Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Blessing Booth

Ashka Tamas


Ashka had come to the spaceport to set up his booth. There was Ashla freaks selling light side salvation, others promising wealth if you donated to the cause, he thought that racket rather sensible, rob people as you tell em they are gonna get rich. His angle was altogether different. He took money the same, however he used his powers to bless people, albiet with a trick or two. One lady walked up to his booth and asked,

“What are you selling mister?”

She was a Twi’lek, so this one was going to be easy.

“Well Madam, I offer blessings, pardons, and glimpses in the dark.”

The Twi’lek shifted her blue lekku.

“Glimpse? What do you mean?”

Ashka took his silver hands and held them out palm first and sweeping them together said,

“The future, the past, or perhaps other secrets of the heart.”

The Twi’lek dropped some credits on the table of black wood.

“I want to know if..”

Ashka finished her sentence.

“If he loves you? Ayuta is his name right?”

The Twi’lek woman nodded.

“I have to know!”

The Dark Jedi held out his hands above his head. He searched the Force and saw the Twi’lek dude with another gal, a human. Looking at the anxious Lady, he lowered his hands.

“He’a cheating on you.. outside the Cantina.”

The Woman cried out.

Ashka then waved his hand over her face.

“Go to him, thrash him. He is trash.”

Her eyes swirled with white light and she walked away mumbling as ahe drooled, “Thrash! Thrash!”

A Uggnaught approached and asksd, “I got injured today.. I cannot afford to lose work. Can you help me?”

Ahska runner the chin of his mask.

“Where are you hurt?” Ashka knew where, but he needed to let the guy participate.

The Ughnaught pointed to his arm. Ashka raised his hand and made a swirl over it chanting in Sith tongues:

“Nu Adata Kia Kristi Kaienas, Kair Metoze Bantha Rasiz: I need to eat something, some fresh bantha perhaps.”

Immediately the Ughnaught felt the pain leave his arm, he rejoiced and threw credits into the orange bowl on the booth.

So far it was beginning to be a great start to the day.
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A Garou strolled through the Space port, his Beskar'Gam flexing silently he chuckled to himself watching the charlatans and soothsayers peddling their wares. It was beyond The Way to allow himself to attach religion to the force. No it was more of a tool than anything else to him, however that didn't mean he didn't find entertainment in watching what was mostly either complete fakes or untrained novices feeding into the need of the masses.... For a few credits of course, because the force only moves if the money does right?

It didn't take him long however to note a man in a dark cloak offering what seemed to be real blessings to people. As he approached her could feel the power of the younger man, his impression in The Force almost as dark as his clothing. Garou was nothing if not a curious one and approached albeit cautiously.

"What can you tell me about myself?" He said throwing a few credits into the orange bowl.

Ashka Tamas

Ashka Tamas

The Masked Blesser adjusted a holosign when he felt it. The pulse of the shadow, he heard the credits in the coffer ring. Turning he examined this Newcomer,

“You were a Sith, and grew disillusioned. At age twelve you abandoned the Way of Passion. You follow the Mando Creed now, and head your own clan.. Shakti.”

Ashka was good at reading people, but the common thread of the dark side between them made this easier. He was amused to meet another who tapped Bogan at his booth. Though he was concerned it could cramp his style if this Ex-Sith used the dark power. He hoped that this Warrior would be pleased with his reading of his past.

“I hope to visit Dathomir one day. I hear your Nightsisters are fine. Well if you can get past their superstition and solitary nature.”

Ashka took a risk being disrespectful of those witches, he hoped that this now Mando would agree or laugh. If not he made sure to have his saber hilt ready.

TAG: Garou Shakti Garou Shakti

Garou tilted his head taking in the words inquisitively. It wasn't often someone was able to peer behind the mask and look into the past of the Mandolorian, even less so that they survived to tell the tale. He himself tapped into the link and could feel the flow of darkness as the man read, it was artistic really, though not artitistic enough to make him not notice the mans cautious hand on his hilt.

"You read well, and you see far Masked Man" He said as he allowed the voices of the dead to whisper in his ears. Garou might not be a Night Brother but he had taught himself some of the ways of his bloodline over his years on Dathomir and much like it had been for Ashka the information flowed freely when one knew how to listen to the whispers of the damned.

