Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blood is thicker than most... (Open to Sith)

Cypra Krum

"No Power without Pain"
Within a training area of the Sith academy, on the Capital planet of Courascant, Cypra had stood within the middle of a small arena. A number of training droids stood around her, not making any movements as of yet. They were waiting on her command and the Sith-in-training wanted to make sure she was at her best.

She prepared herself with stretches and squats. Cracking her knuckles and neck at least once before pulling out her training sabre, Cypra was obviously about preparation before action. She'd swung it around enough time, testing out her grip and flexibility in order to make sure she knew she knew what she was doing. In all her years of "experience" she knew that it payed off in the end. She had plenty of scars to prove it....

Finally ready she held her sabre at the side and nodded to one of the droids. It, along with it's mechanical partners, took this sign and prepared themselves. Taking stances all of them readied their laser-staffs and spun them around as they began to circle Cypra. In her mind she counted them, five altogether. She kept her eyes on them as they circled, even turning around herself as they moved to create a circle within a circle to keep track of every one of them. Cypra kept telling herself to stay focused.

Finally one to her right made the first strike, she blocking it time before another one swung at her from behind. Quickly she moved away while managing to get behind the first droid and kicking it into the other. Two more droids attack, spinning their staffs at her as they approached, only for her to jump over them before being met by one waiting for her. She ducked under it's legs before kicking them out from under the droid. With it on the ground Cypra took the opportunity and used it as a jumping point before landing in front of another. It raised it's staff yet was hit in the shoulder by her training-sabre before it could make a move. It was stunned for the moment but Cypra didn't have time before two tried to move in from behind. She acted as though she didn't notice before giving a turning swing, taking one droids head while the other blocked in time.

The whole time Cypra had fought with these droids she didn't see them as that. What she was was her enemy. Jedi! Even while trying to keep her mind clear she kept thinking back to the Jedi that she believed abandoned her mother to die. How her mother had told her the force abilities she gained may have been from her unknown father, who she believed to be a Jedi in secret. Every strike, be it blocked or making a hit, had satisfied her enough. Another droid slain and she wished it was a Jedi she'd meet in combat. All of these skills she had, all the scars she carried, they were a reminder of what she wanted most. Revenge!

The fight continued until, finally, the last droid fell as she drove her training blade into it's chest. It fell to it's knees while Cypra watched the metal covering burn. After waiting a moment, watching the artificial life leave it's eyes, she pulled the sabre from the droid and allowed it to fall over. With that she moved over to a nearby bench and sipped the waiting water for her.

(My first attempt at an open rp so I wanted to keep it among Sith for now.)
How many months had passed since Coruscant burned? How long had I been here, training among some of the darkest creatures in the known universe? Somehow I doubt even my teachers could tell me that.When the dust of this world had settled I had been one of many to emerge. Once the Academy was up and running... well, a large influx of students came. Many had previously been part of the Jedi Order. I was one of those. When the Temple fell, I had been inside, and it fell around me. The force kept me alive... but the two younglings I had been protecting were crushed instantly. Despite all my efforts I couldn't save them. Who knows how many of the others made it out? Those that did had no help from me. Back then I hadn't been anywhere near strong enough to do what was necessary. And just like the planet, I burned. As if a fire had been lit right in the center of my soul. There had to be some way to get stronger. Stronger than the Jedi, who weren't capable of defending their own. Darth Isolda showed me the way. Her gift allowed me to see what could be. What lay in the future for myself, for Coruscant, for the galaxy. It had been enough for me. With her assistance I was able to learn what needed to be done.

