Darth Vyrassu
Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
The Blackguard were formed by Vulta Daanat, a former member of the Brotherhood of Darkness and apprentice of Lord Skere Kaan. They set up a base on the planet Mustafar, in the Southern Jedi Ruins near the Smoking Forest. They would often attack and be attacked by a criminal organization known as the Phantom Bandits. There were five ranks of Blackguard: Minion, similar to the Jedi youngling, Elite Minion, similar to the Jedi Padawan, Wilder, similar to the Jedi Knight, Elite Wilder, similar to the Jedi Master, and "The Kursk", similar to the Jedi Grandmaster. The Blackguard ritual of being promoted from a Elite Minion to the rank of Wilder was to kill one of the three types of Sher Kar. This was similar to the Jedi Padawan being Knighted. The "Blackguard" also had three specialized ranks: Marauder, Trinity Assassin, and Ravager. The Marauder's purpose was to explore the galaxy to search and study various force traditions. Then there was the Trinity Assassin, whose purpose was to eliminate enemies of the Blackguard and guard Force relics. Finally there was the Ravager, whose purpose was to defend the order's headquarters, similar to the Jedi brute. However, unlike the Jedi brute, a Ravager could be anyone, not just someone of intimidating bulk, providing they were an expert at lightsaber combat and Force combat techniques. Any of these specialized ranks could be chosen as a work choice when an Elite Minion advanced to Wilder.
In 1 ABY, archaeologist Mi Fon Lu tasked a group of adventurers to destroy the Blackguard. The group managed to kill all of the Blackguard in the ruins leading to what became known as the Blackguard Purge, allowing Mi Fon Lu access. However, it was almost certain the organization survived, due to its many members scattered throughout the galaxy.
In 1 ABY, archaeologist Mi Fon Lu tasked a group of adventurers to destroy the Blackguard. The group managed to kill all of the Blackguard in the ruins leading to what became known as the Blackguard Purge, allowing Mi Fon Lu access. However, it was almost certain the organization survived, due to its many members scattered throughout the galaxy.