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Blacklist [Isabet Kote]

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
Back on Nar Shadaa already? He didn't really think he'd be coming back here anytime soon after he found a Master to teach him the ways of the Sith. But his ship was in need of fuel so that was probably the primary reason for his arrival at his old home, he was training himself in tough environments so he supposed a return to a "normal" planet like Nar Shadaa was kinda refreshing, only that wasn't a normal place, far from it as a matter of fact. A place where your brother could steal an entire speederbike and crash it into an ice-cream parlor in broad daylight without any repercussions was a planet which was far from normal.

Nonetheless it brought back memories of living here, even if it hadn't been too long since his initiation, he somewhat wished he'd never have to come back here again, but a place so shady had to be visited again if he was aligned to the dark side of The Force.
With a mechanical whirr the landing gear on his Fighter Craft deployed as the ship switched into hover mode, he carefully lowered the ship onto the port, a hiss emerging as the ship landed, the cockpit opening forwards as Hakan Venttuss vaulted over the side and onto his feet.
The almost 18 year-old was well built, with white hair and the casual Sith Yellow eyes burning in their sockets along with tanned skin and white hair. Dressed in Sith Robes with a high red-rimmed collar with a cloak over them, his hood folded back to give his shimmering white hair breathing space.

He asked the droid operating that particular station to fill up the fuel cells, and with that he decided he wanted to have a drink. And bars were just as plentiful as the crime here, and there was a rather large one not too far away from the shipyard and it was there that he was headed.
He walked into the bar, somewhat crowded, full of shady people and a lot of probably-illegal alcohol around! Aaaah, good ol' Nar Shadaa! He approached the barman, leaning on the counter. "Coreillian Whiskey." He simply ordered, the barman didn't really look twice to see if he was even of drinking age, this whole bar was "slightly illegal" so why even bother?

He watched the barman fill up the shot glass before Hakan picked it up, quaffing pretty much the entire thing. He had to be careful here though, he planned on being capable enough to actually fly back home, he wondered if he'd end up meeting a few interesting people, well. This entire place qualified as "interesting". So undoubtebly.
@[member=Isabet Kote]

Isabet Denko

Olaror shal ni, vod.
Nar Shadaa. The third stop on her epic trek across the Galaxy. In all reality, this was actually her first stop. The other two had been Dxun and Mandalore and she hardly thought they counted as exploration. She had after all grown up there. Her ship hissed heavily as it touched the floor. Isabet had decided to land for a short while. After all, she could take care of herself now and Nar Shadaa was't as scary as everyone assumed. Or so she had been told. Regardless, she swung her leg over the side of her ship, grunting a little as her feet to the weight. The feeling that accompanied solid ground after a long trip was definitely one she would have to get used too. She commissioned a droid to stock and refuel her ship. It was time for a drink.

It had become somewhat of a tradition for Isabet. Finding new planets and having a shot of something that burned. It was a small form of celebration. She glanced around from her position, spotting the large bar merely a few feet away. A gloved palm pushed the door open as she caught her first sight of the interior. Nothing impressive. Sleazy even. She cleared her throat as quietly as she could and made her way toward the bar. There were no open seats as far as she could tell, instead she squeezed herself in between two figures. One that seemed far to young to belong in the bar and another who she didn't even give a second glance.

The armour clad Mandalorian woman lent forward, drumming her fingers on the wood to capture the attention of the barman. "Tell me you have some tihaar?" She glanced at him through her T-Shaped visor. Usually, Isabet would have removed it but she thought it best to keep it on this time. Until she felt it safe enough at least. After all, her armour was her skin. As she waited for her drink, Isabet craned her neck toward the boy on her right. He had shocking white hair and frankly, a very interesting face.

@[member="Hakan Venttuss"]

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
He idly listened to the bog-standard Electro in the background, slightly nodding his head monotonously. Big clubs like these were so unimaginitive when it came to music, well. It'd be better than a completely silent bar and besides the music helped cover up shady conversations happening all over the bar. However the young Sith tuned most of this out and focused on the effect of the whiskey he was on, he felt the afterburn of the almost acidic drink but relaxed to the warm feeling his got in his abdomen afterwards. Hakan had drunk a lot of alcohol before, after all what else was supposed to keep him sane when he was living as a slave? Death Sticks? Those were far more dangerous so he'd stick with his liquor.