I believe I am 18 now. Honestly if someone asked me what year it is, I wouldn't know how to answer. For all this time I've been hacking at droids with a training saber (my old lightsaber still hangs from my belt), crushing empty cans with the force, and reading up on old Sith lore. Not once did the need to check up on modern events occur to me. It probably tried, but found my skull to be a 'tad' bit to thick for that. At least I had learned more about my own 'gift'. The art of Force Empathy. Other people's emotional states had always been clear to me. Turns out that it was boosted by the force. Pretty cool I guess. Can't really turn it off though. And Sith tend to get very, very emotional. Which means I tend to spend most of myself training. Alone. Some of the Masters tell me that I should take advantage of what others feel. But something about fueling my feelings with that of people who I don't know just feels... odd. More importantly it feels dangerous. Even Sith need some amount of control. Though I'm an adult now, technically, I still don't have that much control. Guess that's the thing to work on next.

After a round or two of beating up practice droids. Maybe three. Learning to use people can wait, right?... Maybe becoming a Sith wasn't the greatest idea. Or maybe I'm still adjusting. Months later. Still adjusting, totally normal... Insert a mental sigh here. If there's one good thing I've experienced about changing sides, it's the training facilities. Plenty of things to destroy. There weren't even that many people here most of the time. Mostly just the ones that hadn't yet found Masters to guide their descent into darkness. It's how I like it. Means that I won't get overwhelmed by an obnoxious amount of emotions. In fact, it's one of the most-... Someone shoot me. In the leg, preferably. I'd like to keep the rest of me working well. "So, Varge, why are you suddenly upset?" Well, that's simple. Currently someone is pummeling a few droids. And boy, let me tell you, they are really going at it. With my 'fancy-dancy' Force Sight (something my species relies upon), they appear to be a (irritatingly) tall girl, with quite the swirl of force going around inside them. Even without my sight her presence screams out to me. Why? Because her emotions seem endless to me. No matter how far I could push, I doubt I'd ever experience all of what her heart had to show.

But maybe I'd understand her after watching all these techies get bashed.

"Nice form. Though you do seem a little... how to put it?... A little stressed. Moreso than even some of the uptight guys and gals I've seen around here. Something tells me at least a few more bots are gonna get crushed today. Would I be correct in assuming that?" I asked once she was done. She probably wouldn't have noticed me until I spoke. I tend to fade into the background. Especially with my dark clothing choices, which don't help me stand out in a school for Sith (who are practically the definition of dark). Right now I wore a (supposedly) dark blue tank top and a pair of (apparently) black shorts. I wonder what color I'd call them if I could see more than transparent outlines of them. Oh, and I was also wearing bright yellow 'flip flops'. Once again, I've only been told they're yellow, and must assume I have not been lied to. Usually I'd go for darker footwear... but my last pair of boots are currently being washed. Because someone (this is where I yell at my roommate) decided that blood is an appropriate accessory to all outfits. Don't ask what she killed. Because frankly, I don't know, nor do I want to know. At least she doesn't snore like the last kid I roomed with...
[member="Cypra Krum"]

{Out Of Character: Vargent's tags have yet to be updated. She is indeed a Sith apprentice, turned to the Dark Side during the Battle of Coruscant.}

Cypra Krum

"No Power without Pain"
Having heard someone speak Cypra looked over to see the blind girl who'd appeared. In her mind Cypra commented to herself how she thought she'd sensed another force user during all of her fighting. But she was too focused on kicking the metal pants off the droids to have fully paid attention. Not that it much mattered through after she made the comment about her form before mentioning how she was stressed. Like it was any of her business.

After she'd asked about more droids being destroyed Cypra huffed and sarcastically asked "What? You feeling sorry for them and want to stand-in instead?"

Despite the girl's answer Cypra sipped more water before picking up her training-sabre again and making for the center of the arena. Instead of calling for droids or the like she instead worked on swinging it around as she did before while prepping earlier. At one point she'd managed to kick-up one of the droids staffs and switch them so she could practice with it as well. She never knew if she'd be granted a double-sided one in the future.
A single finger came up and touched the end of a Kolto Cigarette. The puff sounds from an intake of breath brought life to the heat administered to the stick of chemicals. Burning them to a degree and allowing the smoke to drift off into the air. Only to dissipate amongst the clouds, and leaving only the trace of ash and the scent of burning Kolto. The warm cigarette felt good in between my fingers as I took a draft. The heat sliding down my throat and down into my lungs. Filling it with heat and the healing remedies of Kolto. Unlike most cigarettes, they had healing properties instead of tar that would fill your lungs. I had taken them back from a Sith apprentice that had thought about stealing them. Only, now he was strung up by his feet in his room. Waiting for one of his roommates to find him.

