The beskar mines and the spaceport of the Iron City were packed full of refugees, those that weren't busy reinforcing both and preparing for a war that would reach them soon enough cast dark glances in the Liberator's direction as she limped through the mines.
You did this to us.
Mia didn't look back at them, to do so would have only have only invited them to act upon their rage. Her time would come, whether at the hands of Ra or at their hands, Mia would pay for her crimes on way or the other. But Ra represented something they did not believe in, he threatened to take their freedom, to discriminate against those that were gifted with the force and assume complete control. Mia was the lesser of two evils for the future of the Mando'ade.
She ducked into one of the larger chambers of the mine, a table roughly constructed of crates and great slabs of beskar to serve as a command centre of sort. She'd called them all here to discuss their next move. They had to hit back and fast, the sooner the war was over, the sooner they could rebuild.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Alkesh"][member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Mira Rekali"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Vila Sayne"]
You did this to us.
Mia didn't look back at them, to do so would have only have only invited them to act upon their rage. Her time would come, whether at the hands of Ra or at their hands, Mia would pay for her crimes on way or the other. But Ra represented something they did not believe in, he threatened to take their freedom, to discriminate against those that were gifted with the force and assume complete control. Mia was the lesser of two evils for the future of the Mando'ade.
She ducked into one of the larger chambers of the mine, a table roughly constructed of crates and great slabs of beskar to serve as a command centre of sort. She'd called them all here to discuss their next move. They had to hit back and fast, the sooner the war was over, the sooner they could rebuild.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Alkesh"][member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Mira Rekali"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Vila Sayne"]