He felt someone squeeze by him, he turned his head slightly and made a bit of space, his burning yellow eyes getting a glimpse of what was definitely a Mandalorian helmet. He wasn't going to generalize and say that whoever was under it was a bounty hunter. But, the nouns Mandalorian and Bounty Hunter went hand-in-hand all too well. It didn't matter however, he just got back to his drink and apologized to the man next to him who got a slight push when she squeezed in.

He felt that he was being looked at by the Mando woman, he didn't even turn his head, he just looked down at his drink as the barman refilled it. "You can take that off y'know. Nobody will attack you here." the man spoke with a strange accent, a sort of South-African mixed with Mandalorian, which he got from his father, the Sith had a smirk on his face, still not making eye contact, he didn't realise what attracted her gaze so much, the robe? His hair? Both? All he knew was that she was watching.
@[member="Isabet Kote"]

Isabet Denko

Olaror shal ni, vod.
Isabet was completely unaware of her accidental shove to the other male. Even so, if she had have known she wouldn't have cared any more than she did now. Her drink arrived promptly, something she didn't expect from such a crowded bar. The music was less than satisfying and in all honestly it grated at her teeth. She couldn't block it out as well as a force user but she did her best. She hardly even realised the white haired boy was talking to her. She clocked his mouth moving as she shook herself from a mild day dream.

"I'm not concerned about someone attacking me." She reached up to her helmet, pulling away the magnetic clips that held it in place. Her blonde hair tumbled down her back, brushing against her waist. Of course, it was only a display of bravery. She placed the helmet down against the bar, one hand resting ontop of it. She wouldn't risk someone taking it, or even breaking it. That would cause much more of a fight than if someone had hit her square in the jaw. She wrapped a gloved hand around her drink, downing the medium sized glass in a few gulps. The after burn was a welcome feeling that settled into her stomach as she ordered another.

"What difference would it make if I kept it on anyway?" She posed the question, not really looking for an answer. She was bound to get one anyway. One thing she had learnt so far on her travels was that people liked to talk to random strangers. There was nothing she could do to prevent it. So, Isabet had to swallow her annoyance and be polite. After all, she was on Nar Shadaa, without any back up. Things could get messy if she said the wrong thing.

@[member="Hakan Venttuss"]

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
Hakan laughed a bit, it was the laugh of a Sith at best, it was more out of spite than actual humor. "Well for one you're not gonna drink with that on are you?" He spoke with a smirk and a raised eyebrow while pointing to her helmet, flipping his hair to the side a little bit afterwards as he wrapped his palm around the shot glass, taking a second swig of the liquor. He probably shouldn't speak of this experience to his Master, associating with criminals and the like. Well she was probably already aware anyway with the almost freakish ways she could use the force, oh great now he was expecting a talking-to once he returned.

"People don't like anonymity here. They ask questions. They get jittery, suspicious." He added, word of advice. This kid grew up in the nitty-gritty on Nar Shadaa so he figured it'd be best if he helped a tourist out. Besides she looked rather nice, badass. It wouldn't hurt to get some conversation going on especially since those who were alone here were the most vulnerable. "Anyway, what brings a stranger such as yourself to this cesspool? And alone, might I add." He spoke, 'cesspool' accentuated with venom in his words, he lived here and he hated coming back but in any case it was somewhat nostalgic to him, hey and he'd get to know the strange shady kinds of people who either resided here or came here seeking for less-than-legal services.
@[member="Isabet Kote"]

Isabet Denko

Olaror shal ni, vod.
Isabet, for once, smiled a genuine smile. She thanked the bartender for the second drink, before returning her attention to the man beside her. "I could if I wanted to. It does look a bit foolish however." Even Isabet could admit that drinking through a straw wearing Beskar'gam looked ridiculous. She grinned at the though, lifting her glass to her lips to take a much smaller sip. She could have taken a few more shots and still been fine to drive her ship. The best thing about being a Mandalorian was of course, the drinking. She had developed a resistance that was tough to crack. She liked to think of it as a perk.

"People should keep their noses to themselves. Suspicious minds are corrupt minds." Though she appreciated the gesture Isabet had always been a firm believer of keeping her business her own. Her face just so happened to be her business. It irked her to think that she couldn't cover it without someone thinking she was going to pillage everything she walked past. That was usually the case, but still. She took another sip of her drink, her brows furrowed in concentration. "I'm travelling. Nar Shadaa wasn't a planned stop though."