I smiled at that thought.

I looked around the training field. Seeing apprentice after apprentice fighting dummies, droids, or themselves for practice, or because they wanted to prove that they were the best thing since sliced bread. I shook my head. Have they ever heard of the term, about how show-offs don't really have any power? I stood there, smoking my cigarette as I watched over the heads of others. Letting the stick in my fingers burn down to where I had to throw it. A simple release of the fingers allowed it to tumble to the ground. A black boot moved over the burnt stick and crushed down. Snuffing out the heat that was once there. The scrapes of my boots attracted some attention from those around me, but a simple stare towards them challenged all they believed in to try and say anything to me.

No one did anything. Mostly because they could see the two lighsabers on my belt, as well as a rather large tri-barreled pistol. The lightsabers, one a simple double bladed saber, and the other a Sithsaber, made from a corrupted Ilum Crystal, it was visible that the Sithsaber was finely made. A sign of my Knightship. If you could call it that. But simply looking at the clothes that I wore and my left arm was daunting enough. My left arm was created out of the use of Sith Alchemy, and Sith Magic that was manipulated by a Sith Lord when I was just a child. I had lived with this arm my entire life. The almost Magma look to the arm glowed with the force often. Radiating power that I held. Not to mention the almost blade like bone on my elbow, and the crest on my shoulder. Let alone the claws and the bones jutting out from my knuckles. It was not a pretty sight.

Each day the bones would become darker. Almost as though they were being burned slowly into a soot black color. As well, every day the pain in my arm grew. The poisons in my bloodstream burning me from the inside out. An acid that would take years off my life. Despite this, I could not reverse it. There was no way for me to. I was stuck with the Dark Side in the veins and in my heart. I smiled as people gave me a wide berth when walking around me. Sometimes it was good to be alone. Even more so that I was not in the mood.

My attention turned to a particular student. Black tights, and the knack for saber use. She was good. Had a good form, but I kept my distance as others began to convene to her and talk to her. Oh what the hell. I grabbed another cigarette from my inside pocket of my vets, and began to smoke another one. Damn did I have a bad habit.

[member="Vargent Nordii"], [member="Cypra Krum"],
"I feel no pity for non-sentient beings. But I wouldn't mind a sparring match. It's been awhile since I fought another student. Such a shame that I wouldn't be able to use my lightsaber... Heh." The thought of the two of us fighting amused me for some reason. Perhaps because I usually avoided those with powerful emotions. I guess that I was interested in the opportunity to use her anger to my advantage, for once. My masters would be proud. Finally I'm acting at least a little like a Sith. Let's see how long that would last. Quietly I activated a combat droid and took out my training saber. Yes, I had a lightsaber, no, I don't usually use it. A blue blade popped out of it any time I used it. That didn't feel right anymore. So I had adopted the weapon of... lesser beings. Hm, yes, that sounds rather... Sithy. Before I started my combat regiment I decided to introduce myself. I'm an ex-Jedi, being polite is still a habit. Most of the time. Someone else, who appeared to be watching the first lass, caught my eye before I could say anything else. He pulled out some sort of cigarette shortly after I spotted him. Interesting, considering there appeared to be another by his feet, still exhaling small bits of smoke. Something told me I'd be better off ignoring him for now. But that wouldn't be fun, now would it? "Forgive me, but old habits die hard. My name is Vargent Nordii." While it was all directed at her, the first part was stated while glancing at the tall, older man near us.