"Or should I call you Ashka? As it seems I am not the only one to grow weary of The Force Cult in which I was raised, and inact violence upon them" As the words dripped off his lips Ashka would not need to see the Mandolorian to feel the grin behind his Beskar'Gam helm.

Ashka Tamas

Ashka Tamas

The Peddler moved his hand off his saber hilt. He sensed that this Mandalorian if he wantex hin dead, would have done it already, instead he felt a probing in his mind. This was to be expected, no one who learned the dark side could fully forsake it.

“The reason I am never removed from these ports is I tell the truth. Lies or deception breed lawsuits, tell the truth and what are they gonna do?”

The Ex-Sith then read his history to him, he knew about the Jedi Cult and how Ashka sent them to their paradiso.

“Well met Dathomirian.. few have recovered those memories from me.”

A vision of Ashka played, he was in enclave, his blood blade crackling at it cut down the cultists, his anger ringing in a battle cry. He then came to the Grand Master, who deep in meditation failed to act, the blade passing through their chest.

“Those sycophants deserved their fate.”

Ashka face was hidden by silver, but his tone shifted to a sharpness that expressed a latent hatred. Despite having ended the Cult, their memory still taunted his soul. Their torments had left scars unseen.

TAG: Garou Shakti Garou Shakti
Garou knew all to well the pain in that mans voice, the Sith were known for their proclivity to pitting the acolytes against one another, excercises in making them 'stronger' they would call it, fueling them with the hatred that so well created powerful Sith Lords. He himself had worked hard to let go of that artificial darkness in his youth.

"Even in death you are bound by your hatred of them, remember that using your anger is a powerful weapon, but hatred makes you a powerful weapon to be used by others"

Garou echoed the words of his father, his voice full not of sympathy but of empathy, the voice of someone who had overcome that exact pain.

"I bear no doubt that they did, after all whether the name be Peace or Passion, to exalt one thing above all others inevitably leads to a perversion of The Force. A sailor does not refuse to accept the sea when it is calm or when it is stormy and live to tell the tale, and a warrior who takes only one weapon with them will be prepared only for what that weapon is designed to handle. Zealotry leads only to blindness and the cruelty that comes with willful ignorance."

Ashka Tamas

Ashka Tamas

The Dark Jedi listened intently, this Dathomirian Mando had great wisdom, and more than that seemed to actually care about his suffering. Unusual for a dark sider, most like the Jedi tried to detach from attachment. The Jedi did so to avoid emotional entanglements that could lead to the dark side, Sith forgoed them because bonds could make one hesitate and open to betrayal. Proof enough of both cults being wrong is tue shunning of love, and attachment, which for all other life in galaxy was what kept everything running. How without love would a freighter pilot spend his life on trade routes without it being to feed his family or a Twi’lek lady go into politics but to give a better life for her young? The Jedi and Sith were wrong, love made the galaxy run, it was fruit of the Force itself.

“You should set up your own booth. You are wise Garou. Indeed, hatred makes slaves, and that but about zealotry being the path to oblivion is true. While I find the Light repugnant, I am nor so sure it is not from prejudice, from my experiance with the Cult.”

Ashka was being vulnerable. This was unlike him. His mask’s purpose was to conceal as much as protect. He turned to the Zabrak.

“I am starved. Would you share a meal with me? It has been long since I ate with anyone. They say eating alone is bad for the digestion.”

TAG: Garou Shakti Garou Shakti
Tag: Ashka Tamas

Garou smiled beneath his mask at the comment about the repugnancy of the Lightside.

" I tend not to use the Lightside because it is not what I was trained in, and frankly it lends itself to things that are typically not in my scope of expertise, but I can understand that few look favorably upon the stick with which they were beaten and fewer still pick it up and find it worth using for anything worth doing."

The Way dictated that he not revile others because of their experience but instead seek to understand the lens through which they viewed the world. His father often told him he never knew when the person he was speaking to was a future child of Mandalore and therefore to treat all with the respect that he would a brother until they earned otherwise.

"A meal would be a great blessing Ashka I fear it has been more than a few hours since I partook in any sustenance and I would love to speak with you further" He said motioning for the man to lead the way to food and following him with no more caution than he normally held himself with, which is to say ready to strike at any moment but not anticipating that he would need to unless the voices of the damned told him otherwise.

It was strange they both spoke from behind a veil but neither mask nor helm really seemed to hold any bearing in isolating the two.

