Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Blasters Don't Argue


It was a simple mission for Jedi Knight Vyres. Simple, but they didn't even trust him with the classified details.

A contact of the Alliance had a disk. Makko did not know what was on the disk. His instructions were narrow in scope. He was to meet in the arrange location, take the disk from the contact and fly it to an alliance outpost.

He had spent a lot of time on the trip imagining what kind of spycraft had led to the production of the disk.

"Anyone here?" he asked, rounding one of the rocky formations.

He stretched out with the Force. It reached back, providing an off sense of foreboding. No signs of life.

A soft buzz.

Makko turned to look over his shoulder as a lone gunman emerged.

Odd. He should have sensed another person.

"Are you..."

Another buzz. Another blaster and another gunman. He reached out with the Force and couldn't touch their minds. They weren't droids, Makko had a particularly affinity for affecting technology with the Force.

More and more figures appeared from the rocks.

This was an ambush and they had prepared to catch a Jedi.

Training to be a jedi shadow meant Jonyna often would have to take on missions where she'd have to guard those with pretty vital information.

She didn't expect that to be another jedi today. Maybe it was habit, but she always kept her senses heightened. Not through the force, but through her own instincts. Ears scanned the sounds of the area, and as soon as a lone gunman made himself known, Jonyna was ready.

The wind suddenly came in a gale, sand kicking up everywhere as Jonyna herself dove to grab Makko Vyres Makko Vyres , allowing her droid Dice to pop his bubble shield that gave them some cover.

"Who exactly did you say you were meeting?" She quipped, her tone a little indignant at the thought of getting possibly double crosse
He could deal with this. If the Force guided him then he could deal with anything.

The wind suddenly came in a gale, sand kicking up everywhere as Jonyna herself dove to grab Makko Vyres , allowing her droid Dice to pop his bubble shield that gave them some cover.

A flurry of blaster bolts struck the buddle shield, even through the sand and dust Jonya had kicked up around them.

Makko had not been able to deal with this.

"A young twi'lek called Varn," Makko said. He didn't know much about the cathar, but she was quick and surprisingly solid in dragging him down.

"I don't think asking again is going to help," he said, finding the courage to smile. "But I can't sense them."

The shooters wore artefacts made from taozin nodules. The effect was nothing compared to an ysalmiri, but it was scattering their presences in the Force.

"Right. Varn." What the hell was a Twi'lek that young doing this far out? At least they had Dice's shield to give them some breathing room for now. Right, plan. She couldn't sense them in the force, but she wouldn't need to. With the sandstorm now raging, she could simply feel through the air. How it moved, now it shifted when it hit something. "Do my a favor. You're a technology guy, right? Can you like, take apart their guns or something? I need to close the distance."

What she needed was a chance to hit back. The downside of Dice's shield was it sealed them in until they had a true plan.

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

Makko gave a sharp nod. He didn't know, so he stretched out with his senses to find out. There was a haze around their attackers in the Force. He could push through but it took almost all of his focus.

He took a deep breath. He did something he had never expected to do.

He silently repeated the mantra of the Jedi. Makko drew the Force around him. His breathing became shallow, his pulse returned to a regular rhythm.

"I can overload some, but not all," Makko said, his eyes still closed. "Tell me when."

The moment she did, several power packs would spark and flare, marking targets and offering a clear route through the crowd.

He wished he had brought armour, more weapons. He was left with only his saber and wrist shield.

The moment sparks started flying, she dropped the sandstorm and Dice dropped his bubble shield, Jonyna blasting out with a burst of flame, going right for the closest target at nearly 100 miles an hour, slicing right through the now weaponless gunman, before transitioning right to the next one without a moment of hesitation. Her blade, a translucent, silent pole of plasma sliced right through her targets despite a lack of it's iconic hum, or a visible blade.

She reached out through the Force. Varn had to be out there somewhere. Their contact, someone who she wasn't even sure was still alive at this point.

For now, she'd reach out and find them.

Tag: Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

She was fast. So fast that he was left stunned. Hot air washed uncomfortably over his face and neck.

Two blinks and he forced himself to move.

The showmanship certainly made Jonya the main focus. As Makko emerged from the sand he came as a surprise. Makko leapt up towards a rockface, making himself a difficult target before falling upon one of their attackers with a heavy, overhand strike. The man was cleaved from shoulder to hip.

A hail of blaster fire forced Makko back. He deflected two bolts before taking shelter behind his portable shield.

Varn had to be out there somewhere. Their contact, someone who she wasn't even sure was still alive at this point.

His presence was faint and distant, their contact tucked away in a cave some miles away with an armed guard.

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