Deciding to have some more fun I motioned for the droid to attack. It moved into a typical offensive stance. Understandably I moved into a defensive one. My feet stood about shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, with my right foot put back slightly. I kept most of my weight on my toes. While taking impacts would be harder, it would be easier for me to dodge. My blade was held at a neutral angle. Without warning the droid practically leaped forward. It's own blade feigned to the right before sweeping to the left towards my ribs. This left it at an odd angle, leaving it's own side open. So I slid to my left, struck out with the middle of my blade, and kept going, turning all the while. Before the robot could even react I had skidded behind it and delivered a second blow to it's back. It turned and this time I didn't move away. I let it's blade fly outwards, blocked it with mine, and pushed. The impact sent us both back several feet. Good. The droid started to quickly advance again. Sliding to my right I entered a spin. With the gentle guide of the force I was able to dodge it's next blow, end up to it's left, and place my weapon between it's shoulder and neck. A thud signaled the end of the fight.

It had been nowhere near as exciting as I had hoped.
Oh well.
[member="Cypra Krum"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]​

Cypra Krum

"No Power without Pain"
During her exercising Cypra had stopped at one swing, which had just reached in front of the blind girl before it could actually hit. This was right after she'd offered a sparing match with her, to which Cypra huffed a little. She went silent as she walked back to the bench only to see the girl motion for a droid to come over and fight with her. Cypra thought it would make for a decent way of seeing what this girl could do. However she did take note of her lightsaber color when she used it. She thought it odd since Sith usually had red ones, but who knew with this blind girl.

After Nordii had introduced herself Cypra only responded with "Krum."

From there she sat back and watched the fighting between Nordii and the droid. She obviously had more skill than most apprentices, something that Cypra took into account. She figured from that she was already previously trained, unlike herself who was still waiting for a master. She took note of her foot work and handling as she fought, keeping it in mind for when they would spar.

During this time Cypra had glanced over and noticed the man watching both her and Nordii. If he was watching for the sake of evaluating or just "enjoying the show" Cypra didn't really care. What she did realize was, by the sense of the dark side resonating from him, that this man was obviously stronger than her. Possibly a knight. Perhaps if she proved herself in combat he would take it into consideration for teaching her; or at least note it to other Sith masters. Cypra wanted to prove herself to the lords of the Sith after all.

Once Nordii had finished with her droid Cypra stood and said "Okay. Not bad." before walking across her and taking stance. "But I'm a lot worse than a droid."

[member="Vargent Nordii"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Now this was interesting. After the little talk the two women had, the blind one had moved to call a droid to her. Ah she was a Miraluka. A naturally born blind species of Near-Humans that had a natural affinity for the force. While she may have not actually be able to see, She could see through the force. It would aid her in battle, as well as simple sightings. I watched as the woman took care of the battle droid fairly well. She must still have been new to the force with the coloration of her blade, As well she did not think to simply use her saber as her own arm.

When you fight, You need to fight with conviction. Or you are dead. She stabbed at the droid with her saber, but did not actually defeat it in the first blow. It would have been smarter to instead of stabbing at it like a large pin cushion. To cut at it's legs and render it useless. Still standing there, I breathed in the cigarette as the woman clad in black stood up. Speaking once more to the Miraluka. This would be interesting to see the two spar. Both of them looked battle ready saber wise, but through the force? They may have to work on that one a little more.

I took another puff of my cigarette as my left hand drew my lightsaber. Simply flipping it up into the air, the double bladed lightsaber would turn end over end before smacking down into my hand. Messing around with the hilt to keep my body active. if not, then my arm would hurt even more so. And I didn't feel like getting angry right now.

