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"Building the future of warfare."
Military technology throughout the galaxy has suffered from lack of innovation.
We're not talking about new minerals that make a vehicle more resistant, or a blaster rifle that delivers a stronger kick. That's not design. If there's a better material to make something out of, there's no reason not to use it.
No, what we're referring to is, in this modern age, is the staunch sense of military conservatism in officer corps across the galaxy. A refusual to look at warfare from a truly unique perspective. A stubborness to accept change. An ignorance in how much power they could have their fingertips, if they'd only reach out and take it!
Blackstar Industries doesn't just believe in creating the most high-quality battle droids. We believe in innovation. We believe in building the future of warfare.

Our State of the Art Mustafar Facility
For over a decade, we've provided advanced prototype droids to factions across the Outer Rim. We have the experience, dependability, and understanding to create the kind of droids that will help you secure your future.
We not only offer top-of-the-line products, we also offer services to maintain droids after purchases, provide contract warranties, offer engineers to assist with droid functions, and even advise on the most optimal use of our products in any given scenario.
In short, if you believe in a dynamic, high-tech battle droid, we believe in you.
[ * = In Development, but still available for order ]
NMBD-1 ( Main "Infantry" Droid ): A new type of "infantry" droid, with a clear edge over any droid on the market. Optimal for use as the backbone of a force, or for use as a scouting, skirmising vanguard.
NMBD-2*: More tank than droid. This heavily armored, multi-shielded beast carries an enormous main gun, rockets, and anti-infantry armaments. It's optimally used as the main armor force, used to clear to the way, so the infantry can secure the area.
NMBD-3*: A rupulsor-based drone, equipped with a rocket salvo capable of firing up to sixty-four rockets per salvo. Unlike other similar droids, these rockets are satellite-guided, allowing for high-accuracy, and burst in clusters. This allows the rockets to devastate huge amounts of terrain, and wear down shields that much quicker.
SD-A1*: A spherical security droid, which hovers using repulsortech. It contains light armaments, and advanced scanning systems, including x-ray, MAD, radiation, and facial recognition software, among others.. It is about the size of a human head. Optimally used as security for facilities.
SD-A2*: A drone about the size of a large dragonfly, it equipped with half a dozen fine manipulation claws, normally found in surgery droids! It can be modulated to weild a wide variety of small tools, scanners, or a light weapon (such as a taser). It is optimally used for discrete security, surveillance, and for going into inconvinient environs to perform repairs, or other tasks requiring fine manipulation.
BSI Autoblaster*: Combining the idea of a rifle and blaster, this autoblaster is capable of firing three-round bursts of blaster fire, and up to twelve seconds of fully-automatic fire. It will need six seconds of cooldown time before being fired again. Infantry need to be able to put down multiple, accurate, powerful shots down-range in major combat scenarios. Don't let you men down: get the BSI Autoblaster!BSI Versatile Officer's Pistol*: A heavy blaster pistol, capable of being easily modulated for use by any hands. To boot, a compartment near the handle contains a survival-knife set, with a number of small tools for whatever challenge you face. This toolkit can be used manually, or set to basic auto-function. Imagine the look on your enemies face when they see your gun picking the lock on a door!
BSI MP Ion Cannon*: A much scaled-down version of the main gun found on the NMBD-2. This weapon is still extremely powerful, and will requiring a strong and trained user to use safely. It takes several seconds to charge up a blast. Once fired, a massive anti-matter burst stream is loosed from the barrel, tearing apart the very atoms of its target, utterly destroying it at the molecular level. When you absolutely need something gone, accept no substitutes!
BSI MP Guided Rocket Launcher*: This launcher is capable of firing the plasma and cluster rockets found in our droids. It can also be used to fire a number of other rocket makes. It is a heavy weapon, and requires strength and training to use safely. Once fired, a small camera allows the user to direct the rocket in whatever direction they wish, making this both a high-power and discrete weapon!