Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blood and Thunder

"Try to imagine something for me, picture a Jedi, a force warrior that conjures the force. Now if you are a normal person you would be thinking of an older man who beard strokes and spouts exposition whenever he speaks. But that's not always the case. Magic or the force as we like to call it is everything. It's what binds us and connects us in life. People have been able to do great things with the force wonderful things that has created life itself. But people have also done terrible things with this power, unspeakable acts of horror. Now I want you to picture one more thing, I want you to picture a person who has had no formal training in the force. They know not of the balance between the light and dark and use this power to get what they want rather than using it for good. These are the types of people that we stop."

Vaynai 24 hours after Blenjeel

The Silver Jedi tourist world of Vaynai was one of beauty, lush green jungles and sandy white beaches. A place where blue blooded nobles went during summer. It was a gem of a plenet in the outer part of the galaxy and was home to a small Jedi temple where Jedi either wanted to find a little solace to relax and clear their minds of the dark side. Or just as a place to destress after a long mission. For Jedi padawans Ricardt and Cable it was the latter of the two. A tropical get away after spending a good amount of time In a hot as hell desert. Though little did they know their journey together was only starting. A quick ring came from Cable's communicator, blasted thing. If there was anything he hated it was technology, it always seemed to foul up on him when he needed it the most. Picking up the comm unit he answered in a stern professional voice any Jedi would.

"Cable Smith" he said over the comm unit answering the call. However the voice that returned to him was that of a stern female police officer "Cable, it's Marie. Listen are there any Jedi that can get down here we need you now." Cable sighed silently, great just what he needed. Marie was a friend of cable she was a officer who had arrived at the scene with another Jedi when he washed up on shore. Thinking for a moment he had realized they Ricardt and he were the only Jedi here. The rest had gone off to some clan meeting or rally, whatever master's and knights did in their free time. "I'm afraid not, only ones here are Ricardt and myself." Cable could here a muttered swear under the breath of the police sergeant, that was not very good. "Listen cable I need you and your friend here now!" She said with a sharp tone into her communicator

"Marie I got a few projects I'm working on over here, alchemy and stuff." Yes cable was like the nerds of the Jedi, while others practiced their saber combat he made potions and gear. "And I got two dead bodies I need help on over here!" Cable gulped and coughed slightly. Normally the police didn't ask for Jedi help unless it was bad. "Did you eat lunch?" The police sergeant asked. "No." Cable muttered. "Good, don't. It's bad cable. Just get here now." With a more soft sick tone in her voice she coughed sending the transmission to the two men's communicators. Standing up cable looked to go find Ricardt and tell him they had a job to do. "Ricardt!" He shouted in the small Jedi safe house to see where his friend was

[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"]
The Umbaran sat in his temporary study, a spread of papers and reports sitting in front of him. He was on Vaynai, out of Republic space. A datapad was on the desk, his fingers tapping away as he filled out basic details. Location, his name and any updates. He was sending back information to the Galactic Republic of his mission to Blenjeel with Cable Smith, a Silver Jedi. A shout stunned him from his report, Ricardt shouted back, "Here!"

Ricardt Darkmourne stood from the table and chair, sliding into his cloak. He hadn't taken the time to repair it, but merely washed it, albeit poorly. There were stains all over his robes and cloak, with large tears and rip marks from previous missions. His boots were well used, and the soles still had clumps of dirt from his mission to Abeloth. He began to pull his boots onto his feet. His strong jawline was marked by red tattoos he failed to explain.

If anyone asked, Ricardt would tell them a relatively unbelievable story. Long story short; the Umbaran woke up with amnesia, tattoos adorning his body, a J-type Star Skiff under his name and fifty thousand credits in his account. Ricardt walked out into the corridor, looking up the length of the hallway he shouted again, "What's up?"

[member="Cable Smith"]
[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"]

Poking his own head out to the hallway Cable spotted the tall Umbaran and waved almost wearily. "Hey I got a job in the city, and I'm going to need your help." With a gulp Cable's mind raced as to what exactly was going on, he had known Marie for a while helping her solve various crimes over the course of their friendship, but not anything like this. "Get dressed, we're out the door in five." Walking back to his room Cable grabbed what he would need. All the equipment that a young Jedi padawan could afford. Which really wasn't a lot of stuff. It may be crappy gear, but it was his crappy gear.

Reaching to the back of his chair the young Jedi grabbed his duster and slung it over his arms, letting it's cool canvis fabric cover his body. He wore a pretty standard t shirt under that, black and dull nothing really stood out about it. Cable wasn't much for robes and hoods, he felt that the clothes did not define the Jedi but the actions one took to be that symbol of light in the dark. But opinions on fashion didn't matter right now, they had a job to do and it seemed like it was going to be messy.

