Darth Lucid
Blade Ice
NAME: Blade Adas Bacquin
ALIASES: Darth Lucid | Blade Bacquin | Blade Devoid | The Rebel Sith | The Orange Eyed Devil | The Rebel Devil | Cynical Old Man
FACTION: -----
RANK: Sith Master
SPECIES: Force Mutant
AGE: Ancient
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6′4″ (1.93m)
WEIGHT: 200lb (90.71kg)
EYES: Glowing Orange
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Tanned
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weapon Master - Blade has trained his whole life with weapons. There simply isn't a weapon he doesn't understand how to use and use well. Even if it is a completely foreign weapon he can seemingly figure out how it works in very little time.
Master of Illusion - Though he prefers the tried true method of beating you enemy down with weapons Blade has master the art of Mentalism and illusion with in the force. He doesn't use it often due to the fact he prefers a straight up fight as a way to prove ones mettle. He is very proficient at it though most people aren't even aware of that fact.
Freedom - He absolutely is against slavery which puts him at odds with other sith. He veiws any person or society that use slaves as weak and lazy. If you can not build an Empire with your own bare hands then you do not deserve an empire. If you need other people to plow your fields while you crack a whip then your fields need to be burned. If a man is unable to stand up to the whip master then he does not deserve to live. Freedom at all cost if one dies fighting for what they wanted then they died free.
Rebel with out a cause - He seeks conflict it is what drives him and when there is no war to fight he will make his own war. He will turn on his own going after thier flaws and weakness when he has no other battle to fight. He can not live in a galaxy of peace as he lives on the conflict and strife.
Kneel Before No one - No one is above thee nor are they below thee. Everyone stands on equal footing in Blade's eyes. You do not kneel before kings, lords, or Gods you stand eye to eye with them. Show them they bleed the same as you if they try to force you to bended knee. Blade will not kneel even at the cost of his own life again this put's him odds with fellow sith and it has caused him many scars and wounds.
Not Your Leader - He strives on conflict and will start a rebelion agaisnt an Empire just because he needs a fight he does not want to lead. He doesn't want to sit on some throne he despises those that do. Yet despite this many times before people have chosen to follow him. When they tried to raise him up he turned on them and burned the very thing they thought he was building to the ground.
Labeled Anarchist - Do to his anti-authoritarian ways, his tendency to start rebellions, and the fact he he won't kneel to those in charge he is often labeled an anarchist. Yet he isn't a full anarchist as he does believe in order and law. He just doesn't often agree with those who enforce those laws because they are often hypocritical and think the laws shouldn't apply to them. So he will burn there whole system down just prove to them that they are not above everyone else and the laws.
Blade is the ideal anti-authority figure spokesperson. Ever description of a rebel or freedom fighter is a description of him. He has no desire to let others control him or the life he wants to lead. He sees flaws in every system and he pokes at those flaws until they either crumble an empire or they are fixed.
He holds grudges for an extremely long time though most of his grudges are against institutions and leadership rather then a single individual. He is stubborn like a Pitbull he doesn’t let go easily. He is relentless when he has the drive to tear something down. He has raised empires and then destroyed those same empires.
People have followed his lead, been parts of his army but he himself never has any desire to lead or rule. All he wants is his ultimate freedom unburdened by rules he thinks will restrict him and others. He is a firm believer that you learn more from the battles you lose then those that you win.
Above all else he seeks unlimited freedom to not be chained to certain people’s ideals. It is because of dedication to absolute freedom he has a strong distaste for slavery. His desire for freedom makes hard for him to kneel before tyrants, leaders, and Gods he will not be there lesser.
Whiskey | Weapons | Dancing | Sword Play | Strong Women | War | Fighting | Blood Sports | History | Philosophy | Illusion Magic/Force | Mentalism | Overwhelming Odds | Being Under Estimated | Anarchy | Rebellion | Heavy Metal Music | Hard Rock Music| Competition | Self Improvement | Artifacts
Jedi | Jedi Philosophy | Arrogance | Slavery | Bureaucracy | Most Government Institutions | Being Controlled | Being a Leader (even though he is good at it)
Adaptable | Adventurous | Charismatic | Charming | Creative | Freethinking | Hardworking | Independent | Individualistic | Innovative | Intuitive | Leaderly | Laid Back | Masculine | Observant | Passionate | Perceptive | Persuasive | Playful | Resourceful | Skillful | Wise | Witty
Anarchist | Abrasive | Amoral | Argumentative | Brutal | Crafty | Criminal | Cynical | Destructive | Disloyal | Disobedient | Disrespectful | Hedonistic | Impulsive | Insulting | Judgmental | Mawkish | Moody | Nihilistic | Opportunistic | Predatory | Rebellious | Vindictive
Blade's eyes glow orange and his face shifts from five o'clock shadow to a full beard. He has a scar from the top of his skull down to his lower neck's back side if his head is shave it is fully visible, if not one can see it peeking out the hair line and down to the lower backside of his neck. If he is shirtless you can see four claw marks on each side (eight in total) of his chest were the Pectoral muscle meets the shoulder muscle. Those scars also appear on his back shoulders as the claws went all the way through. He also has a saber puncture wound scar on his abdomen that goes straight through to his back. He also has a knife wound scar on his right thigh.
