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Private Black Marsh Files: You Promised me Heaven then Put me Through Hell [Complete]


Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Katarine jumped into the speeder and they were off. She was happy Tarw could do most of the driving as she really hated doing that. She was far behind on this time periods technology so if someone else could handle it she was always in favor. As they sped through the lane traffic she noticed a lot of people were chatting and seemed happy. Clearly not everyone had put together that these murders were connected. Kat supposed it was a good thing that there wasn't blind panic in the streets.

They made it to the medical examiner and after a safe landing they headed inside. The receptionist was helpful and lead them down to the morgue where a Chiss man was waiting for them.

"Ah Master Ryiah I presume?"

"Yes and this is my associate Private Rhyfelwr."

"A pleasure to meet you. My name is Dr. Xon and I am the one who inspected the bodies. I have them just in here if you want to see them."

Kat wasn’t exactly excited to see the bodies but they might contain crucial evidence so she followed the doctor. Five dead bodies lay beneath sheets on five separate tables. The nearest was the most recent victim. The head was next to the body and the skull was open, brain missing. Kat got closer to look at the skull.

“This looks like it’s a pretty clean cut. It must have been done with a really precise tool.”

She walked around, looking to see the condition of the rest of the body. There were no ligature marks to indicate the victim was tied down but the corpse did look thin and pale.

“Does it look like our unknown subject held these victims captive to you? “ She glanced at Tarw, wanting his opinion.

Location: Corellia
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Once they arrived at the mortuary, the medical examiner greeted Katarine and she introduced Tarw, he nodded his head to the medical examiner and removed his jacket. He dreaded the idea of blood, guts or some other bodily fluid over his nice, fancy leather jacket. Hanging it on a hook, he entered the room and looked at the deceased. He wasn't a medical professional and Tarw wasn't sure he could find anything medically that would stand out to him that the medical examiner hadn't already found.

"Dr. Xon, could you bring us a medical report you wrote for the Corellian police?" Tarw requested and the doctor nodded their head, leaving the room. It also gave a short moment alone for the both of them to talk before the doctor returned.

Looking over the wrists and ankles, Tarw shrugged, "there are no clear signs that they were imprisoned. However, if this was a Zeltron killer or a Falleen then their pheromones could persuade the person into wanting to be held prisoner." Tarw wasn't sure it would be either person. The cut of the skull to extract the brain was something of interest to him as well.

"This is unlikely to be an Anzati feral or sane, they would never remove the brain in this fashion." Tarw mentioned as he gestured to the open skull, "which is a small relief since hunting one of them can be super dangerous. However, this seems to be someone with some medical knowledge and access to tools to extract a brain. Most important question is why the brain for me at least. What about you?"


Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

“I think you are right that whoever did this had some medical knowledge. We might be looking at a drop out, or a surgeon, or someone tied somehow to the medical field.”

She also agreed with his assessment that they weren’t restrained but that it course doesn’t mean they weren’t captive. A locked door could do the same thing as handcuffs if the lock was good. It was the fact that the victims were well fed and clean that made her doubt they were held long.

“If our guy did imprison them it wasn’t for long and he didn’t tie them down. The muscles aren’t atrophied at all.”

“That is what my report says.”

The doctor returned and handed Tarw the report.

“This was also in the pocket of the latest victim.”

He handed Tarw a flimsy card that had the name of a nightclub on it.

Kat raised her eyebrow at Tarw.

“Feel like clubbing tonight?”

Location: Corellia
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Nodding his head, he agreed with the stuff that Katarine was finding and the idea that this was likely someone with a medical history was very likely but also terrifying. Usually medical professions are very empathetic and kind-hearted people, so if they were slaughtering people and extracting their brains. "Yeah, hopefully there is something in the report on if there was a drug that killed the person, otherwise they suffered a really terrible fate." Tarw did not want to believe they were till alive while their skull cut open.

Looking at the night club card, he raised his eyebrow to Katarine and chuckled deeply. "Well, might need to find some outfits to fit the club vibe. We're gunna stand out dressed like this." He chuckled to the Jedi, "in the mean time, lets go over the report and check out the latest crime scene." Tarw wanted to recommend spending their time efficiently to garner the most amount of evidence to know what makes these victims to be the killer.