[member="Cypra Krum"], [member="Vargent Nordii"],
So this Krum was interested in sparring. There was no doubt in my mind that fighting another sentient being would be more fun than fighting a droid. After all, we have the ability to reason, we can use the force, and we have our emotions. Feelings we can feed off of. Plenty of anger to fuel us. Mechanical beings only had programming. That was all. Even the best-built droids couldn't feel. I'd never met an AI capable of emotion. If I wanted to practice my gift (as my Masters had put it) I needed to fight living targets. Krum would do. Perhaps I could even reach out to the other students around me. Maybe even the powerful man watching us. Yes, that would work. I'd have many people to leech off of. This would be good. "I'll go easy on you." That was a lie. Pausing for a moment I put my lightsaber away, clipping it to my belt, then took my training saber back out. Just to... make things fair. Next I went back into my mixed stance. Just a little different. Now my heels were off the ground, placing me in a springy position. Sliding would be harder but jumping would be easier. Pretending to wait for Krum to make the first move I gently tugged on a small piece of durasteel (the remains of the droid I had decapitated) with the force. It was currently behind me, likely out of the girl's range of vision. Once it was loose I sent it flying, arching one hand out to guide it towards her chest. Should it hit, it wouldn't hurt much. Only (hopefully) surprise her, and initiate the combat for real.

"Or maybe not."
[member="Cypra Krum"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]

Cypra Krum

"No Power without Pain"
Cypra had only taken a few steps to the side before reaching Nordii. Before she could make any move she'd seen the piece of metal coming and reacted. She sis her best to avoid it before it would it her straight in the chest. A tight twist to the right and the metal had only cut her side before passing. Cypra had rolled when she landed away from it, looking down at the wound. Only a flesh scar, nothing serious. Though she realized that Nordii liked to play it dirty.

Standing she commented "Sneaky. How....childish."

With that he advanced forward and started with an overhead swing. Provided Nordii either blocked or ducked from it Cypra returned with a full swing of her body around to try and bring the blade to it from the opposite side. After that she would try to take the advantage and elbow her while her hands were full. This was part of her tactic, trying to keep Nordii busy with her sabre and not realizing what she did with the rest of her body.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Nordii- 1, Krum- 0. I was doing pretty good so far. Of course the injury was minor, nothing a bit of Kolto or Bacta couldn't heal. She'd be back to good in no time. After all, 'tis only a flesh wound. Enough to sting, maybe leave a scar, but only maybe. "We're Sith, darling. Sneaky is how we play. But if you insist, I won't throw anymore rocks." Maybe if I irritated her further she'd lose focus. Even if she didn't, it would make it easier to 'draw' from her. However that was done. For now I'd just taunt her a little. Throw out a few 'flirtatious' comments in an attempt to annoy her. While that could make her my enemy, it could also help me win the sparring match... Hm. There wasn't much time to consider my options, as she quickly recovered from her wound and attacked again. I lifted my left foot before pivoting on my right. Her first strike hit my blade (which was positioned in front of me). Then came the second. This was narrowly blocked. But before I could retaliate I felt the need to duck. That only succeeded in getting my head smacked by an elbow. Being a shortie was not very fun. Blood spurted from my nose, causing me to groan. It hurt. I'd had worse (like, you know, that time where the lower half of my leg had been crushed underneath a slab of stone). But it still stunned me.

"Woo nuw whut, Ib gonna take tat back. Pwenty of woks for woo.*" My voice wasn't that bad. I'm just generally a humorous person... Definitely that. That's why I was speaking like that. But the lady had probably broken my nose, and it was payback time. I quickly swept a leg out, trying to knock her down, before giving her blade a push with mine. Once that movement was complete I pushed again, this time aiming to propel myself out of her reach. Moving the muscles of my face around I felt my jaw crack back into place. "You hit like a queen. A strong one, but a queen nonetheless. Show me that again. Get really angry this time. Hit me like your daddy hit your mommy." Okay, that was going a little far. But my anger wasn't enough. I needed more. I needed her anger. So with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk I motioned for her to attack again.
[member="Cypra Krum"]
*You know what, I'm gonna take that back. Plenty of rocks for you.

