Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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BlackLight Clan (The Vinecats)

The BlackLight Clan
The BlackLight Clan is a relatively new addition to the Silver Jedi Order, based on the resilience and (relative) intelligence of the Vine Cat. We focus on combat, but not that of your run-of-the-mill Jedi. Technology and fun gimmicks are the way of the BlackLight Clan.
Of course, honorable combat is always respected... We are Jedi, after all. But strength must always be tempered by precision, and precision is only achieved through the workings of the mind.
Of course, technology is the greatest working of the mind. One by one, pieces of mere metal can fall into place to create anything, from a weapon powerful enough to melt buildings, to an innocent toy to amuse a baby. Experience defines thought, thought defines function, function defines use.
Join us, and help create the future of the Jedi.


[member='Zatten Black']
[member='Maya Whitelight']

Geared towards: Guardians, Shadows, Sages, Consulars, and anybody who just can't fit themselves in those groups...​
To join, simply post here. We'd love to have you!​

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