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Approved Armor Blight-Pattern Special Operations Armor

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy





  • Classification: Specialized Operations Combat Armor
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Elemental: High
    • Sonic: Average
    • Electromagnetic: High
    • Radiation: Low


  • Exceptional Energy and Kinetic Resistance.
  • High Lightsaber & Elemental Resistance.
  • Excellent Imperfect Cloaking System Allows User to Disappear Beneath a Shroud.
  • Neural Link Through Draelvasier Technology. Increased Awareness.

  • Imperfect Stealth. When cloaked the individual leaves behind a distortion and does not completely disappear. They can be seen by a careful eye.
  • Very Heavy.
  • Weak Against Radiation.


In many ways they were among the single greatest warriors produced by the Draelvasier. When the Bryn'adul Empire rose leaving broken worlds and shattered lives in its wake, the Zealots were one of the key elements to make it happen. They were fiercely loyal, elite troops who undertook highly dangerous missions, assassinations of high value targets considered great enemies of the Bryn'adul. It was from the deck of the Desolation-Class Battlecruiser "Scourge", Flagship of Warlord Rakvul the Darkener that they coordinated operations from across the galaxy.
Despite their efforts the Bryn'adul Empire came crashing down, crumbling underneath the combined pressure of galactic powers. It was feared that this order was lost in the fires of galactic retribution when communications broke down across the empire. Due to the efforts of the Darkener they managed to survive, their members rallying to the Scourge. Now more than ever he would need to rely on the skill of his Zealots to carry his growing fiefdom, the Bryn'adul Remnant through the incredible strife the empire faced.
In time Rakvul had developed an acute understanding of galactic technology, utilizing the tools of their enemy to carefully adapt them with Draelvasier technology in order to create something new, something greater. This produced several successful projects that supplied his forces with new, more effective technology in order to carry out his will. If they were to grow, he would need to ensure his Zealots received the best, and he began to design an entirely new suit of armor for them to wield. Rakvul carefully poured over the technology he'd acquired and stored during the war, stocks acquired through extensive raids and reverse engineered, analyzing it carefully as he began to adapt new elements for a new suit of armor.
But this time it would include something different.
Through the analysis of various commando units, as well as the success of the new technology the Scourge sported, he introduced a cloaking device to the suit. Each one was created through the use of malabast and was coated in a special stygian-triprismatic polymer, that turned it a deep black and enhanced the stealth capabilities of the cloaking device. Despite his best efforts however, the best that could be developed wasn't a perfect cloak. It would still leave behind a distortion visible to the naked eye. Each suit was equipped with various pieces of technology to enhance the combat ability of the Drael.
All of it was bound together through the advanced Draelvasier biotechnology woven through the entire suit. It would ensure the zealot wearing it was neurologically linked to the armor. It would operate like a second skin for them. Each suit was designed to inspire fear in those who saw it, its helmet casting a haunting visage with eye lenses of blazing crimson. When tested it was clear each suit far exceeded the durability of its predecessor. The zealots were hunters, trained killers and each suit was designed for its operator with options for each Drael to change it's loadout. A whole new body glove was designed specifically for the armor. When it was complete he named it the Blight-Pattern Special Operations Armor, after the ion storm that surrounds Draemidus Prime. It was immediately rolled out for use by the entire Zealot Order, and very well received.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new armor for the Zealot Order.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate | Zealot Order
Model: Blight-Pattern Special Operations Armor
Modular: Yes
Material: Stygian Triprismatic Polymer Coating-Malabast Armor Beskar Reinforcement Multi-Layer Body Glove Cortosis Weave-Integrum Composite Armorweave Self-Sealing Properties Reifflex Cellular Padding TYI Flex-Armor Biorestorative Underlay Solarium Glasteel Eye Lenses Draelvasier Technology Mind Stone/Hive Shard
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: High
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Low
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rakvul Rakvul

Very cool sub! But in this form this can be only Semi-Unique.
  • This armour is anti-stealth armour, if you want to keep the Minor production, I would like to ask you to replace the lifeform scanner to this one.
  • All cloaking devices are stealth and perfect, there is no imperfect. I think you wanted to use here some kind of Adaptive Camouflage System, because these have that weakness what you wrote in the Weaknesses. To this, I can suggest this and this. Or I can recommend my own similar sub.
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