He is usually wearing his long brown trench coat that is a patch work of leather strips it is debatable if anything of the orginal coat still exists it has been patched together so many times. If he doesn't have his sith armor chest plate one he is usually wearing a simple t-shirt. He also usually wheres loose fitting cargo pants with his combat meg boots. Holding up his pants is a utility belt from which his sabers hand off the back side of.
Grandparents: Khaos Devoid & Khronos Bacquin | Jo'karr
Parents: Aion Bacquin & Relm Jo'Karr
Former Lovers: Nexus Starfall | Sorsha Kassajin
Siblings: Cade Bacquin |Dyans Keto | Savitar Dusk | Elysium Dusk | Irrisa Bacquin | Sethrom Bacquin | Abelous Bacquin
Children: Ryn Starfall | Damsha Bacquin | Dagger Bacquin | Shane Starfall
Cloned Children: Mystra Midknight | Wensday Helfire
Grand Children: Sade Starfall | Relm Jo'karr | Callisto Bacquin | Sirius Capulet | Annalise Capulet | Albion Capulet | Andromeda Capulet | Damien Capulet | Avelina Capulet | Cord Starfall | Khaostra Starfall | Magnus Starfall | Tiamat Bacquin
Aunts & Uncles: Helix Bacquin
Nieces & Nephews: Kamaria Bacquin | Kira Bacquin | Kyra Draykin | Avery Bacquin | Rathe Bacquin | Remy Bacquin
Cousins: Jake Deviod | Cypher Devoid
(This is a brief Synopsis of Blade Ice's history and Belief system)
He awoke naked upon an ice covered lake. In his right hand he held an dagger of sith make, clean pristine almost like it had just been made. Around his neck hung some sort of medal for a military, he wasn't sure what it represented nor could he read the writing on it. He walked naked across the ice covered lake until he came to a shore line where a fisherman stood. The fisherman looked at him oddly and asked him his name. The man could not remember but he looked at that dagger in his hand and thought about how he woke up.
"I am Blade Ice."
That was the day Blade ice was truly born and for many years he would not know his real name or history before that day. His beginning didn't have some dark tragic past like so many people who choose the darkside. He simply found his way to the sith on that world and passed there test of initiation to gain the right to have a master. His first master was a pureblood sith names Sumor Royal and the two did not like each other one bit. Sumor despised his apprentice as Blade was very strong willed and stubborn. He didn't like Sumor's teachings and despised much about the man.
Their hatred for each other came to a head and Sumor set out to kill Blade in open combat. A master versus apprentice the battle started in a forest and by the end it was scorched earth with Blades master force slamming him into a large stone the protruded from the ground. Blades skull cracked and split on the rock and his master was baring down on him for the final blow. As the saber raised to strike blade slipped that old dagger of his out of the sleeve of his jacket and plunged it into his masters throat. His master had gotten over confident thinking Blade was all out of moves and that was his down fall. Sumor staggered back dropping his saber to the ground clutching at his throat. Then blackness came to them both.
The council gave Blade a second master his first not dead but had failed to kill his apprentice. His Second Master was Vega Van-derveld a sith lupine. Vega saw potential in Blade especial where combat was concerned and he saw that Blade had a knock with any weapon handed to him. Blade was a skilled duelist maybe not the best but he was very adaptive ever fight he lost he learned and changed adapted new tactics for the next time. It made him formidable to other sith he dueled or Jedi he took on. Vega offered Blade a chance at knighthood, all he had to do was kill Vega's son Thanatos who had betrayed the order and turned Jedi.
Blade stood before Thanatos on mustafar after a long grueling fight, Thanatos was a broken and defeat teenager only seventeen,blade with his orange eyes just stared at the boy waiting for him to stand up. Thanatos could not stand up though his legs broken but then Thanatos look up at Blade and beg for his life. Blade thought it was pathetic if Thantos wanted his life he would fight for it until his last breathe not beg for it like a coward. Blade Beheaded him and returned the head as to his master as proof. However his master did not do as promised and refused to promote Blade for his actions. Blade saw this as a betrayal especial from a master he had grown to adore and admire. Blade over his time with Vega had seen the man like a brother and so desperately wanted to be apart of Vega's family. Yet now he grew in disdain of the man though he was not aware it had been the council that had refused his knighthood as they fear Blade and what he might become.