Cypra Krum

"No Power without Pain"
Cypra felt her legs kicked out from under her but rolled back, in order to at least land on her feet. She smirked when she saw how she'd broken the girls nose. Even for a blind girl who seemed to have skill she didn't "see" everything coming at her. She did have to commemorate her though for managing to snap everything back into place so easily. Most would be squeamish yet she fared well enough.

At the crack about "hitting like a queen" Cypra only huffed. However when she'd made the comment about her father and mother, and is such a negative way, Cypra moods when from annoyed to just plan pissed. She stood and focused her raw force power before roaring as she unleashed a small wave at Nordii. She waited until it hit before running up and slashing her blade wildly at her, strike after strike against the sabre. She wanted her angry and she'd just the right button.

Cypra was waiting until their blade would be forced out of their hands so she could used her own to squeeze Nordii's throat while saying "Never mention my mother. Ever!"

[member="Vargent Nordii"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Yeah, my nose still hurt. It was still bleeding to. Definitely broken. At least my jaw was back in place. Though something told me that my face was gonna get hit. Again. Though probably in the form of a rough slap after this was all over. Maybe 'rough' isn't strong enough of a word to describe what was likely coming. Because oh, how she become a firestorm of emotion. It was oddly beautiful. The way her face contorted into rage as I spoke ill of her folks. How she became a whirlwind of fury. Of raw power. I was rather pleased to know that I had caused such a thing. Me. A former Jedi. But I didn't have much time to admire my handiwork. Krum unleashed a might roar (likely some version of a Force Scream, much like the one I had inadvertently released during the temple's destruction). Instantly I was pushed back, slamming into one of the pillars nearby. That was going to hurt in the morning. Or within the hour, if my roommate kept up her habit of patting people on the back as a greeting. Boy was I looking fun to that. "Kitty's got claws! Maybe that's why-" I couldn't finish my statement about how she 'caused her parents' divorce'. Probably a good thing. If she got any angrier... Let's just say I don't think this would be just a sparring match anymore.

More like attempted murder.

Krum was striking at me from every angle she could manage. At this point I was pinned between a rock and a hot hard place. AKA an angry Sith and a wall. But there were things I could do. Her rage made her actions appear random... but surely there was some sort of pattern to it all. Focusing as hard as I possibly could at the moment, I attempted to understand what she would do before she did it. And for a split second I swear I understood her. All of that anger was now mine. Time to direct it at her. To what would likely be her surprise I let her blade hit my shoulder (stinging and numbing the area, thanks to training saber's designs) before bringing my own weapon up at a horizontal angle. I pushed up on her blade, trying to lift and hold it up just long enough to find and opening. My right foot shot out, forcing me to lean to the left to counterbalance, and tried to catch her in the stomach. Once that action was complete (successful or not) I'd slide back to the right. Finally I'd be away from this blasted pole. Next I'd channel more of that wondrous anger into a telekinetic throwing of a broken droid. To top it off I'd let out one more remark (something I was getting increasingly good at doing).

"You know, most Sith had either Daddy or Mommy issues. It's not that big of a deal. So what if Mommy didn't love you and Daddy didn't stay?" Insert a stupid smirk. Now time for the killer: The part that would turn the whole thing around, hopefully causing enough of a distraction to get another hit in. By now several other trainees were watching us. I had to deliver the line in just the right way. Here goes nothing... "You were beautiful before they told you so."
[member="Cypra Krum"]​

Cypra Krum

"No Power without Pain"
As much as Cypra knew letting anger getting the better of your actions wasn't the best thing to do, she was barley paying attention. All she wanted to do was beat this girl senseless until she got the message never to speak of her family again. Not only did she have no right but she had no idea what her life was like after her mother was gone. Either way she wanted a point to become clear.

When they'd locked blades and Nordii sent her up Cypra knew what she was about to do. Quickly she reacted and pushed away before Nordii's foot could make contact with her stomach. Not that it mattered since she slid away in the end. Cypra tried to move before seeing another piece of broken droid come at her. Using her force instead she caught it mid-air before flinging it away.