While risky, if they could make themselves bait, they could catch the killer in the act and prevent another victim suffering a similar fate.


Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Katarine was reading the medical examiners report and did note traces of a tranquilizer in the victims system.

“It says here an unknown tranquilizer was used to subdue the victim. Any idea what that is doc?”

“There were only trace amounts but if I had to guess I’d say it’s a large animal tranquilizer. “

“And you said the latest victim was found in the south district?”

“Yes that’s right.”

Katarine paused and thought for a moment. Maybe they were looking for a vet. A vet would have some surgical knowledge and access to animal tranquilizers.

She agreed with Tarw that they would stand out in a club, so the only way would be to change or go in there full cop and see if they scared anybody into giving away a clue.

“Let’s go to the south district. Thanks for your time.”

The doctor bade them out and let them know he was available if they needed anything else.

Location: Corellia
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

As they left the morgue, Tarw looked over to Katarine, "thinking it might be an animal doctor of some kind?" Tarw asked in a low voice to avoid too much attention to them as they left. "Question is, why take the brains? What are they hoping to achieve with that?" For him, that was the biggest question that needed to be answered, there was always a reason for murders like this, done with so much forethought and detail.

Jumping into the driver's seat of the speeder, he punched in the coordinates for the location of the crime scene and fired up the engines. He wasn't familiar with Corellia like Coruscant so he was in need of a map while driving the speeder.

"I think the club would be best done undercover. Corellia is filled with smugglers and other petty criminals, they are all likely to get nervous and flee the club when they see us looking like cops or a Jedi. Which could force us down a dead end and lose our element of surprise as well as the solid lead." Tarw mentioned as he shifted quickly through the alleys of Corellia to their destination.

He stopped as they arrived, "better to try and gather information without getting caught than scare him into hiding and lose our chance to capture him before another murder happens." Tarw then jumped out of the speeder and looked around the scene, "do you have the psychometry ability? Anything here that could trigger it?" It wasn't a perfect ability but it could provide a voice or even hint towards a motive if there was something that Katarine could sense around here.


Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

"thinking it might be an animal doctor of some kind?"

"My thoughts exactly. That would give them access to the tranquilizer."

She got into the speeder and they zoomed off towards the south distract. Katarine was hopping they would get lucky and not have to go to the club. She hated the loud repetitive music of clubs and the memories it brought of her troubled past. Whey they arrived they both got out of the speeder and Tarw was asking about psychometric abilities. Katarine did possess the ability and she would use it if they needed but before she could answer him something caught her eye.

They had arrived in a warehouse district that looked like it had seen better days. There was a dock that lead out to the shipping lanes, and some boarded up buildings lining the street. What caught her eye though was a dissipated old veterinary office that looked like it hadn't been in use for at least a decade.

"I think there might be something in there worth checking out. Maybe we can get a feel off something."

She lead him to the building and crouched through the broken door, which was hanging off it's hinges. Inside the floors were dusty and a few rats scurried out of site. It looked like they were inside an old reception room. A lot of the furniture was broken and there were bottles where young people clearly came to drink. Katarine pointed at the dust covered floor where fresh footprints were visible.

"I feel... someone .... "

She frowned and closed her eyes. It felt like a human presence but oddly distorted and faded.

"Be careful. We aren't alone."

Location: Corellia
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

"It is one explanation."

Tarw was content following Katarine's lead here, this was her field of expertise more than his own. He was generally more a soldier on the frontlines, fighting hordes of enemies type but he also saw and understood the value in using his skills and other talents in dealing with things like this. Looking the gaze of Katarine to the abandoned veterinarian building, Tarw frowned. This was either someone who hadn't used their skills in many, many years then or had led to this abandoned building and used the supplies there. Meaning that they weren't looking necessarily at a veterinarian.

"Lets be careful then. Stick together and try finding them before they see us and flee." Tarw whispered in a low voice, not wishing to draw attention to them.

Pulling out his blaster pistol, Tarw set it to stun and kept a firm two handed grip on the weapon, not wanting it knocked out of his hands. His eyes followed the trail and kept close to Katarine while guarding her back. Tarw was not wanting to jump in front since Katarine was still able to lead the way and he figured it would be best if she stated how to approach this. If they did find the target.

