Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Blood and Gold


The desert planet of Tatooine Is home to a vast number of species, and aliens. Many of which live in the city's where all the work and crime was. However around the planet was plenty of smaller towns, Mostly around the small amounts of underground water, or along the areas where other natural resources were.

This was the smaller town named "Water's Haven" by its native inhabits. Ironically it was barren of water, but did provide suitable rocks from a nearby quarry, in which most of the men worked at to provide. It did have a police force, but it was small consisting mostly of 3 maybe 4 men.. It did hold a garage for speeders sales, and repairs, as well as a small store it was attached to. Of course it did have a bar across from what most around would consider a "Hotel"

A small 3 ship hanger was nearby for visitors, One slot was already taken


Jessie walked into the sheriffs office. The sheriff and 2 other offices stared at the stranger. He wore his pistols on his belt. One of them was on his direct right, the other was at his front but skewed to his left. He did not seem to have any other weapons on him at the time

"I'm here for the bounties, heard the boys in blue needed a bit of help...for the reward money of course" Jessies voice was calm as he asked. His accent was further out into the desert of the planet. He sounded much like a cowboy.

"And you think you can take on a group of 15 people" said one of the deputies

"Blindfolded mister" He was confident, maybe overly so. He clearly thought he could take on an army

TAGS: Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt
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Tags: Jessie 'Kaiser' Corvus Jessie 'Kaiser' Corvus


"...and that's the entire reason why Tatooine is a desert in the first place, give or take a couple thousand years."

"My word could you just stop talking?" one of the officers groaned. "Are ya gonna chase out the varmints or not?"

Zel was on Tatooine, his home. At least what was his home long ago. His sect was now lost to the sands, buried by the calamity that had claimed them all those years now passed. Now he was back looking for artifacts, old remnants left behind from an ancient bombardment of the planet preformed by the Rakattan Infinite Empire, the very disaster that had reduced the planet to a wasteland. This artifact, what he believed to be a fossil, was of the highest value to his chronicling of the history of the galaxy, and it seemed to be in the possession of a band of criminals held out in the dune sea.

"Ah, apologies," Zel responded with a bow. "Seems I got carried away. I'll happily clean up your pest situation if it means I walk away with that artifact. I'm not one for drastic action, as I feel history should really be written by a neutral party to avoid infecting your data with personal biases, but-"

"Great," the officer cut off. "That's all I needed to hear. By god quit yer yappin."

"How rude," Zel muttered to himself as he stood, far too muffled by his bizarre helmet to be audible.

He had his job though, and a prize waiting at the end of the road. The Mandalorian felt no need to make a scene. As he stepped out into the lobby of the sheriff's office, however, he did come across a rather bizarre conversation.

"And you think you can take on a group of 15 people" said one of the deputies

"Blindfolded mister"

"I'd very much like to see that," Zel chimed in. "A masked vagabond with superhuman reflexes sounds like quite the spectacle, but you don't seem that supernatural of a fellow..."

The mandalorian gave a half wave to the officers before setting off towards the door.

"I'm headed out westward towards the camp of those ruffian types," he relayed. "If you intend to see some payout for yourself then I suggest you get to walking, stranger. It'll be sun down soon, an don't see a night vision apparatus on your person."

And with that he was off into the desert.


"Walking, Pff that's funny" Was all he was able to get out before his side of the bargain would be made with the sheriff
"That loose bolt is just walking, well I'll be damned," He spoke to himself in pure assument. While it was possible to walk the large desert, it would be one hell of a challenge.

"...And I would like your fastest speeder, to boot" With a few "Negotiations" he got what he needed. A Speeder, and the bounty pucks that were associated with the gang.

"Remember, we counted 15 there might as well be mo.."
"Yeah yeah, as I said, Blindfolded" He was impatient, seeing this mostly as a quick buck. If he was lucky, he might find a cool blaster to add to his collection.

It was not long before he raised his bandana over his lips, and would start up the speeder and glide across the desert

TAGS: Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt


Tags: Jessie 'Kaiser' Corvus Jessie 'Kaiser' Corvus


Zel wouldn't be walking. He had his Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike. The Mandalorian started slow, waiting for the cocky gunslinger to catch up. It didn't take long. Eventually they were racing along the desert side-by-side, the twin suns of the system beginning to set behind them.

"Found yourself a speeder I see," Zel noted, his dome helmet remaining fixed on the desert ahead. "Don't worry about your bounty. You'll have no need to split it. There's an item of higher value than credits to me in the possession of these ruffians. Leave that to me and I doubt we'll have any issues, stranger."

Not that Zel was worried about issues. It was just some old bones, and he was kitted out with a small arsenal. The historian had little concern that he wouldn't be walking away with the artifact he was searching for.

His external targeting rangefinder on the side of his helmet went down, and very quickly the bizarre man had a lay of the land.

"Structure in view," he relayed, "Twenty clicks out. I don't see a guard detail of any kind yet. We may be storming this place the hard way."

The hard way for the stranger, at least. Zel could work around being shot at.


"Don't worry about your bounty. You'll have no need to split it. There's an item of higher value than credits to me in the possession of these ruffians. Leave that to me and I doubt we'll have any issues, stranger."
"Sounds fine by me, dome head" This is not an insult, or at least no fully, it was just a name he gave him as a nickname, as Jessie did not know the name of the fellow stranger on the speeder that he seemed to be racing at the time.

Jessies speeder did not seem to be faster, although if he had one of his own, he for sure would not allow his to be slowly then any "Partner" that he would be working with. He always wanted a Wheel-bike, modified for speed and traversal, and maybe a bit of firepower. But for now this borrowed speeder would have to do.

"Structure in view," he relayed, "Twenty clicks out. I don't see a guard detail of any kind yet. We may be storming this place the hard way."
"Just try to keep up if we charge right in, I say we scope it out first, count the guards and stuff like that" He did learn that information about a target is always good. He did plan of walking in peacefully and simply asking for the proper bounty, which never ended well. He always found it fun to quick draw then men that woud surround him as he did this.

"How good can you shoot?" He asked his "partner"

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