Another smart comment made about her parents and Krum had responded "I'm going to shove toughs words down your throat and right out your...." She stopped however when she suddenly made the comment about her beauty, making Cypra give her a very annoyed awkward look. "Think flattery is going to help or did I jumble something in your head after that last knock you took?"

[member="Vargent Nordii"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]
I watched with almost fascination as the two women fought one another. Being almost friends, to complete foes because of one sentence about the human's mother. I smiled. Only watching to see more on what was happening. Clearly others were catching onto the idea of seeing these two. I frowned. Waving my hand, All of them began to fear the two women. Seeingmly they would become to look like the other's greatest fears for now. Wresting one another, they feared that these creatures would begin to turn on them.

I wanted these two women to have their privacy. as well as to not allow anybody to interfere.
"I never knew my parents. They sent me to the Jedi order when I was young. As an attempt to keep the affections they though I had for them, they kept sending me gifts. Of course they rarely actually got to me, seeing as the Masters didn't approve. Most Sith have some sort of issue with their family. Some never had one, others lost them, usually because of accidents involving Jedi, and others were just black sheep. Rather usual, really." Boy had things taken a turn. It was amusing, to say the least. Our actions had suddenly shifted to a rough halt. "If your case was the third, you should put it out of your mind. You've found your place here. Among the strong, the angry, the Sith. Now let us resume!" In a flash I was dashing forward, feigning left before spinning to the right. I hoped to move around her and send my blade slamming into her back with a rough slash. As much as I was enjoying our little 'conversation' I wanted to continue this match.

[member="Cypra Krum"]

Cypra Krum

"No Power without Pain"
Now Cypra felt so many emotions hit her at once. Nordii was a Jedi which had made Krum hate her even more, given her issues with them. Yet she was a Sith now, making her confused about that fact. And then she'd told how every Sith had an issue with the Jedi tied back with their families, something she sympathized with greatly. She truly didn't know what to feel at this point. But she didn't have time to dwell either as Nordii suddenly brought everything back to the fight itself.

She took a defensive stance before seeing as she feinted and turned. She knew this move and quickly turned in time to block her attack. Trying to bring her mind back into the game Cypra retaliated with an underarm sweep before spinning around and trying to kick Nordii in the chest. Failing that she took a few steps back before rushing like she'd done to her. If for nothing else Cypra was trying to use her techniques against her until she could fully focus again.

[member="Vargent Nordii"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Were we friends? Rivals? Plain old enemies? That was the question of the hour. Even I, a natural Force Empath, could not tell were her feelings lie. Krum felt like a melting pot of emotions. That made it harder to 'feed' off of her, as there wasn't any single, strong sentiment. I guess I'd have to rely on my own again. At least I had managed to throw her off her game. Now was not the time to think though, of course. Already the lass was counteracting my moves... huh. It appeared she was copying some of my moves. Amusing. At least I knew she was paying attention to me. Oh boy, Vargent, you are hilarious. Either that or a complete nerf herder... Hm. I'm gonna go with hilarious. Though 'Pompous Prick' is a pretty Sithy Title. Even if the initials could cause immature individuals to laugh a little to much.
Back to the fight.

The underarm sweep was barely caught by my blade. Afterwards her kick was spun away from, leading us into the second act: Her charge. Keep as still as a statue. That was the plan. It only lasted a few seconds before her weapon was hurtling towards my body. Wait for it, wait for it, and... now! Jumping like a madman (one gifted with the force) to the right, I swirled around mid-air, letting my blade slam hard into the pillar that had been semi-close behind me. For once in this entire fight the damn things helped me out. While I obviously didn't knock the thing over... I did crack it. If the universe (and luck) favored me a few shards would fall on Krum. If not, she could at least do me a favor and ram into the pole herself...

I had prepared another quip... but I had misjudged my angle. Before I hit the ground, a piece of pillar fell down, down, down... zipping past my arm as it did. First it cut into my already slightly-numbed arm. Then it tripped up my otherwise spectacular landing. Great. Now I had to take a second to try and pop my ankle back into place. That meant standing relatively still for several seconds. Guess another droid carcass was gonna end up propped up in front of me.