Ashka Tamas

The Dark Jedi walked with the Mando, pondering what he had said.

“The Light Side bears nothing I envy save one, Healing. I have cut down my enemies and armed with Ashla they reformed sinew, muscle, bone, and flesh. I could have a use for that.”

Ashka lead the way to a diner near the air strip. It had a sroid hovering with platters of food and drink. Zip’s Grill was ful lof colorful sorts, but unlike a Cantina it was not prone to eruptions to Violence. The Dark Jedi wanted them to be comfortable. A Besalisk steppee from the counter, his great big smile and friendkt demeanor the one thing ar the port Ashka counted on.

“Ashka! My buddy! Your just in time! I got a rare treat, fresh Rancor!”

Ashka braced for the four armed hug. He placed his silver hand on the shoukder of his rathee rotujsa shaped friend.

“Rina finally died? I bet Nabba will not be happy.”

The Besalisk chuckled, he noruced Tye Mabdaloeian ans sid un a hushed tone.

“You in trouble?”

Ashka shook his head.

“No. This is Garou, he is a friend. Garou this is my good friend and the best cook Zip.”

Zip offered two of his hands ro shakw the Mando’s hands.

“Any friend of Ashka is a friend of mine! Please take a seat, I’ll get you a treat.”

Ashka took a seat in a red booth.

“Zip has helped me in many a jam. He’s protective, thinks I should settle down. I keep telling him I’m too young for that.”

Zip brought a plate of spice cake, some soup and noodles. His four arms dispensing the dishes in ballet of movement that was precise as dizzing. He then laid down some Jawa Juice, complimentary.

“If you want something stronger, I have a home brew that is out of this world!”

As Zip walked away to fetch a case, Ashka leaned forward.

“That stuff could clean engines, but we bettee have some or he’lo be offended.”

TAG: Garou Shakti Garou Shakti
Followed Aksha into the diner and smile beneath his helm as Zip tried to defend his new found.... Friend.

Shaking the two hands he had a seat and with a quick scan of the room to ensure that there was no issues he took his helmet off and placed on the inside of the booth between himself and the wall, and took a sip of the lighter fluid he had just been offered, not much but enough to get a good taste.

"Not bad, you should see what some of the Nightbrothers brew when the Nightsisters aren't paying attention." He chuckled as he lifted the glass in thanks, before diving unceremoniously into the food.

"Now this shit is good! So Ashka is this your main gig?" He said his mouth half full.

Ashka Tamas

Tamas removed his silver mask, sitting it down next to him on the booth, his pale skin white as ivory and his silver eyes fixing on the food, a lock of black hair fell between his eyes.

“I would love to try that Night Brew. Perhaps one day I can accompany you to Dathomir. I understand you cannot just visit without an invitation.”

As he pulledca spice cake to his mouth he let the savory sweetness mixed with the tart fill his mouth. Zip knew they were his favorite.

After a moment of closing his eyes and enjoying it, he paid attention to Garou’s question.

“Actually this is a side gig. My main thing is..”

He leaned towards his Zabrak friend.

“Tomb raiding. I have one in mind that could be a big pay off.”

Ashka was being very open with this Mando. He waa not sure how he’s feel, Mando were devoted to Ijaat (Honor) and raiding tombs isn’t exactly honorable.
Garou was a bit conflicted on the idea of tomb raiding. It was not the most honerable thing in the world however he personally believed that the property of the dead should be left to the living and that, that was the best way of honoring their legacy. "As long as you stay away from the tombs on Dathomir" He chuckled, to break any tension but it was a solid warning, tombs on Dathomir tended to be very sacred and funtctional places as most would already know.

"What do you have in mind?" He said taking another bite out of his spice cake.

Ashka Tamas

Ashka was relieved when Garou made light of it and then mentioned the Tombs of Dathomir. He had always wanted to raid them, but he was not crazy. Witches he had heard did all kinds of spells.

“Is it true dead Night spirits lurk in those tombs and can possess people?”

The Dark Jedi finished another piece of cake.

“I plan to raid The Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban. They say its been picked over and anything worth value is long gone. I happen to know Naga Sadow kept a prized piece hidden, and I am all but certain it is there.”
Garou's ears perk up at the the thought of raiding Naga Sadow's tomb. That place was legendary, and Korriban was the home world of The Sith not to mention in the heart of Sith territory. It would certainly be an exploit befitting him as the Sith were the sworn enemies of the Mando'ade. Besides who knew what they might find there, treasure untold lied in the heart of those caves, or at least that is what he had been told as an acolyte.

