Arris Windrun
Bet on me
- Hutt Space -
It rains on Nar Kaaga. The destitute, wayward, and enduring left their impressions in the mud.
Arris Windrun left her own mark, too. The cybernetic misfit spit blood into a puddle. "Ready for round two?" A voice called out from the Rowdy crowd, answered only by Arris' shrug as she stumbles back into the pit. Spectators roared and credits exchanged hands between argumentative grunts and shoves.
Her shockmitts rose from her waist and presented a sloppy, undisciplined display of boxer's gruff. Across from her stood the typical obstacle at an event like this. A tall, buff, smug, and bloodthirsty humanoid with scars that outnumbered virgin flesh. "What's the matter, wirehead? You're barely standing," he gloated.
Indeed Arris looked as if a passing breeze might knock her over, her torso slouched despite her cybernetic legs firm in the mud. "Yeah, well... I guess I just don't respect you enough to try hard." She mustered an antagonizing grin as rain and blood drizzled down her chin. The huddled mass of meat remained ignorant to their exchanges, focused instead on their own banter and bets.
"Those are your final words, schutta." He retorted and then delivered a powerful swing which swallowed the light from her eyes.
23 minutes later... Arris spit blood into a bathroom sink and looked up at a dusty mirror. She grimaced and braced as she pushed a dislodged eye back into the socket. "Gahh!" She grunted in pain as the nerve reconnected to the rest of her body, bringing light back to the right half of her world--though visual artifacts remained. She looked down at the vanity where her stim kit rested. She looked at the near-empty vial, the last of her supply with a glint of anxiety before she slapped the injector into the flesh of her stomach and then lit a roll of marcan. A knock on the door pulled her out of the trance.
"Hey, there's a line out here you know!" A voice called. Arris gave herself one last look in the mirror then walked out through a dank, herbal haze. The small crowd gathered outside the bathroom recoiled in disgust from the smell. Arris made her way to a booth in the back and slouched, content to remain part of the furniture.
Valery Noble
- Hutt Space -
It rains on Nar Kaaga. The destitute, wayward, and enduring left their impressions in the mud.
Arris Windrun left her own mark, too. The cybernetic misfit spit blood into a puddle. "Ready for round two?" A voice called out from the Rowdy crowd, answered only by Arris' shrug as she stumbles back into the pit. Spectators roared and credits exchanged hands between argumentative grunts and shoves.
Her shockmitts rose from her waist and presented a sloppy, undisciplined display of boxer's gruff. Across from her stood the typical obstacle at an event like this. A tall, buff, smug, and bloodthirsty humanoid with scars that outnumbered virgin flesh. "What's the matter, wirehead? You're barely standing," he gloated.
Indeed Arris looked as if a passing breeze might knock her over, her torso slouched despite her cybernetic legs firm in the mud. "Yeah, well... I guess I just don't respect you enough to try hard." She mustered an antagonizing grin as rain and blood drizzled down her chin. The huddled mass of meat remained ignorant to their exchanges, focused instead on their own banter and bets.
"Those are your final words, schutta." He retorted and then delivered a powerful swing which swallowed the light from her eyes.
23 minutes later... Arris spit blood into a bathroom sink and looked up at a dusty mirror. She grimaced and braced as she pushed a dislodged eye back into the socket. "Gahh!" She grunted in pain as the nerve reconnected to the rest of her body, bringing light back to the right half of her world--though visual artifacts remained. She looked down at the vanity where her stim kit rested. She looked at the near-empty vial, the last of her supply with a glint of anxiety before she slapped the injector into the flesh of her stomach and then lit a roll of marcan. A knock on the door pulled her out of the trance.
"Hey, there's a line out here you know!" A voice called. Arris gave herself one last look in the mirror then walked out through a dank, herbal haze. The small crowd gathered outside the bathroom recoiled in disgust from the smell. Arris made her way to a booth in the back and slouched, content to remain part of the furniture.