Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Blaze of Glory [ Centrality ]


Scillal System | Casaline Ryiah
Scillal was an industrial world in the Centrality sector, prized for its shipyards and manufacturing in the area. That was, until the Bryn'adul had attacked and razed the area. Being a key and vital force in the area, much of the rebuilding done by refugees had been focused on this planet. Small shipwrights and manufacturing hubs knew they needed to bring in credits if anything was to change. Naturally commerce and capitalism and fueled growth on the planet.

Yet, it was far from perfect. Only small sectors had been rebuilt. Much was still in tatters and pieces, needing to be cleaned and bulldozed over to start fresh.

Not everyone wanted progress to occur. Cultists and terrorists still littered the Centrality region. Attacks had occurred on the shipyards before the Bryn had devastated the region, yet this was different. Crazies who didn't want to see progress. Those who thought the Bryna'dul had did a service by razing everything to the ground. Those with potential newfound power didn't want to lose it.

Which is why the bombings started to occur once again.


Hands on her hips, Persephone stared at the smoldering pile in front of her. Makky had been called to Scillal after a series of bombings wiped out several shipyards. Caught in the crossfire had been a new, still under construction refinery commissioned by Aina Holdings. One side had fallen, metal twisted and crunched, a gaping hole in one side of the massive building.

Persie watched as Makky paced back and forth, on the comm with various sentients about the issue. The teenage girl knew this was a hitch in the plan, there had been a push to start refining the ores and minerals locally so to save credits. Mobile refineries apparently only did so much. Considering the fact they would only be here a few more months, well, Persie could see why he was upset.

Lost progress pushed a lot of things back.

Something new was occurring though. Investigators were combing through the twisted metal. Taking holos. Swabbing for samples. Pointing and talking among one another. Persie hadn't seen it before and she had overheard in passing investigations were only happening because it was holding up commerce in the region. Like Mama said, mess with the wrong person's credits and watch an entire fire get lit to figure out why.

The fire had been lit. Although the teen was skeptical they would find out why or who.
There wasn't much for Persephone to do. She had been drug along due to the fact they had been scheduled to visit a agricultural world nearby but got redirected to the terroristic bombings. She would have put up a ZikZok but who wanted to see a budding influencer in front of metal wreckage?

Perhaps if she was doing an edgy fashion holoshoot but that wasn't the case.

Barrier tape was up with "CAUTION" written in massive words in basic and aurbesh. She was walking along the one side of the tape, bored of standing still. Her movements had dissolved into more pacing and liking influencer photos on various social media platforms.

It seemed she wasn't the only one bored. There was another girl walking around. She was wearing robes and had the look of being turned inside herself. As if very lost in thought.

Persie moved closer, wearing a very basic outfit with her brand new smiley-face combat boots. She wasn't as fashionable as she normally was, but was doing her best to elevate the basics. After all, one couldn't wear High Core fashions if they originally planned to be on an agricultural planet.

"Hey yous a monk or something?"

Finely manicured and bright yellow nail polished hand indicated up and down on the other girl.

"Prayin' for the dead an' all?"

Casaline Ryiah
Casaline Ryiah


Persephone didn't expect such an answer. Problem was, she wasn't quite sure what a Jedi was. Apparently something similar to a Monk, that was something she could understand. Religious person who often prayed a bit and performed acts of service in the community. Somehow the Jedi were like that, even the other girl agreed.

"So, whats a Jedi and what do you do? Seem awful young to be one....theys brainwash you into joining? Mama warned me about such things. Can't be trusting everyone in the galaxy witha pretty face." A small pause. "You need me to busta outta the Jedi? You can come with us."

Which, if Persie was in the others shoes, was just as equally frightening. However, if she was in a cult, the teenage girl wanted to at least offer an out. Finely manicured hand reached out to the other teenage girl in greeting. She had forgotten her manners, something had she was working on.

"Oh...Name's Persephone....everyone calls me Persie. I'm here with my brother."
Did it make sense to Persephone? Not at all. Service to the Galactic Alliance? They must have had a longer range than just Alliance territory to be out this far.

"Oh, I see. Yous want to be a Jedi? Like...yous filled out the application an everything? Or your Auntie got yous in through the door?"

Sounded like part religion, part military boarding school to her. Then again, Persie was working on making up for her lack of education at a young age. What did she know?

Hands were shook, indicating she better state her name before speaking.

"Persephone. Yous can call me Persie though. Nice to meet you."

Living here? Living on the planet would be rough compared to where she came from. That was saying a lot.

"Not on this planet. Huila Station. My brother an' his fiancée are working out here. That's his refinery that got bombed."

Casaline Ryiah
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"I don't know. Maybe? Makky says it wasn't fully up an' runnin' so maybe not. Hopefully not."

Persephone noted that Casi didn't answer her question about the Jedi. Perhaps it was pryin'. Her Mama used to chastise her for diggin' around in other folks business so she was doing her best to be quiet and keep the thoughts to herself. Persie wasn't being noisy, she was just curious about life and others and what went on in the 'verse.

"So you's going to help with the investigation?"

Casaline Ryiah
"Oh sure."

Not the investigator type, Persephone wasn't sure where to start. Dark blue eyes took in the structure, the officials milling about, everyone trying to decide their next moves.

Right now it looked like the Jedi that belonged with Casaline Ryiah was talking to her brother. Engineers and security folks had joined in and everyone seemed properly distracted.

"Let's head around the perimeter. That way we can get closer without being noticed , sneak in through the side maybe."
Persie could feel the heat coming off parts of the bombed out refinery. It was already hot by nature and now due to the fire that had occurred and was now out with just a touch of smoldering. Steam was rising of the metal as they picked around the edge towards the main part, where the main blast had occurred.

"Oh, a few things. My brother does minin', agriculture, uh...gemstones....somethin' else. His Daddy does salvage and minin', plus some manufacturin'.... somethin' else too, I'm sure."

Persie looked to Casaline Ryiah once again.

"All your folks Jedi?"
Persephone could put together that 'Dark Jedi' would mean someone who was most likely not of the highest Jedi morals. According to the Jedi learners she had ran into thus far, there was some sort of rule set to follow. Morals and teachings and such if she was guessin' right by piecing the knowledge she had obtained together. Now the other thing...never heard of it in her life.

"Whats a...Chac-a-tan Adept? Adept is a learner but whats the...Chac-a-tan thing?Is that'a species?"

Persie looked the girl over again. She looked like a human but there were so many near human types out there it was possible she was one of those too. It was possible.

Either way, Persie held up the barrier tape that was preventing the general public from entering, not that anyone was milling around and eager to get in and explore. Maybe the looters would come later, although it was going to be hard to carry away heavy pieces of metal.

"Yeah, I means...lets all be honest here....ain't no one out to catch 'em, you know? The Sector is barely scrapin' together. Makky says its important to know these things cause it might be a terrorist cell or somethin'."

Casaline Ryiah
Hands on her hips, her brows furrowed. Callin' card? She looked at the wreckage as she moved closer, then back to Casaline Ryiah .What did she mean by that? Takin' credit for destruction? She debated for a long moment, silent, wondering what exactly to say. In the end, she just decided to go with her question.

"Callin' card? Like a real business card? We gotta search the wreckage for a piece of flimsy?"

Eyes went wide, then a shake of her head.

"Thats gonna be a lotta work are you suggestin' we find this card?"

What Persie didn't know is that Casaline Ryiah didn't mean a real calling card. What she meant was more hallmarks of a group or a holonet statement claiming responsibility.

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