"Set to stun, figured that would be best for now." He informed Katarine in a hushed tone.


Tags Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Katarine lead the way forward deeper into the abandoned practice. They went through two examination rooms and down a hallway, that ended in a door. Katarine opened the door to reveal aging wooden steps that were rotting in places.

"Be careful."

She gingerly tested the wood and started her way down, edging around some of the more moldy areas on the stairs in fear of falling through them. As she reached the cold hard basement floor she paused and looked at the walls. All around them were weird hieroglyphics.

"That is the script of the B'omarr Order. But those monks never killed...."

She felt a sense of unease growing in her as she walked forward where a room was sealed off with plastic door hangings. She entered and found herself in a pristine white operating room that was far from decaying. The machines looked new, the surfaces were scrubbed meticulously and the odor indicated a recent cleaning had been undergone.

Her deep green eyes scanned the room until they fell on a. young Twilek who was slumped over in a chair. Kat rushed forward and felt the young woman's pulse.

"She's alive, but drugged."

She stood up and looked at the back wall. There in jars were all the confiscated brains, floating in a nutrient liquid. At last they had the question of where the brains were but why? What was this killer hopping to achieve?

Location: Corellia
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Following the footsteps of Katarine, he noted the writings of a language unfamiliar to him and he noted that there were many etchings that he did not recognise and when Katarine mentioned the B'omarr Order, something clicked in his head.

"Weren't they a cult like order that did brain extractions?" Tarw mentioned, he had read a bit on them years back in his Jedi training but the memory was faded, "might this be a delusional or perverted monk who believes they are doing religious nirvana to save those they have removed the brain of?" He asked.

When they entered the surgical room, Tarw looked around and noted the medical files as well as the cleanliness that was done here. "This is ritualistic, this is something chaotic or done without zeal." Tarw mentioned, he wasn't sure he understood what was going on completely but he was starting to feel a better understanding was brewing in his mind. "Take your pistol out ready in case the monk returns and you can stun them. I will grab the Twi'lek and carry them." While he could still use his own pistol, he felt it was safe if they were to both have a weapon at the ready.

Lifting the woman over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, Tarw looked over to Katarine, "we can investigate further if you wanted but might also be best to get out of here and get this woman somewhere safe till the drugs wear off." He mentioned, willing to follow her lead if she wanted to keep moving forward.

Especially since the risk was leaving and the killer finding out they were here and fleeing to a new location.


Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Katarine was examining the brains in jaws while Tarw mentioned that this could be a rogue cultist. She was having similar thoughts but they would have to wait. They needed to get the most recent victim medical treatment.

Tarw grabbed the Twi Lek and Katarine took out her old blaster pistol. The gun had been frozen with her so it was roughly nine hundred years old.

They started towards the door when they heard a loud noise behind them. Katarine hesitated and turned slowly. There was a door on the other side of the hall, which she had foolishly assumed was a closet. It opened however and a small thin Dug came out. He was wearing a lab coat and froze when he saw them.

Katarine was quick with the blaster and the Dug fell over stunned. She was thankful her pistol worked today. Sometimes it gave her problems.

“I’m going to call EMS to get her out of here and then we can take the Dug to the station and process the crime scene. You did good work here today.”

((Seems like a good point to wrap up?))

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Location: Corellia
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Tarw watched as the likely culprit revealed himself and Katarine demonstrated her quick skills and fired towards the guy. He could tell that she was unsure how reliable her gun was going to be. Raised in Mandalorian culture, he knew what distrust in a weapon looked like and it was understandable for some, it was also a dangerous risk. Something he knew a Jedi like Katarine could not afford to make.

"If you want. I could take a look at your blaster and fix it. Perhaps upgrade it for you if you wanted." Tarw offered once she had stunned the culprit, he was curious as to what this guy would claim was his reasoning for murdering so many people. "Having a weapon you can always rely on is important." It was also a chance to catch up again with Katarine if she wanted to do so.

He enjoyed her company and hoped that he had been pleasant enough.

Nodding his head, "you were good too. Look forward to the opportunity to work together again in the future." Tarw stated simply, thinking there was a chance to have a lot of fun, as long as it wasn't a mission as dark as this one had been in nature.

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