Somehow I doubted it would actually slow Krum down.
[member="Cypra Krum"]

Cypra Krum

"No Power without Pain"
Cypra stopped at the shards came at her, forcing her to stop and block a few that came close to hitting her while others flew by. The dust that built up from them did blind her for a moment but she was able to rub her eyes in time to realize that Nordii had moved out of the way. She jumped to position to where she was seeing Nordii with nothing but a droid body for protection.

She zipped again, only now she kicked the body towards Nordii to pushed her onto her back. If it had worked then Cypra would've put her body weight onto it and her in the process to pin her down and force the training blade to her throat and keeping it there. Failing that she could at least use it as a distraction before sliding on the ground and reaching her legs to catch them in a lock between hers before forcing her to the ground.

Even with this Cypra was still mixed feeling about it all. She felt it didn't affect her swordsmanship so much as her force skills. She knew there were chances where they would be more helpful yet she couldn't exactly build enough energy to bring it to light. She still had trouble comprehending it all to begin with.

[member="Vargent Nordii"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Click! Yes, I could- oh shab. Before I could react I was pinned to the ground, a blade so dangerously close to my neck, sword arm pinned down. Damn it. There had to be a way out of this. "So the Kitty does indeed have claws. Nice ones to. I underestimated you. T'was my mistake. Congrats on the win. Your anger will make you a fine Sith. More importantly, we seem to have gotten the attention of a higher-up. We'll be out of her soon enough, and off to start our real training." That would entice her, right? Get her a little excited? I was announcing my defeat. Giving her the win and the praise. A little bit of complimenting never hurt anyone. Okay, that's a lie. But when done properly, the ability to stroke an ego can be quite the deadly weapon. Enough to warrant the use of the word 'quite'. Now that she was (hopefully) relaxed, it was time to put act 2 into action. I reached with my free hand, gently pushing on her arm, signaling the fact that she could remove the blade. Then I moved just a little... placing my lips on her forehead.

Before she could react I kicked out with my legs, attempting to undo the hold she had on me. Should that succeed I'd follow with an added force push. Finally I'd gather bits of pillar rubble, sending them flying towards her back, spread out as to make it harder to dodge them all. Either that or I'd blush, say 'Just kidding', and pretend I hadn't just tried to secure a win.
[member="Cypra Krum"]

Cypra Krum

"No Power without Pain"
Even pinned Nordii had continued to spout and gabble. It was becoming annoying to Cypra to where she brought the blade closer to her neck while using her other hand to pull her hair as a single to stay quiet. Feeling that wasn't enough she resorted to verbal threats now.

"Keep talking like that and I'll make your mouth as useless as your eyes. Got it?" she threatened.

Suddenly she felt as Nordii kissed her forehead, making her question if her "distractions" were just that or if she was just taunting her for the fun of it. Either way it was as annoying as the talking. But she realized too little too late that it was part of another plan of hers. Apparently she couldn't accept defeat even when Cypra had felt the victory after pinning her. At least she wasn't the type to go down begging or the like.

Cypra realized another thing she was annoyed by, the rocks and the force throws. She was half a hair away from using her bare fists if it meant getting her to stop all of this. No time to ponder that as she had to avoid them as best she could, two already hitting her back and forcing her to roll forward on the ground before finding cover behind another pillar.

Once she was Cypra reached back and felt the damage to her clothing, aside from her back. She knew that it was pointless to keep the full remnant on her and quickly ripped off the top portion to reveal her tank top underneath. She stepped out again in view of Nordii, revealing the scars all along her arms and torso. And while she couldn't see it there were more going down her back as well. Only her face seemed untouched.

Instead of making the first move Cypra stood where she was and pointed her sabre forward towards her opponent.

[member="Vargent Nordii"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]

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