, down to below its rib cage on the opposite side. Throwing a small force push, the body seperated and flew to trip up a few more as they came in closer.

These must have been some kind of delicacy to Voracitos, one that got free of the wreckage and managed to mate. Quickly at that. Damien thought to himself. Planting the blade of his plasma saber into the brains of two bodies that fell, he moved slowly, yet surely, mid the crowd of flailing limbs. Ducking under some, blocking others with his weapon, Damien waited then fired again. The pull of the trigger signaled the drop of another body, and he realized quickly that in the place he found himself - surrounded by a dozen of the toughest predator's the galaxy had - a single shot left could be the difference between life and death.

Tossing the weapon into the air, while gathering energy, he bruoght his hand down in a much more powerful Push, aimed in a near full circle around himself. The Terentatek all were thrown back several feet, while using his free hand Damien reached into his gun-belt, drew free a grenade then lept at the nearest. Slamming the grenade into its still gaping mouth, he landed and stepped away.

Covered in muck and gore, Damien started a full out run, seeking to alleviate some of his team to help the others - he was still as over confident as he had always been. But then suddenly an odd feeling touched his mind, a warning, and so he glanced to the sky ahead of where he charged.

Diving into a roll, he barely avoided a massive Banshee that had sought to grab him and carry him off as easy prey. Without armor, his body was free to move at its full speeds though, and thus unhindered the beast only managed to grab a face full of Terentatek. Looking back up ward for a bare second, the man spotted several more incoming.

EYES ON THE SKIES! Damien shouted into the minds of all of his friends, then resumed his run. Sounds of close battle made him believe that the Banshee was possibly doing a little to aid the crew even though it wasn't intentional. Then Daemos felt his jaw drop, for now, coming over the nearest hill, he spotted a large group of large oddly shaped canines.

"What the feth is that?!?" Damien yelled into his comlink, then he heard a stifled curse, and a reply began before being cut off.

"They are Death Dog's!" Nuke's voice yelled into his com after a moment, "Watch out for them! They are intensely strong and able to eat nearly anything!"

Damien recalled entries he had read in books, they described the urcaninus was a nocturnal species, with lobes that allowed the creature to hunt poisonous species, and feed off red and blue meat. Its lifestyle also made the creature very irritable during daylight. He pondered if they to were more of Voracitos' food, or if they had managed to land here after or even before the rest of his attackers. He knew though that they would be pissed, as it was very obviously day.

Changing his run, Damien veered far to the left, away from his ship and friends, plus the incoming horde of beasts. "Duke! Get inside, use the artillary! Take those Dogs out!"

"They are to close! Anything we did to kill them with the ship could easily recoil and hit you! They are just to close!"

But it didnt matter, for suddenly Damien felt his world veer around him as a massive form behind him struck him hard, taking him to the ground. Rolling, and doing his best to keep his blade away from his body, he swept it towards the torso of the large Terentatek that loomed over him. It was to late though, as a large set of teeth sunk into his shoulder!

Yelling out, Damien used the bite to his advantage, having the pain drive his arm further, killing the beast as the saber swept through its heart. Shaking tremors rocked the body for all of two seconds, but this alone shoook the teeth that were lodged in his collar bone. Channeling the anger and pain into a powerful burst, he loosed with a roar that shook the air around them for at least a mile. The body was whipped off him, taking with it the cruel teeth that had so recently been such a burden.

With that explosive waste of energy, he had to knocked a large portion of the pack of Terentatek into the rear hunters, thusly stalling them, as well as opening time to allow the Dogs to reach the pack as well. Instantly a massive battle began, with both Predatorial species fighting for the kill, and meal that entailed.


Well-Known Member
Holding a hand over his wounds, as he stumbled backwards, Damien shoved evil twisted energies into the tissue, yanking cells and forcing them to return to a semblance of what they had once been - healing so to speak. Dark Side healing was something he had known a minor bit about; bites, scrapes, cuts, anything minor he could likely heal, but nothing more. Even just these bite marks took more then he was likely to admit.

Calling to his now dropped saber, it flew to his opened and awaiting palm with a soft tap. Raising the blank hilt forward, Daemos activated the red saber blade, which then pushed its way into the skull of a charging Death Dog, whose body continued with its carried momentum. Being hurled to the side, Damien was quicker to rise this time, also making sure to not release his hold. Gripping an incendiary grenade from within his gun-belt, he activated it, chucked it at the large group of now battling beasts and brutes, then reached within again just as it went off. The next he threw was a cryo-ban grenade, this sprayed all of the now burning beasts with sub-zero temperatures, freezing many of the writhing flames instantly, body parts as well.

Panting for a moment, Damien wished for yet another time to have his Czar enhanced body back. He had been untouchable, faster than nearly anything alive, stronger than any human: the good days.

Hurling his saber next, he guided it with a sharp precision, weaving it through the mesh of predatory life, hacking, slicing, and cleaving limbs. Heads, arms, wrists, legs, everything went rolling by the time it came flying back to land softly in his once again opened hand. It was no near decimating of the group's size, but it damned sure did a whole lot more than could have been done if he were in such a fray.

With a large scent of blood, even some of those that were racing at his allies turned and charged - willing to kill their own kind per the illogical blood lust.

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