Clipping his lightsaber to his belt, Cable left his revolver sitting inside his desk. Police didn't much like anyone else besides them carrying a gun, whatever helped the locals feel safe really. Grabbing his comm unit a pen and notepad along with a small knife he tucked away in his boot. It never hurt to be too cautious after all. And just like that he was done, suited up and ready to go cable moved to the door of the hut to wait on his friend Ricardt. "Come on fashion diva we haven't all day!" He shouted jokingly across the hall
"What job?" Ricardt asked, having been already dressed appropriately. He didn't have much in way of belongings, it helped when on expeditions to not have a bag of things to drag around in old derelict temples. Ricardt moved down the corridor and out the front doors to sit on the stairs outside. He could hear Cable rummaging around his room but his thoughts drifted elsewhere. He began to curiously wonder about the events of the invasion that had played out. It was there he met a Togruta named Parmi Miemant. He studied her file, and realised she was a key factor to an archaeological find.

She had been the apprentice of Silver Jedi Master, Hasjo Hallu. He had died during her training, assassinated by thirteen bounty hunters and Sith. He wasn't surprised it took that much to take down the Nautolan. An Exotic Weapons Master who sat on the High Council. He had survived the Sacking of Coruscant, where the mortality rate for Jedi and affiliates was above that of ninety percent. He had been shot by incendiary slugs, piercing his lungs and heart. He should have died, but he lived on through the quick presence of emergency medical personal of the Silver Jedi.

Ricardt couldn't help but believe that his death was the reason for Parmi's abandonment of the Silver Jedi. She, Jora Vao and Kuan Le had shared one thing; they each had a connection to Hasjo Hallu. Not long after his death, they both vanished, and during their disappearance, the holocron of Hasjo Hallu and his Lightsaber Pike with a cortosis weave had vanished too. They had stolen it. He had confirmed the deaths of Jora Vao and Kuan Le, killed by a Dark Jedi Cultist. He hoped Parmi wasn't going to walk into a trap that would spell her end. He began to wonder if he should help her. He reached into his robe and took out the holocron, an emerald cube. To give it back or not, that is the question. There was an innate feeling in his stomach that told him it was Parmi's to keep, but his loyalty to the Jedi Order told him it should be in the archives. "Out here," Ricardt said in response to Cable's shouting for his appearance. He smiled, placing the cube into his robes and standing to accompany Cable.

[member="Cable Smith"]
[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"]

Nodding at the presence of his friend, Cable stepped outside letting the tropical rays hit him in the face. Holding his hand up to block out the sun's bright rays he took that as a sign that he needed to get out more. Cable didn't even have a farmer's tan despite spending most of his time on a tropical paradise of a planet. "When did the sun become so damn bright?" He said with a bit of distaste to his words. After his eyes had adjusted he lowered his hand and looked over to Ricardt, he had shoved something into his pocket by the looks of it and seemed a bit off. Cable could feel that much through the force. Don't ask a Jedi why but they can just feel things, sometimes they are just little emotions that radiate off those they care for, other times they are bullets being shot at your back. Not that people were fast enough to dodge bullets anyway. But seeing that his teammate was feeling a bit off he looked over to him and simply nodded to confirm his presence. Now was not the time to smile

With the slight twitch of his hand, Cable stretched it out and looked over quickly to a beach from hotel on the other side of the beach less then a quarter mile away. They were close, and it would be a short walk to say the least. So cable would fill in the Umbaran with what he knew in the meantime. Stepping forward the pasty Jedi padawan took the first steps towards the hotel before speaking the needed exposition. "I got a call from a friend, there's a few bodies at a nearby hotel. It's bad." Cable said trying not to think about it. Whatever was waiting for them it did not bode well at all. What would they be needed for that the police needed the help of Jedi with? Normally it was with things like sensing and helping to track down a few people here or there but never to look at a crime scene with bodies.

"There was a murder I think and whether or not it was done with the force I'm not sure, but we have to take a look at it and acess the situation to see if it was." These were pressing times, a time where life was fragile and war seemed to be spouting off in every section of the galaxy. Jedi masters and knights were everywhere assisting who they could in the fight while the padawans were left to handle day to day operations and jobs often left to taken care of by higher ranking Jedi. Cable tried his best to feel like he was qualified for whatever it was that was about to happen. But deep down he thought to himself that this was all too much for him
Ricardt trudged through the sands, each stomp from his feet sunk his boot deep into the rock grains. He nodded, listening intently but for the life of him he couldn't image how he could help. He specialise din Archaeology, but on the other hand Jedi were given brief rundowns of many skills. A jack of all trades, per say. He motioned with his hand as he spoke, "It'd be real useful to have a Jedi Investigator on our side right about now. If they don't know what killed the victim, it's likely biological or to do with the force. Given the latter, I can help."

[member="Cable Smith"]

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