Keepin Corellia Weird
It hadn't been a particularly glorious beginning to their relationship. Keira had been away for a good part of it. And he had been busy. Helping fledgling Corellia stand again, though as always from behind the scenes. Introducing this person or that person to another. Connecting networks and strengthening bonds. Ever present with that trademark smile and a dash of charm to help the ideas come across right. But they found ways to express their growing affections. He would leave notes about the house. Send trinkets from some silly backwater shop. Ways to be his goofy, if slightly annoying, self without always being around.
Today though, he was home, and she should be too shortly. Though she didn't know that, as he had left his return vague. He had intended to surprise her, though not in a literal sense. He had tried the whole surprise hug from behind bit once. His beloved had nearly put a knife through the bottom of his jaw, and had bruised his larynx from an armored elbow to it. Corellian and Mandalorian did certainly make for a fiery mix. Regardless, he would have her no other way.
The table was crowned with a singular bottle of a very hard-hitting tihaar from Concord Dawn he had bought from one of the training officers the Mando'ade had provided to CorSec. Keira just wasn't a moscato kind of girl.A single sabacc card sat just under the bottle, The Queen. He had taken to commissioning a local artist to handmaking the deck. Maybe he'd try her on Corellian Spike, since he was convinced she rigged the other versions.
Stepping back, he dropped his heavy brown coat over a chair at the dining table and dropped his holster over the left part of the top, and turned to head for the shower. Though he was never one to perhaps primp, he still had a Judge's shield, and he was positively battered looking from chasing a fugitive across a desert world just slightly out of the Core. He had focused more on making Corellia a safe haven for those like [member="Jorus Merrill"] and others from the Outback when it came to being a lawman still. He'd prefer to have the dust of the trail off him for this encounter. It was an important day.
[member="Keira Ticon"]