She finished off her drink, taking note of his disgusted tone. She highly agreed. Isabet had been on the planet no more then ten minutes yet a firm opinion had formed in her mind. The entire planet had a grim, sinister attitude that could have put any good man on edge. If you were looking for trouble she could bet you would find it on Nar Shadaa. "What about you? Bit young to be out on your own aren't you?" She raised a brow, sipping once again at her drink. Though Isabet herself wasn't that much older than him, she had the advantage of beskar'gam and a few brutal war scars on her neck. This one looked fresh out of the frying pan.

@[member="Hakan Venttuss"]

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
Interesting to see a genuine smile on her face, it made it seem as if this place wasn't all bad. It was mostly bad but there were some silver linings in the mass of clouds that this planet had, and meeting people like these were one of them. "The beskar'gam does suit you though." He responded, he knew about these things, his father being a Mandalorian bounty hunter himself, he was dead however so it was unimportant. "Mind you you look fine without it."

"You say that as if this place isn't plenty corrupt as it is. Everything here is corrupt. It's a haven for criminals and con-artists." He continued, looking at the barman after he had taken note that he had finished his drink. "I'll have what she's having." He simply demanded, unfamiliar with what she had just ordered but he was drinking it anyway, nonetheless he was also back here for a vendetta but that could wait until tomorrow cause he wasn't going to fly back tonight that'd be risky, Hakan was an experienced pilot but he wasn't going to risk it.

"Good." He spoke when she said that the planet wasn't a planned stop, "You should never set foot on this planet unless you absolutely must." developing on this he added: "I'd blast this rock to ashes and dust if it didn't have any nostalgic or familial value to me." With a voice reflecting his clear disdain for this planet, with that he clenched a black gloved fist at the same level to his shoulder, before straightening his fingers out again, accompanying this motion with an explosion sound effect he made himself.

He smiled and laughed, looking at her. "Please. I've lived here for 17 years." He reminded, he was capable of defending himself and knowing how to act in these kinds of places, just never look for trouble or look like you don't know the place, that's when the scum residing here would exploit you. "Besides you're no grandmother yourself." chuckling in regard to the conversation about age.

"Those scars look fresh, have you been in combat recently?" He asked, wondering if she had a story for all those scars.

@[member="Isabet Kote"]

Isabet Denko

Olaror shal ni, vod.
She was about to comment with the usual "Thank you." when she head his following words. Her face dropped a little and she returned her gaze to the wood of the bar. "I would watch your tongue." She pushed the glass toward the bartender, who filled it and left the bottle in her reach. She was grateful for the small gesture. She would need the alcohol to save this kid from a broken nose.

Isabet didn't reply to his next comment and sipped her drink, indulging in her own thoughts while she settled her annoyance. As she took the next sip of her drink, it was almost spat back out. She wiped her lips with her glove, before grinning to herself. "Tihaar will knock you out. Good luck." The strong Mandalorian spirit got to the greatest of warriors. Though she was thoroughly interested to see the results of such actions, she didn't want a drunken man slung into her care.

She placed her cup back down, turning to face him. "Just because you've lived somewhere for a while, it doesn't mean you completely know the place." She paused to push the bottle of Tihaar toward him. She would rather be amused and pay the price later. "There are surprises around every corner." She busied herself refilling his cup. The small action gave her some time to consider the man in front of her. It seemed that he knew a lot about Nar Shadaa, though that wasn't of any interest to Isabet. She chuckled gently, pushing the cork back into the bottle. "I fought the One Sith in a recent battle. I was split from my squad and fought with a Sith Knight."

@[member="Hakan Venttuss"]

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
The young Sith man rubbed the back of his head, mistakingly offending the woman even when he meant no harm. "Excuse me. I didn't mean to offend." He spoke meekly, he probably should watch what he was saying, and he would. He was here to meet people not to make enemies so the quicker he got his act together the better, maybe the alcohol made him a bit too friendly. He had to remind himself that he was with an acquaintance, not really a best friend.

