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Black Sun Slave Raid: Oasis Mining Colony


Oasis Mining Colony
Residing in the Maelstrom Nebula this old mining colony is located on the surface of a volcanic moon. In the past it had served as an obscure hideout for the Alliance to Restore the Republic as well as a place for work for the laborers who lived there. Colonies like these had been mostly overlooked by the galaxy at large and with little to no protection they would make easy targets for the business minded. The moon was pock marked with large strip-mines and the mining-towns that cropped up around their rims, within the pit was massive mining conveyor belts and digging machines.

Vitek's Upsilon-Class Command Shuttle entered the Maelstrom flanked by two XS Stock Light Freighters which transported one full unit Outer Rim Mercenaries between them. Within the shuttle Vitek was coiled on a Hutt inspired lounge which sat on a rich blue carpet. In his hand was a drink and in the other an Electro-Whip "Be ready to land the ssshhuttle with the merccenariesss." Vitek instructed his Nikto pilot who gave a silent nod "Itsss time to earn your creditsss, try not to damage my ssslavesss." the Sluissi hissed into the open radio.

Those within the XS Freighters would be able to hear the words of Vitek as their vessels began to rapidly descend to the surface of the Mining Colony, the blaster cannons on both opening fire on their landing site. Would such a bombardment be necessary? Not really but it sent the appropriate message. The myriad of species on the surface began to panic with the ensuing cannon fire. Some went to grab blaster pistols and carbines to defend themselves. Their quaint living spaces were tightly packed next to their mining operation which was a massive strip-mine with thin rivers of lava being channeled away from the pits.

Then the freighters lurched as they slowed to a hover, dropped to the dusty ground, and the ramps opened.
" Oh. Oh my." Red flashes of light ignited over the golden frame of PW-3PX as his precise mechanical fingers poised. Each flash equivalent to a life taken. Security guards, armed miners and those of the like threatening the operation at hand. A trusty Model AXM-50 "Blast and Smash" rifle being all he needed for the moment. The orders of [member="Vitek"] were still fresh in his mind. It was true he was killing his earnings but there was plenty to go around after all. " Flee! Hurry go!" He managed to shot. Another blast sang from his rifle causing the air to smell of fresh ozone. He couldn't smell it but he could see it. Catigorize it and watch the smoke rise into the heavens above.

Surprisingly fast on his feet the droid shuffled along with a band of mercs directing the ungrateful organic masters to further profit and riches. " Over there! That group. Round them up!" The antenna hidden golden plated skull extended. Immediately contact with Slaver [member="Vitek"] was to be established.

" Vitek. Good day to you sir. I am happy to inform you that the initial assaults are just splendid! Your new forced laborers of inferior bloodbags will be with you soon!"
It had been sometime since the Galaxy knew of the might of the Criminal Underworld. In the Aftermath of the Great Galactic War, many criminals saw that it was time to reform. Adrian was one of those to capitalize on that with an attempt and rebuilding Black Sun on Ord Mantell through the use of one of the old Fortresses. Perhaps such a place would come into play. When he had heard that they would slowly begin making moves on the galaxy. A long time had passed since the galaxy knew of what could be done. Everything would be exploited from spice to slavery. It was a time when no one in their right minds could touch them. They could just sell to whoever they wanted. If they had a problem with that. They had to talk business or get whacked it was how business was.

Intentionally upon learning that there was strong Anti- Force Sentiment. Adrian made good use to bury his Lightsaber for now. Relying only on his cybernetics and his Blaster. Better to climb up to the top, than to suffer the wrath of most of the Cartel. After all it was understandable. They viewed most of the galaxy's Force Users as the scourge. Which they would regulate, if you had it as a made man within the Cartel the unpoken rule was to hide it. As best as possible. If you didn't you got whacked like everyone else. It just how it was and oh boy did Adrian knew how that went. Such thoughts made him cringe.

Landing down on the surface with his own band of mercenaries. All carrying the Black Sun symbol. Some were around during the reign of the One Sith. The golden age of Black Sun. Black Sun would know those days once more, of course the people tried to fight. With Dyson mercilessly shooting his blaster at either both security or civilians alike. With his men riding on speeders with shock nets. Taking men, children and most of all the women. No doubt Dyson would have an inspection of them. They would fetch him a nice profit. With a grin on his lips as he moved in deeper into the colony. He couldn't help but think on how Crime always pays.

