Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I am going to be taking a really big step back from this place. It is feeling lately more of a chore than entertainment to come here. At first I thought perhaps stepping away from both an IC and OOC leader role would benefit me, but it hasn't accomplished what I had hoped it would in terms of overall stress relief. There is so much I love about this place, but there is also some glaring deficiencies that are inherent and can't/won't be changed, and to spare any pointing of fingers or drama I will leave it at that. It's just the bad that comes with the good I suppose. Either way, I'll post to the threads I am still in until they are finished, and then likely be even less active than I have been this past week or two for an indefinite amount of time.

Thanks for the fun. I'll be around on Skype for those that want to chat. Take care SWRP.

Connor Harrison

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Sorry to hear this - genuinely. Such pleasure has been gained from writing with you, I hope you return in time.
I've felt this many times on countless of sites and on this one as well. I joined back in may 2014 and I only got around 500 posts. Whether this is because of my three to four loa's or because I'm simply lazy I wouldn't know. :p But take your time, take it easy and come back whenever you're ready to.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

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