"I know. I'll be fine." He responded when she warned her about the Tihaar, and she wasn't joking. His face pretty much contorted before he swallowed it, exhaling as the burning liquid trickled its way down, burning at first but settling down to a nice heat, not his mouth and neck though, that was still burning. "Wow. Just wow. I wasn't expecting" He replied, his face settling down a little more. Chuckling slightly afterwards. It wasn't bad but damn this thing hit hard.
"Ha. The good thing about living and growing up here means you expect anything, because anything can happen. The place is lawless." While that wasn't entirely true, there were a lot more criminals than actual police forces here so in the end all sorts of strange things could happen, you could sit next to someone on a bench and they could simply get assassinated seconds later.
He took a second swig of the powerful Mandalorian elixir, getting a bit more used to it the second time around, surprisingly he could hold his liquor, he definitely wouldn't be flying back though. He'd hate to crash into one of the ports.

"The One Sith...Can't say I've heard of them but if they have anything to do with the Sith they seem rather malicious." He spoke, these Sith had nothing to do with Hakan, and he had nothing to do with them, he was a completely different Sith, but he made sure to not reveal his commitment to the Dark Arts in any way at all because the Sith was a by-word for death and danger. "Looks like it must've been a tough battle, good thing you got out alive."

@[member="Isabet Kote"]

Isabet Denko

Olaror shal ni, vod.
Isabet found some mild amusement in his struggle to contain the fiery power of the drink. Admittedly, the burn of alcohol had become a sensation she often lusted for. She licked her lips, lifting her drink to down another glass. The comforting afterglow lasted all but a moment. "They are malicious. And it was." She had been fresh out of her verd'goten when she joined in the battle against the one sith. It was long and tough and she had barely made it out alive. Almost every bone had been broken and her neck had almost been burnt away. But she was alive, with a couple of killer scars to boot. Though she thanked Manda none of them had effected her face.

"What about you? Why are you drinking with a Mandalorian on Nar Shadda?" The question was purposfully obvious. Isabet expected an obvious answer to follow. Usually one that contained a short story about something she didn't care about. Followed by something along the lines of "You looked interesting." She hoped that he would offer a fresh change. Before he had a chance to answer, Isabet lifted her hand as if to stop him speaking. "I don't believe I even know your name yet." She couldn't help but think she sounded slightly deranged. There were a lot of questions that still needed answering.

@[member="Hakan Venttuss"]

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
Interesting, that. It appeared as if this lady was fresh out of a combat, though due to the nature of it it could pretty much be described as a battle if she was fighting against the Sith. Hakan being a Sith himself he knew that they were some of the most, if not the most no-nonsense people in the galaxy, and getting on their bad side more than often meant death. Not many people escaped the wrath of a Sith, but it seemed as if this woman did. He'd need to keep his guard up.

Fortunately for her, no long story. A few simple words sufficed in reasoning his business on the planet. "Refuelling and--" And with that he was cut off when she raised her palm, kind of rude but he was used to people here, he didn't care. She simply asked of his name however, which yeah was probably something they should've done from the start. Introduce themselves. "Oh right. I'm Hakan. Hakan Venttuss." He responded as demanded and introduced himself. "Yourself?" He asked with a smirk.

@[member="Isabet Kote"]

Isabet Denko

Olaror shal ni, vod.
"My name is Isabet." She accompanied it with another sip of Tihaar. There was something strangely interesting about the man sat in front of her, but of course, Isabet would never let on. Her curiosity was easily dampened. She licked her lips slowly. "So, Hakan, it's painfully obvious what I do. What is it you do?" The question was one anyone would ask if they were engaging in conversation with someone. Isabet hoped it wouldn't unnerve him or give him the impression that she was annoyingly nosey.

@[member="Hakan Venttuss"]

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
"It's nice to meet you." He spoke politely as he took another sip of the same drink, getting used to it a lot more now that his throat was already burning and his internals already hot. It seemed as if his suspicions about her being a bounty hunter were true, but he didn't expect to be asked the same question, he couldn't just flat-out say he was a Sith apprentice, he'd have to come up with something, and fast. "I'm an ambassador for this industry group...thing" he slurred not looking too unnerved. But he was. He was in the wrong territory to show any allegiance to the Sith. As lawless as Nar Shadaa was, this woman had come out victorious against a Sith and she probably didn't want to run into another one, and he didn't really feel like engaging in any form of combat. "It's a tough job. Really tough." He smiled, alcohol kicking in as his sobriety began to fade.

He leaned forward onto the bar, instinctively drunk enough to require some kind of support. "So, Isabet. What else do you like doing?" He asked, "Apart from this stuff...Obviously...This stuff is pretty good though." He asked inquisitively, with enough drunken confidence to look the attractive Mando woman in the eyes.
@[member="Isabet Kote"]

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