@PW-3PX [member="Vitek"]


The mercenaries and those truly apart of the Black Sun struck terror in the hearts and minds of the denizens of Oasis. Those few who had armed themselves were cut down by the blaster fire from the myriad of raiders. One particularly large Besalisk who wielded a blaster pistol in each of his four hands killed six Outer Rim Mercenaries within seconds before being cut down himself. Many of the denizens who had been unable to run away threw their hands up in surrender. As quickly as the raid had begun it was reaching a close for this portion of the settlement. There were far more hovels and gathering spots to attack, and they were prepared this time.

Vitek had heard the droid's ( [member='PW-3PX'] ) report and acknowledge him with clear delight in his tone "Very good. Ensssure that they are brought back to the freightersss for processssssing. Once they are brought to the landing sssite I want you to take your comradesss acrossss the mine! Thissss will be fanasssstic business for ussss." from the comfort of his shuttle the Sluissi watched the raid unfold before him. The raid wasn't nearly over but this initial assault was perfectly executed "Dysssson." Vitek hissed into his commlink ( [member='Adrian Dyson'] ) "Sssecure the perimeter until PW-P3X has completed hissss objective. Do not fail me." Perimeter security was important. If the colonists launched a counter-offensive while the mercenaries were rounding up the survivors it would be devastating. There were far more colonists than raiders. Nothing is more threatening to a raid than a well armed and courageous mob. Vitek dipped his long bifurcated tongue into the glass holding his drink then made breathy hiss "Pilot, ssssee to it that the droidssss load my merchandisssse. We don't want our ssssoldierssss to be tied up for too long." the Nikto pilot stood and exited the shuttle with several DUM-series droids. While not particularly smart these droids were strong enough to pull chain gangs against their will into the freighters. In one of the droid's arms was a large trunk full of Shock Collars.

Ardasz Verd

"What, you got a conscience?" one of the things laughed as Ardasz ran his hand across the muzzle of his scattergun. He was waiting in reserve for the real action to start. A Mandalorian knew that the first few waves of the enemy were a waste of ammo, after all. The dregs, security elements placed to soak up bullets and waste time before the real heavy hitters could arrive on the scene. They were the reason he got hired on for missions like these.

Anything less wasn't worth the lead it took to put them down.

"No," the aging Verd laughed quietly to himself, "if I had one of those, I'd have stopped taking jobs like this one a long time ago." He raised the weapon to eye level, glanced down the iron sights and made a face that looked like approval. "I'm waiting for the real show to start."

The Cardooinian man laughed. "You're a little late to the party," he gestured toward the blaster fire just outside. Ardasz could see it just fine. "We've been engaged. Light a fire under your ass, old man."

Ardasz side eyed the thug, then shrugged. "Alright," he muttered, "but you're paying for my next job's worth of rounds.

"Black Sun is paying more than enough, and frankly, I'm not seeing any results-"


The scattergun cocked and eased into a grip under his armpit, one hand prying the cigarra from between his teeth to toss it aside. With a single, fluid motion, he pulled the buy'ce overhead and stepped out into the fray. Blaster bolts went wide, though several shots on target were stopped dead by his armor. The time it took for his HUD to designate targets was all the time he needed to raise the weapon, run his tongue across his teeth hungrily, and fire.


A guard slumped forward, eyes glazed. "I don't like wasting rounds on the little ones," Ardasz called over his shoulder in a menacing, mechanical monotone. "This type of ammunition is hard to come by."

The smoking gun rested in his hand.

"Any more doubts, bur'cya?" Ardasz glanced back at the Black Sun grunt with the emotionless visor of his buy'ce. "If not, you ought to start distributing those collars. They're going to raise an alarm soon, if they haven't already."

Intercepting communications was always tricky business but never the less there was one thing you never did. Send a organic to do a droids job. But what might you ask, Is a droids job? Simple. Everything. " Oh no no. Ring them up by their arms and legs next time. Do not injure the specimens, they might be sensitive." Cold red photorecptors gazed hauntingly down at a young man being dragged off within netting and webbing. A symphony of screams lifted to the high heavens reminding PW of the classical music played annually on Coruscant. " By the maker..." He voiced lowly to himself. Stumbling back the droid registered blaster fire against his chasis from behind. The bolts energies spread over his form revealing a protective layering right over his metal frame and yet scorch marks still stained him so.

Caught reloading the assassin droid fell into his favorite mode. " Assault mode active. Targets acquired." Multiple hidden gun mounts extended from his form as he took aim. With deadly precision each any everyone of them fired. Repeating blasters, laser cannons and even a flame thrower to make sure the job got done. On the golden ones approach suddenly a ripe smell was birthed anew. The smell of bantha poodoo.