Betrayed Blade declared Vega his enemy but Vega refuse to duel him and was protected from it via the council. Blade then choose a new master The Dark Lady Athena. She told Blade of the councils fear of him and she fed into his hatred of Vega Van-derveld. She trained him in the arts of alchemy and force illusion he took to the art of illusion really well but only minorley to the art of alchemy. Yet her purpose was nefarious and for her own gain by feeding into his hatred she unleashed him on the council as she had plans to take over the whole order. Blade came in with a small army to take out the council the army was decimated and Blade captured being tortured with force lightening. There they figured out Athena's plan that Blade was just a pawn in her game. As penance Blade was sent to kill her, Athena was an undefeated duelist in the order. The council saw it fitting caring not if Blade died.
He hunted his master to the mountains the battle long an arduous but he did not relent and he wore her down. He was gainign the upper hand in the battle when out of nowhere her husband sprang and impaled Blade with a saber through his back and out his abdomen. He fell to the ground and was left for dead as another master left him but another sith had been sent to aid Blade. The sith sent to aid him showed to late though and took Blade away to a medical facility. As he healed from his wounds the other sith offered to take him under his wing. This his fourth sith master was a brother to Vega named Ket Limelight Van-derveld. It was under the tutelage of Ket that Blade started to remember fragments of his past.
However he was only with Ket a short time before the man disappeared, rumor has it that The Dark Lady converted him to her war on the order. The Council looked down at this poor sod of man Blade Ice not sure what to do with him. So they assigned him his fifth Master a woman on the council name Aria of the stars. Much like Athena she quickly wrapped Blade around her thumb as a tool for her own gain but she did through very different means by pretending to love him. It was through this love that his Past came fully back to him.
Blade Ice was Blade Bacquin the son of Farmer who was the son of a warlord. His mother was the daughter of blacksmith and blacksmith and soldier herself. His life was unremarkable until the day the an invading army came to his world. He became a warlord of his people and pushed back the invading force. Yet his brothers grew jealous of his growing power and his Blade's wife Nexus who was an exotic beauty from Dathomir. His oldest and youngest brother plotted against him and on the night of his first child's birth and invading force came for him. He fought them well into the night his wife giving birth his older brother at his side. As the battle was concluding and the invading force was decimated Blade's oldest brother stabbed him to death. His wife's throat was slit by his younger brother and his daughter was given to the invading army as a peace offer. Yet the force did not let Blade die and he was resurrected awaking on a ice covered Lake with a dagger in his hand with no memory who he was. The dagger was to remind him of he was both his name and the fact he was a warrior.
This Memory coming back to him he feel deeply in love with Aria of the Stars. He started believing she was th erincarnation of his wife Nexus. She was not and she was using Blade to fight her battles and take out her enemies with in the order. Though unlike previous master sh edid final grant him the rank of Knight with the councils permission as they thougt she had him fully under her control. Then the illusion broke his Daughter Tegan Starfall miraculously tracked him down and she did not like Aria of the Stars. His daughter set out to unravel the woman's plan. She set up a trap so Blade would catch Aria of the stars int he arms of her real lover. So he did he found Aria embraced with another woman. When he called her out she ripped into him telling him he was nothing, just a toy and toold for her to use. He had no purpose other then to serve her whims, Blade became enraged and snapped the neck of his master lover and proceeded to beat crap out of her but she had pushed a secret alarm to call sith guards to her that was the only thing that saved her life.
The guards subdued him and he was taken before the council they mocked him calling him Aria's play thing and spite in his face. They told him that he was worthless and nothing that the order pitied him for being so weak. They then exiled him and gave him twenty four hours before they would start hunting them. Blade fled not sure where he was going until he came upon a woman named Sorsha Kassajin. She took him in and kept him hidden, he was unaware at first that she was a sith sorceress and that she too was an exile of the order. She had also been the master of Aria of the Stars. Yet as the months went by he learned of this and she told him of an old sith tradition where he could challenge the council and if he won they would forgotten. Blade thought everything over and made a plan. The night before he left he slept with Sorsha and left the next morning unaware he left her pregnant with twins.
Blade returned to the order slaughtering any one that gotten in his way on the way to the councils chambers. He soon stood before twelves masters of the council they all looked at him.
"I challenge you all to the rite of Kaggath."
The mocked him and refused but by the rights they could not refuse. That night Blade slaughtered them all and burned their order to ground. In there ashes another empire would rise and then fall over and over again into eternity. Blade the man of six masters now claimed his prize become a true master of the sith Darth Lucid. So his Journey went on this just the story of his beginning.
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