"It is very true, and even more so the bodies of the dead do not always rest on Dathomir, that being said your proposal sounds intriguing I wont lie. Going into the heart of Sith territory and walking out with one of their relics would indeed be a feat. It's also a ballsy move, are you sure you aren't secretly a Mando'ade?" He chuckled taking a sip of the over proofed alcohol. "What's next you want me to help you raid the Jedi Archives?"

Ashka Tamas

Ashka Tamas

The Raider took a sip of that lighter fluid, his eyes watering. Geez Zip somehow had made an even stronger batch. Zip came and collected his plate which was caked in spice crumbs.

“Good brew am I right?”

Ashka nodded as he swallowed, his throat burning as his friend headed back to the kitchen.

“It is a gutsy move your right. To accomplish it, I really need a partner.”

The Dark Jedi leaned back.

“That is the problem. Its a suicide mission. The chances of success are 80/20, actually 90/10. Trying to sell that is infinitely harder than what I peddle on the streets.”

Taking another sip of Zip’s Homebrew he sat looking out a window at the ships ascending and descending in the night aky, their blue, orange, white, and green thrusters like great lanterns.

TAG: Garou Shakti Garou Shakti
Ashka Tamas
Garou leaned back as he had finished his plate at this point. Pulling out a cigarette he wasted no time in smoking looking around and confirming that this place was indeed a smoking establishment. Lighting it with the barest amount of force lightning possible he took a deep inhalation as he thought it over.

It was indeed a suicide mission, and not the kind of suicide mission where if you die everyone would remember you name. No this was the type of suicide mission that if they failed they would be lying forgotten in a cave somewhere in a valley full of caves. That being said if they made it out then everyone would hear of the exploits of Clan Shakti.... Assuming they found anything.

But he was taking a liking to the man, the courage to do this was impressive to say the least. It also seemed like this was well thought out and Garou was sucker for someone capable of making a good plan. Combine that with their shared enjoyment in pissing off the scum that clung to Force cults and he was starting to see an opportunity of his own.

Taking a deep drag of his cigarette he exhaled a thick cloud of smoke as he said "I'll tell you what, I'll partner up with you and in exchange all I ask is that you consider joining Clan Shakti. We could use someone like you in our ranks and your particular skill sets would be very welcome in some of the things I have planned for the Clan moving forward."

Ashka Tamas

TAG: Garou Shakti Garou Shakti

The Dark Jedi listened to the proposal of Garou. Askha had always been a lone raider since he left the Jedi Cult. He did not trust structures and clans, but the prospect of napping Naga Sadow’s treasure was too hard to pass up.

“Deal. I will consider your Clan if we achieve the goal. We will need supplies, and probably some scavenger droids. They will come in use for both dighing and triggering traps. I’d say we’d need four.”

The Peddler was excited, he placed his silver imbuded mask on his face once more. Zip came and gathered empty bowls and trays. He could see Ashka was excited.

“Was the meal good?”

The Dark Jedi nodded.

“As aways you are a top chef Zip.”
Garou could feel the distrust leaking from the man, it was a distrust he was all to familiar with. It was in fact the same way he had felt when he had been offered a spot as a foundling in Clan Shakti. It was hard to trust power structures after the ones you had been raised in had been turned on you. He bore no ill will to the feeling and in fact was even more resolute that should the man decide he wanted to join he would make sure he felt at home, because everyone deserved a home.

"Excellent. Though I might offer some of my own construction droids instead. Assuming you have a ship of suitable size we could easily bring 10 of them that way we could keep some in reserve incase things turned sideways." He said as he nodded in appreciation to Zip and put his own helmet back on.

Ashka Tamas

Ashka Tamas

Askha nodded.

“We should gather all provisions and tools.”

After rising from the counter he bid Zip fair well.

“Welp Zip, the big score at last is happening.”

Zip frowned, “be careful Ash, your plan has always counted too much on luck.”

He gave the old friend a hug with his four arms. Stepping outside the diner Ashka looked at Garou Shakti Garou Shakti ,

“We need a ship, something small that we can both handle.”

The Dark Jedi pulled out seventy thousand credits.

“I hope this is enough.”

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