Someone had soiled themselves before meeting a fiery end.

" WHAT THE KARK IS THAT?!!!" a miner screamed in retreat. He didnt get far.

[member="Ardasz Verd"]
[member="Adrian Dyson"]
Factory Judge
As the man who screamed out attempted to run, a flash of movement was met in front of him. I could feel his body slam into mine. While I did take a step back to steady myself, the shell of a man who was clearly malnourished wouldn't do anything against me. Reaching down, I grabbed a hold of his neck and lifted him off the ground. Carrying him back towards the golden murder machine. While all of the machine and weaponry he carried was impressive, it didn't really help the situation if he was killing everyone. He needed to show an example of them. Keep the slaves in line and make sure none would rise up again. All the droid thought of was to kill any who revolted.

"Enjoying the killing Droid?"

I threw the running man down to the ground at the droids feet. He quivered at being held up by people who were clearly superior.

"We will get a better paycheck if you don't kill everything."

Picking up the man again, this time by his collar, I dragged him over to the others we had already gathered. Once more dropping him next to others as I reached out for some rope. One of the other hunters with us handed me some. I quickly hog tied his hands and legs so he wouldn't leave. Grabbing a shock collar from the belt of one of the men without her permission, I slapped it on the guy. It then worked of its own accord by my very subtle use of the force. Could have been chocked up to be a malfunction easily. Lets just say his scream from the shock of pain going through his system was a little refreshing.

[member="PW-3PX"], [member="Ardasz Verd"], [member="Vitek"], [member="Adrian Dyson"],
After said targets had been eliminated. The Droid gleefully disengaged assualt mode to converse with his ally. The echani that approached him. " As a droid I do not feel joy or any emotion for that manner.....much. There is only the objectives. Capture as many miners as possible and eliminate those that resist." Those were his objectives. A small hint the that PW-3PX was slightly more sentient that the rest of his mechanical brothers. immediately PW began to spout his logic, waving it around like a Jedi swing a lightsaber. " As it stands there are approximately 1000 people within this mining colony Oasis. By eliminating 10+ publicly has a high possibility of breaking morale, thus making capture and processing easier on the Black Sun and its... contractors."

PW was the last "person" in the galaxy to admit being wrong. Way he saw it, His means justified the ends. Looking down at the man who had just been shock collared the golden one bent over some. Examining the internal and inner functioning of the collar. It did seem to malfunction but no prior actions would warrant such a reaction. " Interesting." Looking back to Echani PW concluded. " I will accept your line of thinking. For the profit! I like money." Throwing his golden hands in the air PW sped of toward the nearest batch of miners. There wasnt much of a fight when it came to flesh vs servomotors. Holding two slaves by their cloths and threatened to be killed at resistance the droid escorted the two back toward a ship.

" Did you know that blood has a boiling point at 99 degrees Fahrenheit. That is equivalent to 37 degees celsius. And this chassis is capable of producing temperatures upwards of 6000 degrees Fahrenheit." Hardly something a capturee would want to listen to while being held by a droid. " Dont worry our journey is coming to an end. In front of us will be a new home. Full of everything you will ever need to continue living!"

It was a containment cell. A cage...

[member="Darren Shaw"]
[member="Ardasz Verd"]
[member="Adrian"] Dyson


The collection of slaves seemed to be going well. Those that had witnessed the carnage were easily taken prisoner. The very few children within the colony that had been apart of the raid clung to their parents as all three were put into collars and chains. Only to be hauled by a pit droid into a cage with their neighbors. The sounds of panic and terror were soon deafened by that of rage as nearly two hundred colonists armed with blaster pistols, mining lasers, slug throwers, and vibro-knives began to rush the perimeter to rescue their people. As soon as the rescuers got a clear line of sight on the raiders those who had ranged arms would begin to use them

The Nikto pilot rushed back into the shuttle where Vitek lounged and hurriedly reported the news. The Sluissi dipped his tongue into the drink once more then leaned back a little on his coils "Do not take off. I want ssssee what we are paying for." his scaled lips turned into as much of a grin as they could "Make certain the ssslaves are loaded into the freighersss. Sssshould our hired help fail, I wouldn't want to misssss on our profitssss." the serpentine tongue dipped back into the drink then receded "Enjoy the lightssss, itssss not every day you get to witnesss such eventsss." which got Vitek thinking, perhaps he should setup a gladiatorial game? Perhaps for the low grade slaves. Blood sport would have wonderful ticket prices!

[member='Darren Shaw']
[member='Ardasz Verd']
[member='Adrian Dyson']

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