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Approved Tech BLITZ - All your dreams, a pinch away.

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Manufacturer: Vergessen Contii
Type: Consumable
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Tiny
  • A chemical distortion of the male Yuk'Mar's venom provided in the form of an injection of black liquid. A description known as "fading"; the user of the drug begins to disassociate to the point of being physically numb to all sensations except pleasure. Endorphins pump through the user's brain, and a primitive failsafe within the cerebellum cracks, and forces the complete exertion of every muscle. As the user is incapable of feeling anything but pleasure, they will leisurely display incredible feats of strength which break and tear apart their body, unbeknownst to them.
  • Provides an incredible feeling of euphoria and a numbing effect on par with the strongest of anesthetic. The user releases full potential exertion of all their compound muscles, having overridden the natural safety limit.
  • While the drug provides incredible strength, the effects only last for a maximum of two minutes. The user of the drug will experience painful fragility of the musculature, and the body will injury easily. After the drug's muscle enhancing effects wear off, the user's body will have been completely exhausted, leaving them unable to move. However, the euphoria and numbing of pain will persist for another hour.
Vergessen Contii's intention for this drug was to capture "lightning in a bottle". The eye-rolling euphoria of spice and the thrill of the addiction, paired with the natural fantasy for power and imperviousness beyond human conception. BLITZ was intended to fulfill a broad demographic of users, from armies to common junkies.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: For the purpose of implementing its strange natural venom to Vergessen Contii's arsenal.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Vergessen Contii
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Synthesized and reproduced from the chemical make-up of the male Yuk'Mar's Venom.
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